Main > Diseases> Astenozoospermiya


Astenozoospermiya – the morbid condition of an ejaculate which is characterized by decline in quality of a secret owing to low mobility of spermatozoa.

Astenozoospermiya: reason of male infertility

Astenozoospermiya – the condition Астенозооспермия – патологическое состояние эякулятаof sperm which is characterized by reduction of quantity active and mobile спермиев, carrying out the movement on direct trajectories, and reduction in the rate of their movement. It Astenozoospermiyayavlyatsya by the reason of low fertility of couples approximately in 40% of cases. The astenozoospermiya by means of the laboratory research of sperm on quality, quantity and viability of spermatozoa called by a spermogram is diagnosed. The research allows to establish also acidity of sperm, to make the analysis of a morphological structure спермиев and to define degree of an aberration.

Healthy couple for successful conception needs from 8 to 12 months on condition of regular sexual intercourses without protection (the portion of an ejaculate gets into a genital tract). The spermogram is shown to couples with the burdened anamnesis (at one of partners problems with conception were already observed), to donors of sperm, and also those who plans a sperm cryopreservation. For identification of an astenozoospermiya the spermogram can be carried out in a planned order at inspection of partners during pregnancy planning.

Now there are no tests and techniques of determination of the impregnating sperm potential. It should be noted that fertilizing capacity is influenced not only by mobility спермиев, but also and their quantity. Acidity of the vulval environment is pernicious for spermatozoa, semen contains alkali for mitigation of an aggressive environment that allows spermatozoa to get into a uterus and uterine tubes for fertilization of an ovum. The uterus environment on the contrary makes the activating impact on spermatozoa, promoting increase in their mobility. This effect received the name of a kapatsitation.

Astenozoospermiya: disease degrees

According to classification of World Health Organization spermatozoa are divided into 4 classes:

  • The class A – progressively active and moving spermatozoa, at an astenozoospermiya quantity of the active spermatozoa moving in the rectilinear direction is less than 20%;
  • The class B – progressively weak and mobile spermatozoa, at an astenozoospermiya the level of maintenance of slow and mobile spermatozoa in an ejaculate is less than 30%;
  • The class C – not progressively mobile spermatozoa which movement is carried out preferential on pendulum trajectories at an astenozoospermiya quantity of the spermatozoa moving on site is equated or exceeds 50%;
  • The class D – completely motionless spermiya, at an astenozoospermiya quantity of such spermatozoa in an ejaculate reaches 10% and more.

Depending on the quantitative maintenance of these or those spermatozoa in an ejaculate allocate three degrees of an astenozoospermiya:

  • Astenozoospermiya of degree 1 – slight with quantity of mobile spermatozoa of groups A and B less than 50%. At such degree of an astenozoospermiya the impregnating potential of sperm remains quite high, only insignificant correction, and also elimination of the reasons causing "defect" of quality of sperm is required;
  • Astenozoospermiya of degree 2 – moderated with quantity mobile спермиев groups A and B less than 30-40%. At such degree of an astenozoospermiya careful inspection is necessary for identification of the reasons of development of disturbance and elimination of these reasons;
  • Astenozoospermiya of degree 3 – expressed with quantity of active spermatozoa of groups A and B less than 30% and dominance спермиев groups C and D. This form of pathology demands careful inspection and long recovery of a spermatogenesis.

It should be notedДля выявления астенозооспермии спермограмма может быть проведена в плановом порядке that at any degree of an astenozoospermiya there is a probability of fertilization of an ovum a spermatozoon. The diagnosis of an astenozoospermiya cannot be regarded as the absolute reason of infertility of couple.

Astenozoospermiya: disease origins

Now the reasons of development of an astenozoospermiya are still not studied. At an astenozoospermiya can be the reasons:

  • Genetic factor – the inborn mutation resulting in morphological defect of a head, a neck, a flagellum a spermiya which is the basic structural element providing the movement a spermiya;
  • Toxic influences – the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotic substances, medicines, poisoning with industrial toxic chemicals, including deterioration in an ecological situation;
  • Thermal factor – exposure to crucially high and low temperatures (frequent stay in a sauna, a bath or long stay on cold);
  • Stress factor;
  • Long sexual abstinence;
  • The Antispermalny immunity promoting change of amplitude of a pulsation спермиев;
  • STD (the urethritis caused by a mecotic infection, gonorrhea and other);
  • Inflammatory processes of generative organs;
  • Prostate secret pathologies.

At an astenozoospermiya the set of other factors which are not associated with the sexual sphere can act as the reasons.

Astenozoospermiya: how to treat, diagnosis, forecasts

For identification of an astenozoospermiya how to treat it, forecasts of recovery of normal concentration of mobile spermatozoa it is necessary to make laboratory tests of semen. Interpretation of analyses of a spermogram is made by exclusively attending physician, on the basis of results of testing astenozoospermiya degree is established how to treat her, and also necessary changes of a way of life. Quality of semen, concentration of active viable spermatozoa and potential of fertilization of an ejaculate in many respects depend on food of the man, a mental state, physical activity. As a rule, the astenozoospermiya proceeds asymptomatically. At the heart of treatment of an astenozoospermiya the medicamentous drugs directed to correction of the diseases causing a condition of sperm are used. At the astenozoospermiya caused by a genetic mutation of morphology (structure) спермиев the forecast is adverse. In such cases EKO is applied to successful fertilization. Astenozoospermiya caused by other reasons easily gives in to correction.

Astenozoospermiya: treatment by folk remedies

At various forms of an astenozoospermiya treatment by folk remedies can be very effective. The ginseng root, sage broth, and also plantain seeds are applied to treatment of an astenozoospermiya. It is necessary to consider that at an astenozoospermiya treatment by folk remedies will be inefficient if disturbance of viability and mobility of spermatozoa is caused by existence of inflammatory and infectious processes, genetic disorders. At such etiology of an astenozoospermiya treatment first of all has to be directed to elimination of a provocative factor. At easy degrees of an astenozoospermiya treatment by national methods is the most effective.

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Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.