Main > Food stuffs> Catfish


The catfish or the old salt – fish from group okuneobrazny, lives in the Barents, Northern, Baltic, Norwegian seas, the Pacific Ocean.

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Distinguish a striped catfish, spotty, Far East, blue, acneform.

There is practically no fillet of a catfish of white color, juicy, fat and soft with sweetish taste, bones in it.

Caloric content of fish – 126 calories in 100 g, proteins to it contain 17,5g, fats – 5,3g, there are no carbohydrates.

Advantage of a catfish, as well as any other sea fish – in its structure. Fillet of a catfish is vitamin-rich A, D, B1, B6, B12, E, PP, the omega-3, sodium, potassium, iodine, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, chrome, cobalt, magnesium, a complex of amino acids contains nicotinic and pantothenic acids, fatty acids: lysine, asparaginic and glyutaminovy acids.

Use of fillet of a catfish

In view of the fact that a catfish – fish rather fat, for weight loss it is undesirable to include it in structure of a diet. It will be suitable more for a high-calorific diet which purpose is a set of weight, recovery of forces after a disease or operation.

Protein which is in fish is easily acquired and therefore she is recommended to athletes who keep to a diet for strengthening of muscles.

The catfish is well combined with a cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, vegetable marrows. It is possible to train her in any way: to cook, fry, bake – it will not affect nutritional value of fish.

This fish is recommended to use regularly at diseases of a thyroid gland, it helps to recover sight and skin, to prevent diseases of cardiovascular system as clears vessels of cholesterol and interferes with formation of plaques atherosclerotic.

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Contraindications to the use of a catfish

Catfish it is impossible to use at an allergy to this fish and other seafood.

The advantage of a catfish will only if buy it fresh, and therefore it is necessary to know how to choose it. If fish is on sale with the head, that catfish at whom eyes did not manage to dim will be freshen. In most cases fillet of a catfish is on sale pieces, frozen, means it is necessary to pay attention to its color – fillet should not be gray. If before you the frozen carcass of a catfish, examine it – in it there should not be ice pieces. If they are, it means that fish was already defrozen before and again froze. To buy it and to prepare it is unsafe for health.

It is possible to store the bought frozen fish two months, and I skin – no more days.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.