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Diet "We grow thin in a week"

Диета Худеем за неделю - рацион диетического питания на 7 днейSometimes vital circumstances develop so that it is necessary to lose weight very quickly and effectively. Because of excess weight many women hesitate to put on a bathing suit or a favourite dress, and in certain cases it is even awkward to them to visit crowded places. To lose weight in a short space of time, it is possible to choose one of diets "We grow thin in a week". Programs of weight loss "We grow thin in a week" will help to dump in a week from two to nine kilograms, at the same time without doing harm to health.

We suggest to use the following diets "We grow thin in a week":

• The sparing buckwheat.

For seven days it is possible to eat any desirable amount of buckwheat. It is necessary to cook buckwheat cereal on water without use of salt or sugar. For taste it is possible to add dried fruits to buckwheat.

• Useful kefiric.

Kefir is very useful to our health. It improves work of digestive tract, purifies intestinal microflora, thereby promoting dumping of excess weight. Kefir it is necessary to use semi-percentage. Except kefir in day it is possible to eat hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet or low-fat beef, green apples.

• A radical apple diet "We grow thin in a week".

Adhering to this diet in day it is possible to dump one kilogram. It is possible to use the most different grades of apples, but this diet suits only those who are ready to feeling of hunger.

• Saturated soup.

During this diet of soup it is possible to eat so much how many it will want, but only to 18 o'clock in the evening. It is possible to prepare it as follows: when water begins to boil, it is necessary to put any amount of vegetables and when soup is cooked in it, to add a drop of olive oil. Except soup it is possible to boil 100-200 grams of low-fat beef also.

• Tasty color.

This diet is the simplest of express diets. In it days are divided by flowers of products. Monday – it white day, so this day can be eaten cabbage, kefir, milk, skim cheese and other products of white color. Tuesday – yellow day: corn, egg yolks. Wednesday – red day: tomatoes, red currant, boiled beef. Thursday – violet day: currant, black grapes, eggplants. Friday – green day: broccoli, apples. Saturday – orange day in which it is authorized to eat everything, as on Tuesday, having added to it a citrus. On Sunday it is possible to allow himself only water.

• The model program of weight loss "We grow thin in a week".

It is necessary to have breakfast one egg light-boiled. In three hours it is necessary to eat 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and to wash down it with tea, in three hours to repeat (cottage cheese and tea). The following meal only the next morning, before – only mineral water. In two-three such days it is possible to get rid from three to five kilograms. It is possible to repeat a diet only in a month.

The program of food "We grow thin in a week"

In accuracy adhering to this diet, you will be able to dump from five to nine kilograms. In day during observance of this diet it is necessary to drink not less than two liters of warm water.

This diet "We grow thin in a week" it is combined, that is, in it products are correctly combined. Thanks to it exchange processes in an organism improve, and you promptly lose excess weight. The most unlucky days in which it is necessary to show more self-control are the first, the third and the last.

The menu of the program of food "We grow thin in a week":


  • Breakfast: a piece of firm cheese, one toast and one glass of the kefir (fat-free).
  • Lunch: haricot (hundred grams), vegetables sunflower or olive oil salad, unsweetened tea or juice (one glass).
  • Dinner: haricot (hundred grams), light vegetable salad, juice (one glass).


  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (hundred grams), unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: haricot (hundred grams), vegetable salad with small amount of sauerkraut of red color, unsweetened tea or juice (one glass).
  • Dinner: the haricot (hundred grams) welded fish (hundred grams), unsweetened tea or juice.

Результат диеты Худеем за неделю - от 2 до 9 кгWednesday

  • Breakfast: the fat-free kefir (250 milliliters), a small slice of cheese and a toast.
  • Lunch: haricot (hundred grams), vegetable salad, green tea or juice.
  • Dinner: haricot (hundred grams), vegetables salad, tomato juice.


  • Breakfast: skim cheese (hundred grams), unsweetened green tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: haricot (hundred grams), fruit low-fat yogurt salad.
  • Dinner: the welded rice without salt (fifty grams), the cooked meat of chicken (hundred grams), unsweetened tea or juice.

Friday of the program of food "We grow thin in a week"

  • Breakfast: low-fat yogurt (hundred grams), unsweetened coffee or juice.
  • Lunch: haricot (hundred grams), light vegetable salad or sauerkraut.
  • Dinner: haricot (hundred grams), vegetable olive oil salad, potatoes cooked in a uniform (two pieces), juice from tomatoes.


  • Breakfast: firm cheese (fifty grams), toast and unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese (hundred grams), light salad from vegetables, juice.
  • Dinner: haricot (two hundred grams), any fruit (hundred grams).


  • Breakfast: low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese (hundred grams), unsweetened coffee.
  • Lunch: haricot (hundred grams), light vegetable salad.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup (two hundred grams), haricot (hundred grams), juice from grapefruit or orange.

Haricot needs to be used boiled or tinned, and as having a snack between a breakfast and a lunch it is possible to use hundred grams of favourite fruit or berries.

Reviews of a diet "We grow thin in a week"

According to many responses, a diet "We grow thin in a week" will not do much harm to health, but, at the same time, will help to dump up to ten kilograms. The organism during a diet does not suffer from a lack of microelements and vitamins, and, on the contrary, is cleared of toxins and saturated with useful substances.

Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.