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False hellebore

ЧемерицаFalse hellebore – a perennial herbaceous plant with a short and thick rhizome and mass of shnurovidny roots. There are two main kinds of a plant: false hellebore black and Lobel's false hellebore. The plant blossoms practically all summer: Lobel's false hellebore - small flavovirent or white flowers, and a black false hellebore - black-purple. Fruits at a false hellebore polyspermous, small, yellowish-brown. In height the false hellebore can reach 170 cm. Most often, the false hellebore meets in the Caucasus, in the mountains of Transbaikalia, Western Siberia and in east states.

Other names of a false hellebore are the following national expressions:

  • Puppeteer;
  • Chemerka;
  • Chermis;
  • Chemerichny root.

Quite often, in use it is possible to meet such name of this medicinal plant as a cheremitsa. Once people, handing down the name, accidentally mixed letters, and this expression went from here.

Structure and useful properties of a false hellebore

In case of use of a false hellebore for treatment, its roots are used. This part of a plant is allocated with special properties. So, roots of a false hellebore contain about 2,5% of alkaloids. These substances cause strong therapeutic effect of this plant.

Among all attendees in a false hellebore of alkaloids, the main positive impact on an organism is exerted by amino alcohols (aminoalkogol). Alkaloids of a false hellebore are capable to reduce arterial pressure, and then, at the same time, there is an essential delay of cardiac performance, sensitive nerve terminations are excited, sneezing and cough are provoked.

Except alkaloids, the possibility of use of a false hellebore for treatment of many diseases provides availability in it of tannins, ashes and pitches, and also presence of a large number micro and macrocells.

The list of microelements as a part of a false hellebore:

  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron.

Use of a false hellebore for treatment

Collecting roots of a false hellebore is made in the fall. The received raw materials are washed from the earth, then dried in the fresh air, under canopies. Before drying roots crush up to the powdery weight. As the false hellebore is poisonous, at preparation it is necessary to be careful (to put on a mask the person, to tie the person with a gauze). It appears, dust from roots of a false hellebore can cause strong irritation of mucous membranes of eyes and a nasopharynx, and it can lead to long sneezing. Owing to such processes, there can come bleeding from a nose. No more than 3 years, store raw materials in the rooms isolated from foodstuff, the place has to be dry and well aired.

Use of a false hellebore was long since caused by its powerful antiparasitic property. Besides, this plant is allocated with some other medical effects:

  • Anesthetizing (analgeziruyushchiya);
  • Anti-mycotic (antifungal);
  • Irritating;
  • Excitement of a nervous system;
  • Expansion of blood vessels;
  • Increase in a tone of skeletal muscles.

The anesthetizing and irritating effects of a false hellebore are applied to treatment at the following diseases:

  • Gout;
  • Arthritis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Muscular pains;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Musculoskeletal system diseases.

The main dosage forms by means of which there is a treatment a chemeritsa is the following:

  • Ointment;
  • Broth;
  • Tincture spirit;
  • Tincture on a water basis.

Eurysynusic medicine is well-known Chemerichnaya water. She prepares on a water basis, with use of rhizomes and roots of a false hellebore of Lobel. Also, often in medicine use a spirit extract of a plant.

Most often, such means is applied to extermination of the parasites living on a body of the person. The most important rule of use of a false hellebore in treatment of any of diseases is exclusively external use. That is, any medicine from a false hellebore should be applied only on skin.

So, tincture from a false hellebore is appointed for treatment of the following diseases:

  • Pediculosis (louses, fleas);
  • Seborrhea;
  • Eczema;
  • Itch mite;
  • Dandruff;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Arthritis;
  • Neuralgia.

The most frequent option of purpose of such medicine is the pediculosis on the head and a pubis.

Along with treatment of the listed diseases, the false hellebore from alcoholism is also widely used in practice. The traditional medicine, however, does not approve this method. Scientists consider that the noxious plant cannot essentially help with treatment of this illness. Nevertheless, traditional medicine actively applies this means. So, for disposal by means of a false hellebore of alcoholism, prepare tincture on vodka. The proportion makes 10 g of roots of a plant on 100 g of vodka. Within 10 days this tincture has to be in the dark and cool place. After the specified term, to the alcoholic begin gradually, to add since 1 - 2 thaw medicine to food. Every day, the amount of tincture is increased. The alcoholic has unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Thus, as folk healers consider, the patient has an association of such health with the alcohol drunk by it. It is supposed that in this regard, the alcoholic will cease to drink as to him it will be very bad. On it the treatment mechanism by a chemeritsa from alcoholism is also constructed.

Instead of spirit tincture of a false hellebore from alcoholism it is possible to use also broth. But then such medicine from a false hellebore for alcoholism needs to be stored in cold, and it is no more than 2 days, and then to prepare new broth.

Important at treatment by a chemeritsa from alcoholism not to allow overdose. You should not forget about toxic properties of a plant. So, in case of overdose at treatment diarrhea and vomiting will be a chemeritsa from alcoholism, the most harmless symptoms of poisoning. At too high dose of the drunk medicine from a false hellebore for alcoholism death is possible.Настойка чемерицы

Why traditional medicine against use of a false hellebore from alcoholism? The answer is obvious: this drug provides exclusively external use, but not peroral (inside). Scientific research showed that use of a false hellebore by the person inside can lead to the most severe poisoning.

Contraindications and harm from use of a false hellebore

As danger from the wrong use of a false hellebore is quite real, this means needs to be isolated from children especially carefully. Children a chemeritsa can begin treatment only after 3 years.

Categorically treatment by a chemeritsa is not recommended at such states as:

  • Serious cardiovascular illness;
  • Severe damages of a liver;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Feeding by a breast;
  • Intolerance of drug (including, allergy);
  • Infectious damages of skin.

Danger is also constituted by too prolonged treatment by a chemeritsa or exceeding of the recommended drawing doses.

At reception of a false hellebore inside severe intoxication can cause a cardiac standstill.

Hit of funds for mucous membranes of eyes, oral cavity, nasopharynx, generative organs is dangerous.

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