Main > Diseases> Angiodystonia


Angiodystonia (vascular dystonia) – the disturbance of tonic adaptation function of blood vessels caused by disturbance of a structure of walls of vessels, and also development of a muscular layer, which is characterized by inadequacy, insufficiency or redundancy of function that is shown as regional (local) or general disturbance of a blood-groove. The angiodystonia can strike both arterial, and venous vessels.

Ангиодистония проявляется при нарушении тонуса сосудовVascular tone – the main function of unstriated muscles of a vascular wall which provides mechanical characteristics and geometrical parameters of walls and gleams of vessels.

Cerebral angiodystonia – the disturbance of tonic function of vessels of a brain which is shown a characteristic symptomatic complex.

Angiodystonia – frustration of a tone of vessels of various etiology (functional, organic), localizations, the development mechanism. The angiodystonia is not an independent disease, and in most cases acts as the accompanying (secondary) complex of symptoms, the disturbances caused by a basic disease. The angiodystonia is observed against the background of the following diseases:

  • Pathology of closed glands (ovaries, adrenal glands, hypophysis, thyroid gland);
  • Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Focal infections;
  • Diseases of internals (amyloidosis, gastrointestinal diseases, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis and other);
  • Diseases of a nervous system, injury of the head, concussion in the anamnesis;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Hypodynamia;
  • Chronic infectious processes;
  • Features of the identity of the patient (the increased suspiciousness, irritability, special degree of uneasiness).

The angiodystonia is inherent more in adults, however recently is even more often diagnosed for children of school age.

The angiodystonia is classified by the following indicators:

  • On an etiology and a pathogeny distinguish primary (neurogenic) and symptomatic angiodystonia;
  • On localization distinguish the localized (monoregional) disturbance and a polyregional (system) angiodystonia;
  • On character of a current distinguish permanent disturbances and angioditonichsky crisis;
  • On the arterial pressure against the background of which disturbance of a tone of vessels develops distinguish an angiodystonia against the background of a normotenziya, disturbances against the background of hypertensia or against the background of hypotension.

Characteristic signs of an angiodystonia

The main signs of an angiodystonia are headaches of various character and an etiology, differences of arterial pressure, dizziness, sleeplessness, numbness of extremities, a systematic sonitus. The feeling of weight in the head develops. Some patients note a memory impairment, disturbance of visual function, hearing, sense of smell. In certain cases signs of an angiodystonia are extremity, neck, spin pains.

The headache which is an angiodystonia sign is localized in a temporal and temporoparietal part of the head. Pain can be the stupid, aching, shooting character.

In rare instances one of possible symptoms of an angiodystonia is the depression which is characterized by loss of control over an emotional state, breath difficulty. The depression at an angiodystonia develops against the background of the wearisome headache breaking a human life rhythm. Often the headache is not associated with fatigue, a stress. Pain can arise at any time, even after long rest, at rest.

As a rule, signs of an angiodystonia are shown in total that facilitates disturbance diagnosis.

Angiodystonia signs when reading results of clinical trials are:

  • Change of diameter and gleam of a vessel;
  • Depletion of a blood-groove;
  • Shift of vessels.

Cerebral angiodystonia: disturbance development effects

The cerebral angiodystonia can develop as owing to various disturbances in an organism (internal factors), and owing to influence of external factors (for example, stressful situations, the use of heavy food).

The cerebral angiodystonia demands careful diagnosis. In cases of lack of adequate treatment against the background of an angiodystonia encephalopathy – a disease of a brain of noninflammatory character can develop. Encephalopathy against the background of a cerebral angiodystonia is shown by the following symptoms:

  • Chronic depressions;
  • Frequent headaches against the background of a stress, fatigue;
  • Disorders of consciousness, memory;
  • Dizzinesses;
  • Lack of an initiative.

Increased fatigue, differences of mood, weight in the head, a sleep disorder and other inherent angiodystonias signs can also be the accompanying symptoms.

Angiodystonia: disturbance diagnosis

At suspicion on an angiodystonia performing comprehensive examination is necessary. The main diagnostic methods of an angiodystonia are noninvasive techniques, one of which is the rheoencephalography – the research of brain vessels based on monitoring of changes of sizes of resistance of fabrics at impact on them of weak electric impulses of high frequency. Thus, it is possible to obtain the objective information about the vascular device of a brain: vascular tone, reactivity of vessels of a brain, elasticity of their walls, size of a pulse krovenapolneniye.

Also in diagnosis of an angiodystonia the following methods will be applied:

  • Ultrasonic examination of arterial and peripheral vessels;
  • Screening of ischemic changes of a myocardium by means of an ECG.

Also at suspicion on an angiodystonia it is necessary to differentiate symptoms with symptoms of psychosomatic diseases.

Angiodystonia: treatment and forecasts

The angiodystonia is not an independent disease. This disturbance has the secondary nature, developing against the background of other diseases that defines treatment tactics at an angiodystonia. So, first of all at an angiodystonia treatment has to be directed to elimination of a basic disease.

Одним из признаков ангиодистонии является головная боль в височно-теменной зонеAt the diagnosed angiodystonia treatment has to take place in the following directions:

  • Definition and the choice of optimum therapy of the basic disease provoking development of an angiodystonia;
  • The therapy directed to normalization of a tone of vessels (for example, LFK directed to a training of vascular reactions);
  • Symptomatic treatment of an angiodystonia;
  • Change of a way of life (normalization of a sleep pattern and rest, disposal of addictions, change of a food allowance).

The angiodystonia demands continuous monitoring from the attending physician even at total absence of a symptomatic complex.

In rare instances the angiodystonia which treatment has to be complex can become the reason of total loss of working capacity the patient at a pronounced symptomatic complex. Now there are no criteria of the choice of optimum medicines for treatment of disturbance and elimination of symptoms. At an angiodystonia treatment is selected individually taking into account reactions of an organism to complex therapy.

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