Main > Drugs> Anti-policeman


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from 53 rub.

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The anti-policeman treats group of dietary supplements, is intended for elimination of an unpleasant smell from a mouth which arises from silnopakhnushchy products. It is useful to drivers and people who by the nature of the activity are forced to communicate with others often.

Pharmacological action

According to the instruction, the Anti-policeman does not mask, and eliminates unpleasant smells which are caused by consumption of onions, garlic, alcohol, tobacco and other ostropakhnushchy products.

The anti-policeman contains components which increase absorption of molecules odorants (a molecule - smell carriers) which are in an epithelium of a mucous membrane of upper respiratory tracts. Thereof breath is cleared and there is a full elimination of an unpleasant smell from a mouth that is confirmed also by comments on the Anti-policeman. Treats biologically active fresheners of an oral cavity. Essential oils which are in its structure have property to clear respiratory tracts, soften a throat and tone up.

Structure and form of release

According to the instruction, the Anti-policeman consists of a licorice root, eucalyptus oil, arabic gum. Glucosic syrup, sucrose, ammonium chloride belongs to additional substances.

Produce drug in the form of lollipops which need to be rassasyvat in a mouth. Besides, the Anti-policeman in the form of spray of instant action, and also the Anti-policeman double with the strengthened pharmacological action was available for sale. Drug in the form of spray is very convenient in use that is confirmed also by comments on the Anti-policeman.

Application instruction of the Anti-policeman and dose

Антиполицай таблеткиAfter consumption of onions, garlic and other products with a strong smell, and also after alcohol intake or smoking it is necessary to rassosat in a mouth one-two lollipops of the Anti-policeman, reviews of drug positive, owing to bystry pharmacological action of the Anti-policeman. In the instruction it is specified that the effect after administration of drug occurs within 5 minutes after a lollipop rassasyvaniye.

Action of the Anti-policeman continues for an hour after its reception. In the instruction to the Anti-policeman it is told that if for an hour after reception of lollipop of people eats, drinks alcohol or smokes, it is necessary to repeat again reception of the Anti-policeman, responses using drug confirm this rule.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the instruction to the Anti-policeman, given about side effects and contraindications to drug is not present.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store drug in the dry cool place. In a drugstore the Anti-policeman is released without recipe of the doctor.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Anti-policeman вайт piece caramel 6

53 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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