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Diet for feeding

For the nursing mother it is worth approaching the choice of a diet with special care. In many points the diet for the feeding mothers is the key to full breastfeeding of the kid, and also health of the woman during this period.Особенности диеты для кормящих матерей

Directly right after childbirth for the first several days nutritionists in general recommend not to eat a lot of food to allow an organism to have a rest.

In the first one or one and a half weeks after the delivery the diet for nursing mothers has to consist of the following dishes:

  • low-fat chicken broths;
  • various vegetable soups;
  • baked apples and vegetables;
  • porridge.

It is also desirable to drink many various grass collecting, compotes and fruit drinks. After at the woman breastfeeding will finally be adjusted, it is necessary to have before each feeding a glass of water or warm tea.

From second week for the nursing mother it is possible to include boiled beef, white fish and nuts in a diet. And already from third week it is possible to add chicken, kefir and eggs to a diet.

You should not be upset that the quantity of dishes is limited, such rigid diet for nursing mothers lasts all the first two months after the delivery, and after their expiration women can gradually add new products to a diet. It is recommended to keep at the same time the food diary and to monitor carefully reaction of the kid to each new product.

Diet for weight loss for the feeding mothers

During pregnancy most of women gain excess weight, and it is quite natural. Therefore many women are interested in efficient diets for feeding for weight loss. Especially you will not clear up, that milk for the kid was in necessary quantity and nutritious, the adequate diet is necessary. But if carefully to approach the choice of a diet, then positive takes can be achieved quickly enough without harm for the health and health of the child.

The diet for weight loss for the feeding mothers has to begin not earlier, than in three months after the delivery as the organism has to be recovered completely, and the lactation – to be adjusted. After this period food needs to be broken into 6-7 meals.

The full refusal of flour products and too greasy food has to become the first rule of a diet for the feeding mothers. Believe, it will not affect quantity and quality of milk, and here your organism will tell you "thanks".

What products have to enter a diet for feeding for weight loss?

  • without fail there have to be various dairy products and cellulose;
  • grated carrots perfectly clear intestines and remove slags;
  • mayonnaise cannot be used, and salads can be filled with olive oil;
  • it is the best of all to drink still mineral water, fruit juice and green tea;
  • use more vegetables in any kind – in stewed, boiled, fried and fresh;
  • and here it is better to refuse sunflower seeds and nuts: only one handful of nuts contains almost day norm of fats;
  • and, naturally, on all alcoholic beverages – a taboo.Список продуктов диеты для похудения для кормящих мам

Advice to nursing mothers which will help them to lose weight

As the diet for feeding assumes prohibition on candies and chocolate, sometimes to women happens very hard to keep from temptation. However an exit is. It is possible to replace chocolate with jam, dried fruits and honey.

It is necessary to avoid products which can cause allergic reaction in the child. To it belong: chocolate, canned food, sausage, eggs, strawberry, citrus. It is not all list as each organism is individual, and the woman needs to monitor reaction of the kid.

Women should remember that during a lactation calcium is necessary for an organism. It is possible to receive it, eating broccoli and a white cabbage, and also from sardines, almonds and oranges. Also use of the additives containing vitamin D and calcium will not prevent.

Vitamins are necessary for an organism for a good metabolism. They adjust work of the alimentary system, and also promote development of the child. Therefore during breastfeeding you should not neglect the products containing vitamins.

It is necessary to refuse various fast food, smoked products, marinated and preserved foods, fat, strong coffee, aerated water, chips.

During a diet for feeding you should not neglect easy having a snack between the main meals. The glass of kefir, a piece of cottage cheese, one egg hard-boiled will save you from feeling of hunger and will promote that at dinner or a dinner you will eat a smaller portion.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.