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Diet of "10 days of 5 kg"

The diet of "10 days of 5 kg" Особенности диеты 10 дней 5 кгrepresents the balanced diet containing all necessary macro - and microelements for maintenance of normal functioning of an organism during weight loss. As well as any other, the diet of "10 days of 5 kg" is designed to improve a metabolism in an organism, to normalize activity of a GIT.

Any diet demands thorough training of an organism before changing a diet and a diet. Inspection of an organism on existence of diseases at which diets are contraindicated is the cornerstone of preparation for weight loss, or specialized diets are shown. Each diet is designed not to do much harm to an organism, and to bring it into a tone. Effects of incorrectly picked up diet or the wrong observance can demand further prolonged treatment. So, excessive starvation can lead to the following disturbances:

  • Amenorrhea (the termination of periods at women);
  • Infertility (women's and men's);
  • Disturbance of nervous activity (psychological stress, neurosises);
  • Organism exhaustion;
  • Hormonal failure;
  • Decrease in a libido;
  • Abnormal liver function and kidneys;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Problems with skin.

To avoid undesirable effects of a diet, it is necessary to consult with the therapist or the nutritionist.

Diet of "10 days of 5 kg": description of the principle of a diet

What is norm at weight loss? What loss of weight will not do much harm to an organism? Various sources provide contradictory information. Norm of loss of weight, it agrees to different sources, fluctuates from 2 kg a week to 2 kg a month (according to WHO data).

So, following a diet of "10 days of 5 kg" the person presumably can lose to 5 kg in 10 days on condition of accurate observance of the offered diet and a diet. This diet assumes considerable loss of weight for very short span. If before a diet of "10 days of 5 kg" the person does not undergo inspection at the doctor, then it is recommended to support during weight loss an organism by vitamin complexes. Diets for bystry loss of weight differ in extreme rigidity that can lead to a vitamin deficiency in an organism.

Rules of observance of a diet "10 days of 5 kg":

  • The diet cannot proceed more than 10 days in order to avoid causing damage to an organism;
  • During a diet it is necessary to listen to the organism, carefully tracing a chair, an urination, the general reactions of an organism to the changed diet and a diet;
  • The diet needs to be stopped immediately at the first symptoms of exhaustion (headaches and dizzinesses, nausea, a loss of consciousness).

The basic principle of a diet of "10 days of 5 kg" consists in monofood. The entire period of a diet is broken for days with proteinaceous food and days with carbohydrate food that will help to balance consumption necessary macro - and microelements, and also to exclude "harmful" products from a diet. The diet is based on the use of crude vegetables and fruit and boiled products (eggs, meat, fish). The diet consists of fresh fruit and vegetables (70% of a diet) and low-fat boiled meat and fish (30% of a diet).

Diet for weight loss of 10 days: indications to observance

The diet Рацион диеты 10 дней 5 кгis suitable for weight loss of 10 days not to each person aiming to lose weight. There are accurate indications for use of a ten-day diet:

  • The diet for weight loss of 10 days is shown only to those patients whose index of body weight exceeds value 25;
  • The ten-day diet can be applied only if the person has no gastrointestinal diseases, otherwise consultation of the nutritionist and selection of the individual menu is necessary;
  • Absence of mental disorders, one of which is dysmorphophobia (pathological dissatisfaction own appearance).

The diet for weight loss of 10 days is an effective method of weight reduction on condition of accurate observance of a diet and a diet. The offered menu and the mode of meal have recommendatory character.

Diet for 10 days: menu, fasting day, additional products

At the heart of a diet for 10 days which menu provides monofood two principles of selection of products lie: carbohydrate and proteinaceous.

Day of proteinaceous monofood assumes:

  • Glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • Breakfast – 1 boiled egg with greens or a fresh cucumber;
  • During the day – boiled chicken (on the second broth) or fish without salt and spices. The boiled chicken it is skinned, meat is distributed per day depending on requirements of an organism;
  • The last meal is possible till 19:00;
  • 2 l of water during the day.

The menu is not supplemented with bread, grain. At desire in water, on chicken, fish it is possible to add lemon juice.

Day of carbohydrate monofood assumes:

  • Glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • Fresh vegetables – cabbage, carrots, beet, cucumbers. Vegetables can be used in the form of the salads filled with lemon juice.
  • The last meal is possible also not later than 19:00;
  • 2 l of water a day.

During a diet fermented milk products, honey, nuts, chocolate which are resolved in other diets are not used. A diet for 10 days which menu quite strict, suits not everyone. Before starting a diet, it is recommended to change anew a diet, gradually entering into it more vegetables and reducing consumption of flour products, salts, spices, fried products.

The ten-day diet can be added with fruit if there is desire of sweet. Grapes, apples, peaches perfectly will be suitable for this purpose. It is desirable to use seasonal fruit. During the winter period it is better to give preference to a citrus and apples. However it is necessary to remember that a citrus can significantly increase acidity of a stomach that will negatively affect in the conditions of limited consumption of products. Following a diet, consumption of fruit needs also to be limited.

Diet for 10 days: responses, recommendations

Stopping the choice on a diet for 10 days, responses of the people who tried this diet can be very useful, however you should not judge efficiency of a method only by the results achieved by other people. Efficiency of a diet will depend completely on specific features of an organism, obesity degree of manifestation (surplus of weight), and also on desire of the person to lose weight. Responses will help to pick up optimum products, without having broken balance of proteins and carbohydrates. Many people impart successful experience of replacement of products.

The diet recommended by a diet for 10 days, reviews of which can be found in the Internet, in itself promotes loss of weight. Essential decrease in consumption of products activates metabolism of fatty deposits for development of amount of energy necessary for an organism.

Nutritionists extremely do not recommend to apply a diet for 10 days on condition of the weakened organism (the second half of winter, spring months, after the postponed diseases). The best time for use of a diet of "10 days of 5 kg" is the summer and an early autumn. Seasons rich with fruit and vegetables will allow to transfer this period easier.

Doctors warn that the diet of "10 days of 5 kg" is not a panacea from obesity. It is only one of the techniques allowing to lose weight. The main objective after the termination of a diet is fixing of the achieved results.

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Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.