Main > Drugs> Tsinkteral


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from 280 rub.

Tsinkteral – the medicine filling shortage of a microelement of zinc in an organism.

Structure and form of release

Tsinkteral is made in the form of round tablets, coated pink-violet color. Цинктерал 25 таблетокOne tablet of drug contains 45 mkg of zinc in the form of zinc salt of sulphuric acid (zinc sulfate). 20-30% of a single dose of zinc sulfate are soaked up in blood and are exposed to disintegration without formation of components, toxic for an organism.

Tsinkteral's analog consider Zincite. However contains in one tablet of the specified Tsinkteral's analog only 10 mkg of zinc.

Pharmacological action of Tsinkteral

This zinc-containing medicine supports normal activity of endocrine and nervous systems, has immunomodulatory effect, provides growth and development of cells and body tissues, exerts impact on process of exchange of carbohydrates. Tsinkteral provides full proteinaceous synthesis, supports the level of content of vitamin A in blood within norm, has antimicrobic activity.

Indications to Tsinkteral's use

  • enteropatichesky acrodermatitis (the damage of skin connected with pathologies of a small intestine);
  • complex treatment of sexual weakness and infertility, prevention of development of benign and malignant tumors of a prostate in men;
  • complex treatment is long not healing wounds;
  • complex treatment of a disease of Wilson, migraine;
  • recovery period of hormonal therapy;
  • complex treatment of pustular and purulent acne rash;
  • fragility of nails and hair;
  • complex treatment of a gnezdny and malignant alopecia;
  • purulent and necrotic pancreatitis in the postoperative period;
  • need of activation of protective forces of an organism in the period of protozoan, viral, fungal infections;
  • complications after chemotherapy;
  • prevention of development of a senile blindness and makulodistrofiya (damage of a retina of an eye).


  • hypersensitivity of an organism of the patient to zinc-containing drugs;
  • children's age up to four years;
  • renal failure.

Tsinkteral route of administration

Tsinkteral it is necessary to accept in two-three hours prior to food or in an hour after acceptance of food. The recommended Tsinkteral's doses according to the instruction following:

  • at nested baldness, an enteropatichesky acrodermatitis and a malignant alopecia to children after four years and the adult in an initiation of treatment appoint to eight - ten tablets every day, then gradually reduce a daily dose of reception to one-two tablets. The supporting treatment is continued before total disappearance of symptoms of a disease. The alopecia course of treatment in the started stage can proceed up to four years;
  • at pustular and phlegmonous acne rash to children and adults according to Tsinkteral's instruction about two tablets three times a day are recommended to accept, gradually reducing a dose to one tablet twice a day before total disappearance of symptoms.
  • for recovery of structure of hair and nails, accelerations of healing of wounds and erosion, at Wilson's disease recommend to accept on one tablet of Tsinkteral three times a day;
  • for strengthening of immunity, treatment of migraine, an allergy, bronchial asthma, appoint three tablets of drug twice a day. Treatment duration about a month.
  • for prevention of high-quality and malignant new growths of a prostate, treatment of infertility at men, strengthening of sexual desire and a potentiality Tsinkteral's use in a daily dose from two to ten tablets is recommended. Course of treatment from 21 to 90 days. Duration of treatment depends on disease severity and age of the patient;
  • for prevention of development, and also treatment of complications in the postoperative period, Цинктерал 150 таблетокat chemotherapy about two tablets are recommended to take medicine three times a day. Duration of a course of treatment is appointed individually;
  • for prevention of development of a blindness in elderly people appoint two tablets of drug two times per day.

Side effects

Reviews of Tsinkterala demonstrate that this drug is in most cases transferred by patients well. In some cases, judging by responses, Tsinkteral can make sick, heartburn, a stomach ache, a headache. Occasionally prolonged use of Tsinkteral leads to developing of ulcers in an oral cavity, to hemolitic disturbances.

Features of use of Tsinkteral

Bakery products, products with the high content of iron, dairy products slow down process of absorption of zinc sulfate in a digestive tract. The break between drug intake and above the listed products has to be not less than two hours.

For prevention of development of the dispepsichesky phenomena (nausea, heartburn) Tsinkteral's use is recommended during food.


In case of overdose of medicine jaundice, bloody or watery diarrhea, a stethalgia, dizziness, difficulty of an urination and breath, a spasm, an erythremia, decrease in the ABP, a kollaptoidny state can be observed. At emergence of the symptoms stated above the patient should accept water or milk and to see urgently a doctor.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tsinkteral of a tablet 124 of mg of 25 pieces

280 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Tsinkteral of a tablet 124 of mg of 150 pieces

1013 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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