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The Labrador tea is marsh

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 42 rub.

Багульник болотныйLabrador tea marsh – an evergreen bush which flowers possess the stupefying strong smell. Widespread names of a plant – a water starwort, a bagul, багун fragrant, a marsh stupor. The Labrador tea in May and June blossoms, yields fruits at the end of summer.

For use in the medical purposes cut off one-year escapes of a plant. Preparation of raw materials is carried out to time of maturing of fruits. Dry a grass under a canopy, spreading in one layer or collecting in bunches and suspending. Store the dried-up escapes of a Labrador tea in paper packages, separately from other collected herbs since this plant is poisonous. To people long to be in the room where the grass dries, it is not recommended – its smell causes a severe headache.

Use of a Labrador tea marsh in medicine is practiced thanks to antiinflammatory, bactericidal, to anesthetic, expectorant action of a plant.

Chemical composition

Escapes of a plant contain the following active agents:

  • Ledol;
  • Cymene;
  • Palyustrol;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Phenols;
  • Tannins;
  • Pitches;
  • Catechins;
  • Vitamins and microelements.

Useful properties

The Labrador tea marsh renders the antiinflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, disinfecting, anesthetizing, wound healing, antirheumatic and hypotensive action.

Indications to use

The Labrador tea marsh is applied at treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, whooping cough, a coloenteritis, diarrhea, diseases of a liver, gastritis, an urethritis, cystitis, cholecystitis, arthritis, rheumatism, diathesis, eczema, conjunctivitis.


Use of a Labrador tea marsh is contraindicated to pregnant women and the feeding women, children and persons suffering from a glomerulonephritis.

In high doses the plant causes irritability, the excitement which is replaced by passivity, dizziness. The drugs containing a grass of a Labrador tea marsh at overdose can cause paralysis of extremities, hearts, respiratory tracts therefore they should be applied only to destination and under medical control.

House drugs from a Labrador tea marsh

Thanks to the curative properties the Labrador tea marsh is widely applied in traditional and traditional medicine. The plant is used for preparation of ointments, oil extracts, broths and infusions.

To prepare medical broth, one teaspoon of a dry grass is filled in by 200 ml of water, boil minute, insist 30 minutes and filter. Drink broth on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meal.

Infusion of a Labrador tea marsh is prepared so: 1 teaspoon of raw materials is filled in by 200 ml of boiled water, draw half an hour, filter. 3-4 times a day on 1 tablespoon accept means.

For outside use prepare tincture: make in 200 ml of the boiling water 1 or 2 of a teaspoon of the dried-up grass. Draw means half an hour and use for lotions and compresses.

For grindings it is possible to prepare spirit tincture: the grass is drawn on alcohol of 40% in heat within a day.

For preparation of oil of a Labrador tea take 1 tablespoon of a grass, fill in 100 ml of sunflower or olive oil, boil about 1 minute then insist within a day. It is possible to dig in the received oil in a nose at cold (2-3 times a day on 1-2 drops) or to use for grindings.

The Labrador tea extract (essential oil) can be got in a drugstore, it is used as anesthetic at radiculitis and neuralgia (pound sore points).

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Labrador tea marsh run a pack of 50 g, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

42 rub.

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