Application instruction:
Tsiprinol – the antibacterial agent used for treatment of the infectious and inflammatory processes caused by microorganisms, sensitive to it. Reviews of Tsiprinola prove its speed and high therapeutic activity.
Tsiprinol causes DNA synthesis disturbances that leads to the termination of growth and division of bacteria. According to the instruction Tsiprinol is especially effective for treatment caused by gram-negative bacteria (shigellas, klebsiyella, colibacillus, salmonellas, etc.) diseases. A number of gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococcus), and also intracellular microorganisms also is sensitive to this drug (to a chlamydia, a mycobacterium of a tuberkulezaa other). According to reviews Tsiprinol has the highest performance among all other ftorkhinolon at the infectious diseases caused by a pyocyanic stick.
Drug has low activity concerning mycoplasmas, anaerobic bacteria. It is not effective at fungal and viral infections.
At intake Tsiprinol is well soaked up. Meal slows down drug absorption a little. The maximum content of active agent in blood is noted later an hour and a half after reception.
Tsiprinol's use is shown for treatment of diseases with intracellular localization of the activator since it well gets in cells.
Removal of drug from an organism is generally carried out by kidneys. The period of its semi-removal makes 6 – 10 hours. Therefore it is possible to apply it two times a day.
Tsiprinol is issued in the form of oblong tablets of white color and solutions for intravenous infusion.
Medicines with action, similar to Tsiprinol, are: Tsiprrosan, Tsipropan, Tsiprolon, Tsiprokvin, Tsiprovin, Tsiprobid, Tariferid, Sifloks, Renor, Perti, Oflomak, Oflotsid, Norilet, Norfatsin, Negafloks, Mikrofloks, Maksakvin, Medotsiprin, Lomefloksatsin, Liprokhin, Kvintor, Aveloks and others.
According to the instruction Tsiprinol can be applied to treatment and prevention of infectious diseases at people with reduced immunity, for example, against the background of immunodepressive therapy.
Numerous analogs of Tsiprinol have just the same indications to use.
According to the instruction Tsiprinol is contraindicated at pregnancy, in the period of a lactation and at the increased individual sensitivity to ftorkhinolona. Also it cannot be used for treatment of the children and teenagers who did not reach 18-year age.
Intravenous administration of drug is inadmissible at a pseudomembranous coloenteritis and deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy.
Carefully Tsiprinol is appointed at various disturbances of cerebral circulation, the epilepsy, mental diseases expressed to a liver or renal failure. Tsiprinol's use by patients of advanced age is undesirable.
At Tsiprinol's use there can be following side effects:
The same side effects are characteristic also of Tsiprinol's analogs.
At accidental or deliberate poisoning with Tsiprinol carry out a repeated gastric lavage. As the specific antidote does not exist, carry out a symptomatic treatment.
If at treatment by Tsiprinol the patient has a long and heavy diarrhea, then it is necessary to exclude development of the pseudomembranous colitis demanding immediate cancellation of medicine and purpose of the corresponding therapy.
According to reviews Tsiprinol can lead to a heavy inflammation and even a rupture of sinews. Therefore at the first symptoms of a tendovaginitis or at emergence of morbidity in sinews drug should be cancelled at once.
According to the instruction to Tsiprinol patients during treatment have to receive a lot of liquid that allows not to allow development of a crystalluria.
At use of this drug it is necessary to abstain from the work demanding speed of psychomotor reaction and the increased concentration of attention.
The recommended Tsiprinol's dose depends on weight of a current and localization of an infection, the general condition of an organism, body weight and age of the patient, function of kidneys.
At diseases urinary and respiratory tracts usually appoint 250 mg of Tsiprinol two times a day. At the complicated course of a disease - on 500 – 750 mg twice a day.
For treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea drug is appointed once in a dose of 500 mg.
At a heavy coloenteritis, prostatitis, gynecologic infections and osteomyelitis Tsiprinol is appointed on 500 – 750 mg each 12 hours.
Duration of a course of treatment is defined by disease severity.
Pill has to be taken strictly to food and be washed down with a large amount of liquid.
Simultaneous use of Tsiprinol and theophylline increases concentration in a blood plasma of the last drug.
Decrease in a prothrombin ratio is observed at a concomitant use of Tsiprinol and anticoagulants of indirect action or peroral hypoglycemic drugs.
Simultaneous use of Tsiprinol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (except aspirin) significantly increases risk of development of a convulsive attack.
According to the instruction Tsiprinol it is not necessary to accept at the same time with antacids which reduce his absorption. Therefore the interval between reception of these drugs has to be not less than four hours.
Tsiprinol's combination to other antibacterial drugs leads to a synergism.
Tsiprinol treats the list B and is released from drugstores only according to the recipe of the doctor. It should be stored in the dark and dry place unavailable to children. A period of validity - 5 years.
Name of drug
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