The Soviet nutritionist Mikhail Pevzner developed medical menus for patients with different diseases. The diet number 8 is a power supply system for therapy of obesity. The diet 8 is checked by time and is still successfully applied in medical institutions. Independent use of a diet number 8 is rather safe as it is balanced on the structure and is suitable for most of patients with different degree of obesity. However it is better to undergo inspection at the specialist before an initiation of treatment a diet 8. Perhaps, it will be required to make blood test, to pass the electrocardiogram.
The purpose of a diet 8 at obesity is decrease in body weight, correction of lipidic exchange, recovery of water and electrolytic balance. The menu of a diet 8 contains 100-110 grams of proteins, 80-90 grams of fat, 120-150 grams of carbohydrates daily. Proteins have to be both vegetable, and animals. It is better to receive fats for the account of vegetable food. Sugar and confectionery are excluded. It is admissible to use noncaloric sweeteners (aspartame, cyclomate, saccharin). Energy value of a diet number 8 makes 1600-1870 kilocalories a day. In the conditions of endocrinological department decrease in caloric content till 1200 a day is possible. On this power supply system salt to food at preparation is not added. It is possible to use 3 grams of salt a day for ready dishes. The diet 8 is characterized by restriction of digestible carbohydrates, animal fats, the general caloric content of a diet. In food the amount of food fibers increases. It is preferable to cook, extinguish, bake, but not to fry food. Temperature of dishes when giving on a table usual. During the day it is necessary to provide 4-5 meals of small portions. The dinner has to take place in 4 hours prior to a dream.
Unfortunately, nearly 5% of the Russian children have excess body weight. Generally the overeating is the reason of obesity at children. At this group of the population use of medicines and surgical interventions for treatment of this disease is strongly limited. Therefore the main thing in therapy of obesity is the healthy nutrition and change of a way of life. The diet 8 for children is used within several decades. It allows to reduce daily consumption of calories by 20-30%. Of course, it is impossible to limit the menu of the child too sharply. Food has to be various, vitamin-rich and microelements. First of all, decrease in caloric content is reached due to refusal of confectionery and greasy food. At children sweeteners are used carefully.
The menu of a diet 8 provides an exception of products of wheat flour of the premium, fancy and puff pastry, rice, a manna and grits, pasta, bean, salty and marinated vegetables, fat and acute snack, fried eggs, grapes, bananas, dried fruits, spices, mayonnaise, sugar and all confectionery. The amount of potatoes, beet to 200 grams a day is limited. It is not recommended to eat fat or sweet dairy products, it is also impossible fat grades of meat, fish, sausage, canned food.
It is daily possible to eat up to 150 grams of bread from coarse flour, 250-300 grams of soup from vegetables with small addition of potatoes, 150 grams of meat or a bird of low-fat grades or 150 grams of fish or seafood, 200 grams of skim cheese, 1-2 eggs, porridge from buckwheat or pearl barley in a small amount. It is important to use a large number of vegetables. In the menu of a diet 8 all species of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, a garden radish, salad, vegetable marrows, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnip are recommended. Fruit it is possible to use unsweetened and to eat up to 400 grams a day.
First breakfast. Skim cheese of 200 grams. Vegetable oil salad. Tea without sugar.
Second breakfast. Orange.
Lunch. Vegetable soup of 250 grams. Boiled meat of 120 grams. Buckwheat cereal of friable 100 grams.
Afternoon snack. Glass of kefir of 1% of fat content.
Dinner. Fish of boiled 120 grams. Fresh vegetables salad.
This approximate menu can be changed to the taste, considering the products prohibited and resolved on a diet.
The diet 8 for weight loss is used more than 50 years. Despite new tendencies in medicine, the main ideas of decrease in body weight remain the same: to lose weight, it is necessary to spend more calories, than you receive with food. Reviews of a diet of 8 doctors always positive. It is the only diet combining high balance, safety and efficiency. The diet 8 at obesity remains to the most popular in hospitals of medical institutions. Also reviews of a diet of 8 patients including on the Internet are interesting. Positive reviews note advantage of a diet 8 for health. But there are also negative estimates emphasizing its very strict character and strong hunger at its observance. Unfortunately, the diet 8predlagayet to refuse darlings many products. Its observance demands a certain psychological spirit and aiming at long-term result.
The purpose of this power supply system is improvement of an organism and decrease in body weight. If to adhere to a diet 8 for weight loss within 6 months, it is possible to achieve essential results. So loss of body weight has to make 5-10%, and more at the expense of fatty tissue. In exchange of fats during this time there have to be positive shifts – the general cholesterol can decrease to norm. Loss of extra kilos leads 2 types to reduction of risk of a diabetes mellitus. If prior to treatment at the patient the increased blood sugar level corresponding to a condition of prediabetes was noted (the broken tolerance to glucose), then after 6 months of therapy by a diet 8 full normalization of carbohydrate metabolism is probable. Together with extra kilos also figures of the increased arterial pressure have to decrease. In cases of slight arterial hypertension correction to norm is possible.
Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.
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