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We prepare for summer

Изменения в рационе
Changes in a diet
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In the winter the organism demands "fuel for heating" which we like to abuse. So, is enough not only for heating, but also for a fat stock for warming. The spring in our latitudes does not please with special heat so it is possible to replace safely three months of winter for five months of hibernatation. But as soon as begins to grow warm, it is necessary to get it together and without regret to leave extra kilos.
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We reduce the caloric content of dishes
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First of all it is necessary to reduce diet caloric content. Do not forget to consider at the same time daily expenses of energy. So, if you lead generally a sedentary life, the caloric content of a diet should not exceed 1600 kcal if you actively play sports, you should use about 2500 kcal a day.
"No" to junk food
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Healthy food specialists recommend to refuse in the spring the products promoting emergence of extra kilos: fat sausage, smoked products, chips, fried potatoes, white loaf, carbonated drinks, sweets. Pay also attention to a way of cooking. It is possible to reduce dish caloric content due to reduction of salt, spices and oil in the course of preparation.
Введение в рацион сложных углеводов
Introduction to a diet of complex carbohydrates
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Begin morning with complex carbohydrates, for example, from porridges. It is possible to eat a bread piece for breakfast, but it is obligatory with cereals and a rough grinding. In the afternoon the organism needs cellulose (vegetables salads), and also fats and proteins (fish, eggs, meat). For dinner proteinaceous food (a piece of boiled fish) perfectly will approach.
Бегом в спортзал!
Run to the gym!
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Change of a diet – still not everyone. The body needs physical activity, then weight reduction will be much more effective as at loading energy expenses will increase. Besides, if not to play sports, then after loss of excess weight skin can lose elasticity. Prepare an organism gradually. Begin with small charging, and in a week of regular trainings it is possible to register in fitness club.
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What sport to choose?
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The gym, and also group occupations, such as streytching, Pilates, classical yoga most of all will be suitable for perfection of a figure. During these occupations all groups of muscles are developed. If you have no time for occupations in fitness club, it is possible to play house sports, for example, by means of the exercise machine or a videocourse. The main thing – to play sports regularly and not to give itself any indulgences.
Возвращаем красоту коже
We return beauty to skin
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To return beauty to skin after winter cold weather, try to use cosmetics with the content of Retinolum, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, lecithin. These substances normalize balance of skin, moisten it. Retinolum and phytoestrogen have the expressed rejuvenating effect, promote synthesis of elastin and collagen, responsible for elasticity of skin, smooth superficial wrinkles.
Для волос
For hair
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Courses of the procedures directed to prevention of a hair loss and treatment of diseases of head skin will help to recover hair. It is possible to carry a Spa procedure, a mesotherapy, thermal influence, cryotherapy, ozonotherapy, quantum massage, darsonvalization, etc. to those. Also cosmetic leaving is important. Buy hair preparations on the basis of natural herbs. They recover normal water-in-oil balance.
Для ногтей
For nails
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If after winter at you nails break and exfoliate, get means as a part of which there are apricot and almond oils. They need to be rubbed in the basis of each nail. The saloon procedure – a paraffinotherapy will help to recover nails. It will quickly return to nails fortress, and skin of hands – elasticity and beauty.
Не расслабляться!
Not to relax!
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Having reached the expected effect, you should not relax. Healthy nutrition, regular physical trainings and personal care – the main rules of your new life. If to adhere to them it is constant, but not from time to time, then the next spring you will meet fully equipped!


Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.