Chronic nedostatochnostkrovoobrashcheniya 1 or 2a stages.
This diet facilitates activity of cardiovascular system. Includes products which use well affects activity of digestive tract, spares kidneys, increases a diuresis (i.e. amount of urine).
Salt and water, products rich with cholesterol is considerably limited. The quantity of a cellulose in food, and also the products causing a meteorism decreases (gas generation in intestines).
The products exciting cardiovascular and nervous systems, the irritating livers, kidneys, i.e. extractive substances are excluded.
The menu of a diet 10 is enriched with salts of magnesium, potassium, vitamins.
General energy value of a diet of 10 no more than 2300-2600 kcal.
Meat and fish dishes should be steamed or boiled in water. At a stable state perhaps further roasting or easy frying.
All dishes are prepared without salt use.
Salt is included into already ready dishes: bread, roll, etc.
1. Bread and bakery products. Salt-free white bread with bran (yesterday's), white crackers, lean digestive biscuit is allowed.
2. Groat, vegetable, milk or lenten soups.
3. Meat. It is possible to use for preparation of dishes low-fat beef, veal, chicken, meat of a turkey, rabbit in a boiled look. After preparation it is possible to fry or bake slightly.
4. Fish. The menu of a diet 10 join low-fat grades of fish (a pike perch, a hake, a cod) in a boiled look.
5. Vegetables. It is possible to use for preparation carrots, pumpkin, vegetable marrows, beet, a cauliflower, potatoes. Any vegetables can be used in a boiled look. The baked potatoes are recommended. Crude tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, carrots are allowed for the use. To limit the use of peas, beans, cabbage because of a possibility of the increased gas generation.
It is necessary to consider that a number of vegetables contains a significant amount of liquid which should be considered in the daily volume of the consumed water.
6. Macaroni and grain. The porridges from any grain cooked on milk are allowed. Macaroni any, but it is preferable from firm grades of wheat, without salt.
7. Milk and dairy products. At good tolerance it is possible to include kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cottage cheese in a diet. Also preparation of dishes from dairy products is recommended: baked puddings, cheesecakes, etc. Fat dairy products (sour cream, cream) have to be considered surely in the menu at calculation of volume of the used animal fats!
8. Eggs. No more than 3 pieces a week. To use generally for preparation of dishes. At the increased cholesterol level the yolk is not recommended to be included in a diet extremely.
9. Sweet dishes. In terms of pure sugar no more than 100 g a day. It can be honey, fruit jelly, a zephyr, etc. It should be taken into account that many fruit and dried fruits contain a significant amount of fruit sugars. Therefore in day of the use of such products as raisin, dried apricots, grapes, sweet apples, bananas, etc., amount of sweet reduce.
10. Sauces. Preparation of low-fat vegetable, fruit sauces with use of parsley, fennel, bay leaf is allowed. Sauces have to be not acute.
Strong tea and coffee, alcohol, cocoa, chocolate.
Saturated beef-infusion, fish, mushroom broths. Hot and spicy dishes. The products containing a large amount of cholesterol: caviar, animal fat, brains, offal. Categorically it is impossible marinades, a pickles. To limit the products causing the increased gas generation: bean, radish and garden radish, carbonated drinks and other.
On the basis of all above-mentioned it is possible to make the approximate menu of a diet 10 for a week.
1 day.
Breakfast: - cottage cheese pudding of 150 g;
- semolina porridge 150 of;
- tea 200 of.
Second breakfast: - fresh apples of 100 g.
Lunch: - pearl-barley vegetables soup on water 150 of;
- the boiled or baked slightly meat with boiled carrots – 55 g + 150 g;
- apple compote 200 of ml.
Afternoon snack: - apples 100 of;
- compote from a dogrose of 200 ml.
Dinner: - mashed potatoes with boiled fish of 150 g + 85 g;
- pilaf with fruit 90 of;
- tea with ml milk 200.
Supper: - ml kefir 200.
Throughout the day it is possible to eat no more than 250 g of white bread, sugar 50 of, oil of creamy 20 g.
It is desirable to make in one step the approximate menu of a diet 10 for a week. It will allow to adjust it and to do to more various.
The diet 10 is applied at cardiovascular diseases. There are 3 its the main a type. Such division is necessary for bigger improvement of effect of a dietotherapy.
Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.
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