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Short characteristic of a disease

Аскарида - возбудитель аскаридоза

The infectious disease an ascaridosis is well known to inhabitants of regions with a warm and humid climate. At the moment the ascaridosis is the most often met helminthosis. The ascaridosis is widespread on all continents and regularly comes to light at residents of the countries as developing, and economically developed. In regions the ascaridosis meets an arid climate much less often, completely is absent behind the Polar circle.

Contagium is the ascarid human – round or spindle-shaped helminth which breeds in a liver, a large intestine, a pancreas and other internals. Treatment of an ascaridosis at children and adults – is absolutely necessary as, otherwise, colonies of parasites can reach such sizes that will cause impassability of intestines and other serious consequences. The mature female of an ascarid postpones until 245 000 eggs a day, and larvae ripen during only 9-20 days then they begin the destructive activity at once.

The ascaridosis gets into an organism at a proglatyvaniye of mature eggs. As a rule, it occurs at consumption of the fresh vegetables which did not pass due cleansing. Big danger is constituted today also by private garden and garden sites where increase in fertility of the soil is made due to entering into the earth of not neutralized excrements of the person. In general, non-compliance with elementary rules of hygiene almost always involves prolonged treatment of an ascaridosis at adults and children. You remember it when you buy vegetables from good-natured grannies or you eat tasty apple, previously without having washed it in warm water.

Clinical picture of an ascaridosis

Penetration of ascarids into a liver, pancreas and other vitals leads to serious consequences. Adult helminths injure a thin mucous membrane of bodies, nerve terminations irritate, make toxic impact on an organism products of the life activity. Besides, at the diagnosis an ascaridosis infection symptoms often testify to mechanical and spastic impassability of intestines as accumulations of helminths simply hammer internal space of guts, preventing full digestion and processing of food.

In the absence of adequate treatment of an ascarid begin to migrate that leads to emergence of abscesses, pancreatitis and cholangites. At repeated infection symptoms are expressed much more weakly that is explained by emergence of a peculiar immunity. Despite it, at diagnosis an ascaridosis treatment has to be carried out only in specially equipped infectious departments of clinics. Any independent attempts to cope with a disease are in advance doomed to a failure and, moreover, pose a threat for human life.

Ascaridosis – disease symptoms

For a start we will note that in the clinical course of an infection two stages of an ascaridosis are allocated: early (migratory) and late (intestinal). Respectively, symptoms of an ascaridosis depend on the current phase of a course of a disease. At early stages the ascaridosis practically does not prove in any way. Clinical symptoms of an ascaridosis are expressed poorly. Patients can complain on:

  • dry cough with an insignificant phlegm;
  • wet rattles;
  • insignificant indisposition;
  • the enanthesis reminding a small tortoiseshell.

Another matter if the ascaridosis at children and adults passed into an intestinal stage. In this case characteristic symptoms of an ascaridosis are shown much more stronger and more brightly. Patients feel increased fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains. Also they often observe ponosa, locks and other disturbances of a chair. Ascaridosis symptoms from a nervous system gain development:

Суспензия Вермокс для эффективного лечения аскаридоза у детей и взрослых

  • headache;
  • bystry intellectual fatigue;
  • impossibility to concentrate on one problem;
  • dizziness;
  • hysterics;
  • uneasy dream;
  • spasms;
  • photophobia.

The ascaridosis also influences heart. At patients the lowering of arterial pressure, attacks of bronchitis or bronchial asthma, moderate hypochromia anemia is noted. Untimely treatment of an ascaridosis at children and adults leads to development of serious complications: impassability of intestines, the most severe pains which are not removed even drugs, to frequent desires to vomiting, mechanical obstruction of a bilious channel, liver abscesses, purulent pleurisy.

Treatment of an ascaridosis

At early stages at treatment of an ascaridosis to patients appoint the desensibilizing therapy, минтезол (50 mg a day to everyone 100 to body weight for 2-3 receptions) or Mebendazolum (100 mg a day for 3-4 receptions). Treatment of an ascaridosis at children and adults is made by means of anthelmintics: decarice (after a dinner), Kombantrinum (during food), Vermoxum (in polyinvasion cases). Constant improvement of these drugs and increase in their efficiency led to the fact that today anthelmintics are capable to cope with treatment of an ascaridosis in 85-100% of cases.

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