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23 week of pregnancy

On the 23rd week of pregnancy 21 weeks since that moment as there was a fertilization are executed, there is the sixth lunar month of pregnancy.Размер плода на 23 неделе беременности - 29 см

Changes in an organism of future kid

The fruit sizes on the 23rd week of pregnancy continue to increase, and proportions of a body approach the newborn. By the sizes the fruit on the 23rd week of pregnancy about 29 cm long, weighs about 520 - 550, a circle of his head of 56 cm.

In high gear there is a development of respiratory system of future kid, in lungs there are more and more alveoluses, and their special cells – macrophages 2 types – begin production of surfactant. Surfactant is a complex of lipids which change surface intention of alveoluses, and interfere with their fall. Thanks to it, lungs reside in the straightened state, that is alveoluses do not stick together and can carry out respiratory function. On the 23rd week of pregnancy the amount of surfactant still absolutely small, but by the end of his pregnancy will collect enough.

The amount of amniotic waters on ultrasonography about 23 weeks of pregnancy does not increase any more, and the fruit now growing will have some deficiency of space. Because of this its stir in a stomach on the 23rd week of pregnancy are felt better, and sometimes even mothers cause unpleasant feelings.

The embryonal pose with the handles and legs bent in joints allows future kid to occupy optimum volume in a cavity of the uterus. Despite the limited volume of a uterus, a fruit in a stomach on the 23rd week of pregnancy still actively changes the situation, and its head appears below, above.

The alimentary system of a fruit is rather well prepared for work, on the 23rd week of pregnancy the gullet, a stomach, a liver, all departments of intestines, a pancreas are already created and developed. They can emit digestive juices and enzymes, intestines contain meconium – first-born kcal.

Continues to collect between shovels and about internals brown fat – it will provide the baby with energy at first while digestion is reconstructed on laktotrofny type.

On the 23rd week of pregnancy the spleen not only forms blood cells, but also controls their quality indicators. The blood cells which are not meeting standard, a spleen destroys.

Some researchers claim that about 23 weeks of pregnancy the fruit can have dreams. It is confirmed by fixing of bioelectric signals from his brain.Вес малыша на 23 неделе беременности - около 550 грамм

Changes in the woman's organism on the 23rd week of pregnancy

On the 23rd week of pregnancy except already usual stirs and pushes of a fruit the woman can fix hiccupping of future child. These feelings are similar to rhythmical start of small intensity. Hiccupping in this case shows a training of future respiratory movements of a fruit.

Allocations on the 23rd week of pregnancy from a genital tract of the woman in the form of inodorous light slime – norm option. Usually they amplify during pregnancy, and should not cause concerns. Bloody allocations on the 23rd week of pregnancy – always a sign of its unsuccessful current. It either the beginning of an abortion, or placental detachment – the emergency medical care is anyway necessary. Regular pains on the 23rd week of pregnancy in the bottom of a stomach, and feeling of the petrified stomach also can demonstrate threat of interruption.

The stomach on the 23rd week of pregnancy continues to increase in sizes, the uterine fundus is defined on 23 cm above a pubic joint.

Inspection on the 23rd week of pregnancy

On planned survey the gynecologist can appoint blood test to glucose. Pregnancy can become a starting factor in development of a gestational diabetes mellitus. Excess level of glucose has an adverse effect not only on the woman's organism, it does harm and to a fruit.

Urgent for this duration of gestation are blood tests and urine. The doctor directs to ultrasonic inspection of those pregnant women who did not pass it in 20 – 22 weeks. Ultrasonography in 23 weeks of pregnancy allows to know also a sex of future baby.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.