Main > Diseases> Cervicitis



Cervicitis – quite widespread infectious disease which consists in damage of a neck of uterus. The cervicitis can result from diseases, sexually transmitted, traumatizing by means of barrier contraception or to be one of manifestations of development of a tumor. Also the cervicitis at pregnancy can be formed.

The cervicitis at medical examination of a neck of uterus by means of mirrors and a kolposkopiya is diagnosed. Strong mucopurulent allocations, and in certain cases and an erozirovanny surface are characteristic of it a hyperemia in the field of an outside opening of the cervical channel.

Cervicitis symptoms

At suspicion on a cervicitis, symptoms of an early stage the following – intensive allocations which continue several days after the termination of periods can be observed. At early stages of a cervicitis, symptoms can be imperceptible. In this case the woman can not suspect about existence a disease at her.

In more serious stage the cervicitis has obviously expressed symptoms:

Симптомы цервицита

  • Bleeding;
  • Itch and irritation of generative organs;
  • Pains during intimate proximity after which bloody allocations can be also formed;
  • Burning sensation at an urination;
  • Back pain and stomach which come during sexual intercourse.

At a severe form of a cervicitis the plentiful purulent discharges having a persistent unpleasant smell, a severe itch in a vagina, an abdominal pain, temperature and nausea are also possible.

Types of a cervicitis

On a disease developmental character the cervicitis is subdivided on acute and chronic. The acute cervicitis is accompanied by purulent or mucous discharges from a vagina, and also severe pains in the bottom of a stomach.

The chronic cervicitis proceeds against the background of others inflammatory diseases or develops from primary cervicitis which was not finished the cure. At a chronic form of a disease the hypertrophy and consolidation of a neck of uterus is observed, is the reason of it formations of small cysts.

Also the cervicitis of a neck of uterus can be purulent, it arises in most cases against the background of gonorrhea. Virus - formed because of viruses sexually transmitted. Bacterial - arising against the background of bacterial infections, for example, of a vaginosis.

Besides, allocate the nonspecific tservitsita which are formed at change of microflora of the vagina which is not tied with sexually transmitted infections. Atrophic – at which at women thinning of a neck of uterus is observed. Focal – the striking only certain sites of a neck of uterus.

Cervicitis reasons

In most cases the cervicitis of a neck of uterus arises because of existence of vaginal infections, sexually transmitted: clamidiosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Also there can be a cervicitis of a neck of uterus at the patients infected with a virus of genital herpes and a virus of papilloma of the person.

There is a risk of emergence of a cervicitis at early sexual activity, presence of several sexual partners.

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Besides, the chronic cervicitis can become reaction to means of hygiene, contraceptives or to irregularly replaced tampons. All this leads to irritation of a neck of uterus which during this period becomes much more susceptible to infections.

In certain cases the chronic cervicitis results from allergic reactions to latex of condoms or special spermicidal structures.

Treatment of a cervicitis

In treatment of a cervicitis antibiotics are used. In rare instances if the cervicitis of a neck of uterus does not pass after a course of antibiotics, cauterization of the inflamed sites is carried out.

In cases when the cervicitis arises at pregnancy, consultation surely is required from the infectious diseases specialist. It is connected with the fact that the cervicitis at pregnancy can lead to fruit infection with an infection and emergence of risk of premature births.

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