Diets for 5 days are the five-day plan of weight loss with the painted food allowance intended for clarification of an organism and effective weight loss for a short span.
It the express weight loss suits those who need to lose weight urgently in 5 days.
The first day of this diet is directed to clarification of an organism from toxins, salts and slags which can be reached if all day to drink not carbonated mineral water (more than 1,5 l in a day), there are apples in any quantity, and every 1,5 hour to use 2 tablets of absorbent carbon.
The second day of a diet to lose weight in 5 days observing which it is possible on 3-4 kg, is directed to recovery of work of a GIT. For all day it is allowed to eat 500-600 g of skim cheese, liter of the fat-free kefir and 1,5 l of mineral water.
The third day the express of a diet is directed to completion of power stocks of an organism for what the food containing glucose, such as 2 tbsps of honey, 300 g of raisin, dried fruits compote and, of course, 1,5 l of mineral water is eaten.
The fourth day is directed to a stop of loss of muscle bulk as the last three days actively promoted this process. For this purpose during the day the use in stages half a kilogram of the boiled or steamed chicken or indyushiny fillet with any greens and 1,5 l of mineral water is authorized.
The fifth day is directed to burning of fatty deposits, achievement of what is possible at consumption of completely deprived fats and products, rich in vegetable fibers, such as crude fruit, berries, vegetables and, naturally, 1,5 l of mineral water.
To keep to this diet, to lose weight in 5 days allowing on 4 kg, quite difficult, it is very low-calorie diet therefore before adoption of such decision it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
For those who want to lose weight urgently in 5 days there is an easy clearing diet. It is necessary to remember that, it is impossible to starve or miss meals at all, keeping to this diet, this diet is directed to clarification of an organism from the collected saturated trans-fats and sweeteners which are contained in products by means of what weight loss is reached. On average in day, keeping to this diet, it is necessary to consume 1200-1500 kcal, but it is not less by no means, otherwise the organism will perceive such clarification as hunger. Those who seriously deals with a weight loss issue should mean that it is necessary to eat food every 3-3,5 hour, there will only be then an accelerated metabolism, and also it is desirable to be engaged in any kind of physical exercises (run, walking, swimming, visit of gym, etc.) and to use the maximum quantity of simple or mineral water.
It is necessary to exclude from a day diet the following products:
Morning, at observance of this diet for 5 days, can begin at choice or with a small training, or at all without any exercise stress. If intensive charging takes place, then prior to a training the use of one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and a half-glass of protein cocktail after it is authorized.
In 1,5-2 hours after the training, according to recommendations of creators of this diet, for breakfast it is possible to make cocktail of the Greek yogurt with almond milk and to use 200-250 g of any crude or steamed green vegetables and several apples.
As having a snack at observance of this diet for 5 days any crude vegetables and a cup of green tea with ginger without sugar are resolved.
For lunch any proteinaceous products in number of 150 g (egg, slaves, meat) and 250 g of the crude or steamed vegetables are resolved. The dinner is similar to a lunch, it is possible to add any greens only to vegetables.
As for observance of this diet exclusively fresh products are required, it is recommended to get them in the specialized product markets or in the checked supermarkets. Only those products which were stored in the refrigerator no more than 1 week are considered fresh. Keeping to the clearing diet for 5 days, according to reviews, it is possible to get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight, to clear a GIT and to adjust a metabolism.
One of the most efficient diets in the world the diet developed by military for 3-5 days which helps to achieve quite good results for such short period is considered.
On average, thanks to this diet, for such short term it is possible to get rid of 2-4 kg.
So, the menu of this diet for 3-5 days has the following appearance:
Menus of the fourth and fifth day are similar to the menu of the first and the day before yesterday.
If to follow this food allowance precisely and not to eat any other food, then such diet for 5 days, according to reviews, allows to get rid of 3-4 kg, however it is necessary to remember that such scanty food allowance will suit only absolutely healthy person. It is desirable before deciding on such weight loss, to consult at the dietitian. In unlimited number, keeping to a military diet, the use of simple or mineral water is authorized.
Notes: the toast from whole-wheat flour can be roasted in a toaster, it is better to make peanut butter independently. The tuna can be both fresh, and tinned, meat can be replaced with any seafood, vanilla ice cream has to be without any additives or fillers. If salty crackers did not manage to be got, they can be replaced simple.
It is authorized to add mustard and juice of a lime or lemon to ready dishes.
As this diet for 5 days is developed by military, it is impossible to exclude an exercise stress in any way, only this way it is possible to achieve such stunning results. If the diet is kept by the person with a big excess weight, then usual half-hour foot walk with gradual transition to easy jogging by a trot can act as physical exercises. It is desirable for that who is physically healthy and has no large number of excess weight to visit gym, to actively be engaged in aerobics or кардио in exercises.
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