
Профилактика перееданияThe overeating is a frustration of meal which characteristics are absorption of excess quantity of food and impossibility to stop at the right time.

Overeating reasons

In modern society the regular or incidental overeating is peculiar almost to all. Many people are influenced by effects of this disease, but not always attach them significance.

Common causes of excess absorption of food it:

  • Nonsensitivity of a stomach of the person to little changes of quantity of food because of ability to stretch therefore sense of fulness appears only in 15-20 minutes after a meal;
  • Loss of selectivity in relation to food, that is people at the choice are guided not by usefulness and nutritional value of a product, and look at its outward, aroma, availability, ease and speed of preparation. Besides subconsciousness of the person is influenced by numerous advertizing;
  • Masking of water requirement (thirst) or in nutrients under feeling of hunger. This reason of an overeating is caused by the fact that instant food which is eaten even more often by modern people is almost deprived of vitamins, useful amino acids, micro and macrocells;
  • Giving to food of new value which differs from true (completion of a metabolic cost). For example, a business lunch at restaurant when it is meant that all guests will eat and irrespective of whether they are hungry;
  • Psychological overeating. "Jamming" of a stress, bad mood or tragic events, the underestimated self-assessment and uncertainty in itself, food as a consolation concerns to this group.

Overeating symptoms

Having understood the reasons of unlimited consumption of food, it is necessary to find out signs of this frustration timely to take measures and not to bring a situation to obesity.

So, main symptoms of an overeating following:

  • Increase in body weight or continuous fluctuations of weight;
  • Sleep disorder. After an overeating it is difficult to organism to fall asleep, digestive processes continue;
  • Failure in work of digestive tract, feeling of discomfort (the increased gas generation and abdominal distention);
  • Absorption of food at any time even in the absence of feeling of hunger;
  • The use of bigger volume of food at preservation of a former daily routine and a way of life;
  • Uncontrolled reception of food, for example, when viewing the TV or behind reading. The distracting factors not only prevent to enjoy aroma and taste of food, but also complicate definition of the moment of saturation;
  • The depression arising owing to above-mentioned symptoms of an overeating.

Also nutritionists allocate such psychological manifestations of a gluttony as: the aspiration is alone, internal sense of guilt and dislike for itself.

Overeating effects

Danger of an overeating is so serious that doctors insist: it is necessary to rise because of a table with slight feeling of hunger. Otherwise disbolism will not keep themselves waiting what will affect work of all internals.

The first effects of an overeating beat heart. The weight of the person grows, and with it all bodies therefore heart should saturate with blood bigger space increase. Cordial reductions amplify, and muscular walls of human "motor" are thickened. As a result there is a hypertension and problems with pressure.

The second body suffering after an overeating is a liver. When in it the amount of necessary fats is exceeded, it becomes their direct source. Practically all cells of an organism are filled with fat. It seriously beats not only a liver and heart, but also all intestinal path longs for intestines –. Cases of such diseases as cholecystitis, gastritis, colitis and chronic pancreatitis become frequent.

One more effect of an overeating is a disturbance of a hormonal cycle because of deficit of thyroxine. Women have problems with periods, and it threatens with infertility. At men the erection is broken.

Also It should be noted that excess weight is additional load of a backbone and joints which wear out ahead of time.

How to avoid an overeating

It is possible to cope with an overeating independently, but it is necessary to control meal constantly. The basic rules to which it is worth adhering:

  • To eat in time, to concentrate on food and not to distract;
  • To stop all having a snack, gorging on in the main meals;
  • Always is sitting as it helps to adhere to the mode and not to distract during a meal;
  • Not to turn food into an award or a stimulator, for this purpose it is possible to find other ways;
  • To try not to eat the first 15 minutes after arrival home as fatigue and hunger – one of the overeating reasons.

Treatment of an overeating

To identify food frustration quite difficult as shame, denial and privacy are faithful companions of these diseases therefore for a long time the disease can remain undetected. Frustration is distinguished only when the person asks for the help in loss of weight or wishes to get rid of the problems with health caused by obesity.

Researches which diagnose an overeating do not exist. At suspicion on this frustration the doctor studies history of the patient, appoints a number of inspections and analyses to exclude physical pathologies. If as a result of these manipulations no physical disease is revealed, the specialist directs the person to the psychologist who can diagnose and treat overeating symptoms.

If independently it is impossible to cope with an illness, it is possible to see a doctor who will appoint the medicamentous means reducing appetite.

Overeating problem at children

Опасные симптомы перееданияResponsible for food frustration at children practically are always parents who by all means aim to feed the child even then when he does not want to eat at all. After an overeating the stomach of the kid stretches and contains much more bigger, than the children's organism needs, amount of food.

Besides, adults think out various distracting maneuvers, for example, feed the child during the game or viewing of animated films that categorically should not be done. At such approach process of consumption of food becomes uncontrollable and automatic, at the kid the addiction forms to have a bite behind the book or at the TV, and together it leads everything to obesity.

Negative effects of an overeating are obvious, but It should be noted what can lead to them not only the regular use of a large number of food, but also one-time festive objedaniye. It is necessary to go on a visit not with the purpose to try all dishes on a table and to communicate to friends or relatives. It is necessary to remember that even single excesses of admissible amount of food are fraught with serious problems with health.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.