The Bezglyutenovy diet is often appointed now by pediatricians, but both therapists, and gastroenterologists do not ignore it. This power supply system – the only indisputable method of treatment of a disease of the alimentary system known as a Gee's disease. The technique is recommended by World Health Organization and is successfully used by thousands of patients worldwide. The Bezglyutenovy diet for children is recommended aged up to 6 months always, at more advanced age – only to destination the pediatrician. Now the given diet is applied also to decrease in body weight by some healthy adults. Theoretical bases of such use of this power supply system are called into question by many nutritionists.
Basis of a diet is the refusal of consumption of the special reserving protein of some cereals (gluten). This protein differently is called a gluten. In a large number it is revealed in seeds of cereals. Wheat, rye, oats and barley are especially rich with gluten. And in wheat the biggest percent of this substance – to 80% of all mass of seeds. The Bezglyutenovy diet excludes completely products from seeds of these plants. Difficulties of observance of such mode are connected with the fact that many products contain gluten in the hidden look. Also sometimes gluten is included as excipient into medicines and dietary supplements.
The diet of this diet does not contain wheat, rye, barley and oats. Under a ban flour, grain, porridges from these types of grain. It is also forbidden to eat starch and malt. And these substances in large numbers are a part of sausage products, some milk products (yogurts, cottage cheeses), ketchup, sauces, coffee, juice, sweets. Pay attention to structure of a product. Many producers specify on labels whether gluten contains a product.
From grain and bean rice, a buckwheat, peas, beans, corn, soy, millet, an amaranth and квинойя are resolved. From vegetable food it is possible to eat vegetables and fruit, including potatoes, any nuts. Vegetable oil from any raw materials (sunflower, corn, soy, olive), tea, natural coffee do not contain a gluten. Animal products without vegetable additives do not contain gluten too. Therefore those who keeps to a bezglyutenovy diet can eat meat, fish, chicken, eggs, butter, milk and cheeses.
Patients on a bezglyutenovy diet can face deficit of cellulose, folic acid, cyanocobalamine, iron and calcium. To compensate a lack of these substances, it is necessary to enter enough rice, milk, cheese, meat, vegetables, including potatoes into a diet.
It is sometimes difficult to adults and teenagers to pass to a bezglyutenovy diet. Special products without gluten can help with such situation: grain, macaroni, bread. It is possible to get them from manufacturing firms of dietary food.
To a certain age gluten can be dangerous even to the healthy child. So, according to modern recommendations of World Health Organization, children up to 6 months should not enter into product food, the containing wheat, barley, oats, rye. It means that semolina porridge, so popular for a feeding up, is safe only for children after half a year. If you decided to feed the child aged up to 6 months with something except breast milk or the adapted mix, then choose porridges without gluten (rice, buckwheat, corn). At more advanced age children become steady against this protein. Therefore there is no need of observance of a bezglyutenovy diet for children after 6 months of life without special recommendations of the pediatrician.
The Bezglyutenovy diet helps to recover health to children and teenagers with a Gee's disease. According to reviews about a bezglyutenovy diet of the patients who began treatment only at adult age its high performance, but does not allow to get rid of symptoms completely. Reviews of a bezglyutenovy diet of doctors positive concerning treatment of a Gee's disease and prevention of food and allergic diseases at children. However not everyone manages to lose weight by means of this diet. Products (from the list of resolved) contain many calories and do not promote decrease in body weight.
Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.
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