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Diet of models

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:7 days

3,5 of 5

The extreme diet based on sharp decrease in caloric content of a daily diet. The diet demands discipline and self-checking and has apparent defects, basic of which – bystry return of the lost weight upon completion of a diet.

Recommended частота:раз in 2 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The diet of models belongs to short-term diets which essence consists in extreme reduction of caloric content of a diet. Effect of such diets impressive, but temporary. They do not solve a problem of disposal of excess weight forever or changes of eating habits. A problem of similar diets – to lose weight to specific date.

The diet of models is expected 7 days for which it is possible to dump from 5 to 7 kilograms. It is considered that thanks to this diet models manage to come to a form before shootings and displays.

Principle of a diet of models: caloric content of a daily diet should not exceed 1000 kcal.

Диета моделей – экстремальная диета, основанная на резком снижении калорийности суточного рациона


The main advantage of a diet – its efficiency.

The menu of a diet of models is formed taking into account own preferences as the list of the resolved products is quite wide. Low-calorie dishes and fractional food help to avoid feeling of the hunger accompanying other rigid diets.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The main lack of a diet of models – extremely low caloric content of a daily diet. Having reduced caloric content to 1000 kcal a day, the person suffers from weakness, bystry fatigue and decrease in a psychoemotional background. At the daily caloric content less than 1000 kcal metabolism therefore it is not necessary to exceed the recommended diet duration (7 days) as weight reduction speed considerably will decrease is slowed down.

After return to usual food the dumped kilograms with high probability will return back.

Lack of fermented milk products and low content of cellulose in the menu of a diet leads to locks owing to what in an organism toxins collect, the health worsens, problems with skin are possible.

Water, as well as tea, it is recommended to drink only hot as in this case there is more effective clarification of an organism.

The diet of models does not lay down severe conditions at the choice of dishes therefore the risk is high to receive inadequate diet. Not each person has enough discipline, special knowledge and free time to make the menu, having correctly calculated caloric content for each dish and watching to exceeding value in 1000 kcal.

The diet of models is contraindicated to people with chronic diseases, after recently postponed disease, and also to pregnant women and the feeding women, teenagers. The diet does not suit the people having more than 10 kg of excess weight.

In view of extremeness of a diet before its beginning it is recommended to get advice of the doctor.

What products are resolved?

Eggs, low-fat types of meat, fish, bread, green vegetables (beans, spinach, green peas), unsweetened fruit, creamy and vegetable oil are resolved. From drinks – green tea without sugar and water.

What products are prohibited?

All products which are not included in the list of resolved are prohibited.


Example of the menu of a diet of models for one day:


2 soft-boiled eggs or piece of low-fat meat, bread piece with a thin layer of butter, tea.

The second breakfast (2 hours later)

Tea or glass of hot water.


100 g of low-fat meat or fish, fried on a grill, 300 g of salad (peas, spinach, beans and vegetable oil), 2 unsweetened fruit, tea or hot water.

Afternoon snack

Tea or glass of hot water.


300 g of green vegetables, 2 pieces of bread with butter, hot water or tea.

Before going to bed it is possible to drink a glass of tea or hot water.

Useful tips:

Council 1: An exit from a diet has to be smooth: at first it is recommended to add fermented milk products to the menu, then to increase amount of fast meat and fish, having brought caloric content to 1800 kcal. It is necessary to refuse sweet and flour products.

Council 2: Water, as well as tea, it is recommended to drink only hot as in this case there is more effective clarification of an organism.

Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.