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11 medical exercises for joints

Езда на велосипеде
Driving the bicycle
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Driving the bicycle is very useful to development of knee joints, and to dare ride people practically of all age and professions can. Besides, it is an excellent way to spend time and to breathe fresh air. So if weather allows, you get on the bicycle and you twist pedals.
Ходьба по лестнице
Walking on a ladder
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This exercise is one of the most effective muscles, bones for strengthening and joints of legs. Besides, walking on a ladder does not require any financial expenditure and additional equipment at all. If you live on the first floor, can use for exercises a ladder, for example, in shopping center. In addition to advantage for joints, descent and rise on a ladder effectively helps to get rid of excess weight.
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Even if you never swam, visit the pool, this excellent place allowing to strengthen joints. And you are not lazy at all. Take yourself for the rule several times a week to visit the pool, despite of rainy, windy or frosty weather. Your joints will tell afterwards you "thanks".
Вращение предплечьями
Rotation by forearms
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This exercise is useful for development of elbow joints. A starting position – sitting or lying. Shoulders have to be parallel to a floor, forearms are weakened and lowered. Bend hands in elbows, squeeze palms in fists. Do rotary motions by forearms around elbow joints. Make 10 times at first in one, and then in other party. You watch that during execution of exercise shoulders did not move.
Упражнение для плечевых суставов
Exercise for shoulder joints
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– costing initial situation, hands are lowered along a body. Begin to rotate the right hand in the frontal plane before yourself, gradually increasing rotation speed. Make 10 movements each hand at first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. If you execute exercise correctly, then feel weight and easy swelling in brushes.
Вращение голенью
Rotation by a shin
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Accept a sitting position or standing. If you stand, then one hand lean against a back of a chair or a wall. Bend one leg in a knee so that the hip was parallel to a floor, and begin to make rotary motions by a shin. Execute this exercise of 10 times at first clockwise, and then 10 times against. If you do this exercise sitting, then just raise a leg forward and rotate foot 10 times in each party.
Вращение шеей
Rotation by a neck
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This exercise especially will be useful to people at which because of sedentary work the neck constantly is tired. Sitting on a chair, shoulders are lowered and relaxed, begin to rotate a neck. Make 10 rotations clockwise to an arrow, then 10 rotations counterclockwise. Finish this exercise with a ducking forward-back-to the left-to the right.
Круговые вращения коленями
Circular rotations by knees
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Accept a standing position. Put legs on width of shoulders or is a little wider, you polusognit knees, and put palms on patellae. The back has to be equal, feet stand in parallel, do not hang the head. Make roundabouts by knees on 10 times at first inside, then outside. Hands you can help knees to rotate. At the end of each roundabout knees have to be unbent completely.
Покачивание на колене
Rocking on a knee
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Become on one knee (it is desirable to spread under it a soft rug or a mat). Straighten shoulders and slightly shake forward. Pay attention as the first line of a joint will strain at the same time. You watch that the knee did not go beyond the line of toes. Do it exercises on 10 times for one, then for other leg.
Поднятие пяток
Raising of heels
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This exercise perfectly develops knee joints, but flexibility is necessary for its performance. Lay down on a floor facedown. Having bent a leg in a knee, direct a heel of this leg as it is possible closer to buttocks. You watch that hips during execution of exercise were pressed to a floor. Execute exercise on 10 times for each leg.
Поднятие выпрямленных ног
Raising of the straightened legs
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And this exercise will be useful for development of hip joints. A starting position – sitting on a chair, a back equal, hands are relaxed. Straighten one leg and raise it directly before yourself. Do exercises on 10 times for each leg.


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