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24 week of pregnancy

On the 24th week of pregnancy to a fruit 22 weeks are executed, the sixth lunar month, and together with it and the second trimester of pregnancy comes to an end.Длина плода на 24 неделе беременности - 30 см

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 24th week of pregnancy reaches 30 cm in length and masses about 650 g. To it it becomes already close in a cavity of the uterus, however it does not prevent future kid to change constantly the situation in a maternal stomach on the 24th week of pregnancy.

By then in cross muscles the constant amount of muscle fibers is already put, that is the gain of muscular tissue is carried out only due to increase in length and thickness of muscle fiber now.

The quantity of nervous cells in a brain at a fruit on the 24th week of pregnancy too final, and now a brain will increase in sizes not such in high gear, as within the last month. On the surface of a brain there are furrows and crinkles.

At a fruit almost all sense bodys are created, on ultrasonography on the 24th week of pregnancy it is visible that it is capable to react to light directed to the bared woman's stomach clearly.

On the 24th week of pregnancy between mother and her future child emotional connection is established. Feelings which the woman has, cause adequate responses in behavior of a fruit. For example, the alarm or fear frighten the baby in mother's womb, he begins to move and turn over uneasily. And an important role is played in this case by stress hormones which arrive from mother to a fruit. Emotional reaction of future child is more long and stronger, than that which the irritant caused in mother. Partly it is connected with features of development of the central nervous system of a fruit at this stage.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 24th week of pregnancy

The uterus sizes continue to increase, its bottom is defined on 23 - 24 cm above a pubic joint 3 - 4 cm above a navel. All feelings arising at the pregnant woman are connected with growth of her fruit, and respectively, a stomach.

In the channel of a neck of uterus there is a dense mucous stopper which will remain there prior to childbirth. The mucous stopper performs protective functions.

Unpleasant feelings and mild pains on the 24th week of pregnancy can be connected with so-called training (false) pains as the uterus on this term begins preparation for childbirth, being periodically reduced and relaxing. Severe pains on the 24th week of pregnancy are not characteristic of false labor.

По УЗИ на 24 неделе беременности видно, что малыш отчетливо реагирует на светIf regular training contractions, are also followed by severe pains, and also plentiful watery allocations on the 24th week of pregnancy, then it can be the beginning of premature births. Pains then can be regarded as pains, and allocations – as a bursting of waters. In this case it is necessary to ask for medical care quickly.

It is normal of allocation on the 24th week of pregnancy moderate, transparent or whitish, mucous on a consistence and inodorous.

Skin stretching on a stomach in 24 weeks of pregnancy often causes an itch, and sometimes, formation of whitish-pink striya.

Inspection on the 24th week of pregnancy

Planned ultrasonography on the 24th week of pregnancy is not appointed as the woman had to undergo it on 20 – 22 week. Usually ultrasonography on the 24th week of pregnancy happens it is necessary at late registration, or for control of growth of a fruit if on earlier term its delay was noted.

It is regularly important to woman to continue to control the weight, its surplus often testifies not to good weight increases of a fruit, and to a delay of liquid and hypostases.

The late gestosis which beginning sometimes falls on the 24th week of pregnancy is characterized by hypostases, increase in arterial pressure and emergence of protein in urine.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.