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from 16 rub.

Ацикловир мазь

The acyclovir concerns to group of the medicines possessing antiviral action.

Pharmacological action

Treats group of antiviral drugs. Rather effectively affects a herpes simplex virus (damage of skin and mucous membranes) and the surrounding herpes (a viral infection, a porazhayushchiya of TsNS and PNS with bubble rash on the course of nerves).

Use of the Acyclovir promotes a stop of reproduction of a virus.

Absorption of the Acyclovir happens partially, approximately for 20%. Time of semi-removal of the Acyclovir from an organism makes three hours. It is brought out of an organism by kidneys.

Indications to use of the Acyclovir

Use of an acyclovir at herpes promotes the termination of emergence of new rash, reduces distribution it on skin and a possibility of development of complications, accelerates crusting. At the surrounding herpes use of the Acyclovir reduces pain.

According to the instruction, the Acyclovir is entered intravenously at a herpes simplex with disturbance of immune system, at heavy infections of generative organs which are caused by a herpes simplex virus, at infections which are caused by a virus of the surrounding herpes. Also the Acyclovir is applied to prevention of an infection which is caused by a herpes simplex virus at dysfunction of immune system (chemotherapy, organ transplantation).

According to the instruction, the Acyclovir possesses an immunopromoting effect, that is strengthens immune system and activates protective forces of an organism.

Application instruction of the Acyclovir and dose

According to the instruction, the Acyclovir appoint inside, intravenously and as topical administration (cream and ointment the Acyclovir).

Ацикловир таблеткиThe tablets Acyclovir apply at infections which are caused by a herpes simplex virus, and also for prevention of this disease in patients with disturbances of immune system. Tablets of the Acyclovir apply also to patients with the surrounding herpes. To children 2 years are more senior and the adult at a herpes simplex appoint on 1 tablet of the Acyclovir of 5 times a day, at shingles – 4 tablets of 5 times a day. For prevention of an infection it is necessary to accept the Acyclovir on 1 tablet 4 times a day.

To children up to two years appoint a half of a dose which is provided for adults. It is not recommended to appoint the Acyclovir newborn. The course of treatment the Acyclovir averages 5 days, at shingles administration of drug for 3 more days after recovery is recommended.

Intravenously the Acyclovir is appointed to adults and children 12 years in a dose of 5 mg on body weight kg 3 times a day in 8 hours are more senior. At shingles with disturbances of immune system the Acyclovir dose for intravenous administration makes 10 mg on weight kg every 8 hours. To children from three months to 12 years the Acyclovir intravenously appoint 5 mg/kg in a dose.

For intravenous use the Acyclovir is parted. The Acyclovir ampoule (250 ml) part in 10 ml of sodium of chloride 0,9% or solvent.

According to the instruction, the Acyclovir can be entered in the form of an injection very slowly (within an hour) or to apply in a dropper for what the received solution needs to be dissolved in 50 ml of solvent.

At disturbance of secretory function of kidneys and at elderly people the dose of drug should be reduced.

The oculentum of the Acyclovir is applied at a cornea inflammation which is caused by a herpes simplex virus (a herpetic keratitis). Ointment the Acyclovir needs to be put in a konjyuktivalny bag of 5 times a day at an interval of the 4th hour. Treatment duration ointment the Acyclovir makes about 7-10 days. The Acyclovir it is necessary to use ointment 3 more days after disappearance of symptoms of a disease.

Cream of the Acyclovir is used on sites of skin and mucous membranes which are struck with a herpes simplex virus (on lips, generative organs). According to the instruction, the Acyclovir in the form of cream is applied on a surface of 5 times a day, the course of treatment makes from 5 to 10 days depending on weight of a disease.

Side effects

According to the instruction to the Acyclovir, drug is well transferred.

At intake of tablets of the Acyclovir development of such by-effects as a headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, an allergy, increased fatigue is possible.

At intravenous administration, and also at reception in the form of tablets in analyses the increased content of urea, and also creatinine and bilirubin in blood serum can be observed. A superactivity of liver enzymes can be observed.

At introduction of the Acyclovir development of local reaction is subcutaneously possible.


Contraindications to purpose of the Acyclovir is the intolerance of components of drug.

Data on reception of the Acyclovir during pregnancy and breastfeeding are up to the end not studied.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Acyclovir ointment for external use of 5% 10 g

16 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Acyclovir ointment of 5% 10 g *, Tatkhimfarmpreparata (Kazan)

16 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Acyclovir cream of 5% 10

44 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Acyclovir cream of 5% 10 g, Vertexum of closed joint stock company

44 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Belupo's acyclovir cream for external use of 5% 2 g

52 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Acyclovir cream of 5% 2 g, Hexal AG

77 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Acyclovir oculentum of 3% 5 g

119 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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