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Diet for a year

The diet for a year consists of the complex balanced food directed to weight loss and clarification of an organism. It is necessary to adhere to such diet within 12 months, for each of which the special type of the menu is provided.

Features of a diet for a year

Соблюдая диету на год, нужно употреблять белок, например, бобовыеModern diets are directed to bystry elimination of excess weight, but, often, after wearisome starvation work of various systems of an organism worsens, and weight can return to an initial indicator. Therefore many nutritionists recommend to develop an individual diet for a year.

At a right choice of a diet from an organism excessive liquid is eliminated, fats are split and slags are removed, the metabolism and work of the alimentary system is normalized. The diet for a year helps people with a considerable excess weight not only to return symmetry, but also to improve the state of health and to strengthen an organism.

The balanced diet for weight loss has to be based on the special power supply circuit which part vitamins, microelements, cellulose and organic acids are. The daily standard daily rate of calories has to correspond to the needs of an organism for useful substances for energy expenses. As a result it is possible to lose weight for 1 year by 15-20 kg and to realize organism potential, to strengthen immunity and to improve a tone of the muscular device.

The correct planning of the balanced diet for weight loss

Before observance of a diet for a year it is necessary to plan carefully a diet for every month and to calculate necessary caloric content. The following useful substances have to be a part of the main menu for a year:

  • proteins which are a part of dairy products, bean and grain crops, raisin and nuts;
  • amino acids (liver, chicken meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, haricot, banana);
  • vitamins – B12 (yeast, dairy products), D (fish, parsley, mushrooms), With (a lemon, orange, broccoli, a dogrose, cabbage, pepper), etc.;
  • iron (raisin, lentil, spinach, eggs, salad, plum);
  • calcium (fish, fish oil, beans, dried fruits, sesame, greens).

To lose weight 1 year prior to normal weight it is necessary to alternate and combine products correctly. Fractional food of separate type which has to include various dishes with vegetable combinations will be the most correct. Dishes from beans and lentil, and also soups with grain crops and a large number of greens will help to fill an energy stock. Fruit and vegetables with high content of vitamins have to be a basis of the daily menu.

The correct diet for a year includes the main and fasting days, and also consists of groups of products which need to be used on months.

The menu of a diet for a year

The main menu of a diet for a year has to be expected every month. From a diet it is necessary to remove completely confectionery, semi-finished products, seasonings, preserved foods with chemical additives, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Products have to be used in a fresh, boiled and stewed look. It is possible to use smoked and marinated products 5-10 times in a year in 3, 7, 9 and 11 months.

Меню диеты на год обязательно должно содержать рыбуThe balanced diet for weight loss represents daily 5-one-time fractional food with the obligatory use of the following products:

  • daily alternation of boiled eggs and cottage cheese;
  • chicken fillet of 100 grams;
  • boiled fish of 150 grams;
  • 2 slices of rye bread;
  • glass of the fat-free fermented milk product;
  • vegetables and greens in unlimited number;
  • fruit (apple, kiwi, banana, grapefruit, orange, plum);
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • plentiful amount of liquid (not carbonated mineral water, green tea, compote).

In every second month of year it is necessary to increase amount of the used liquid to 2 liters a day. Also it is necessary to use daily in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months on 2 glasses of the frozen or fresh berries, a handful of nuts, seafood, cereal dishes, honey and rice.

The correct diet and physical exercises have to be inseparably linked. Daily exercise stresses will allow to strengthen considerably an organism, to improve a condition of skin and to normalize a psychoemotional state.

The summer menu of a diet for a year has to be added with a large number of fresh vegetables and fruit. Some proteinaceous products can be replaced with vinaigrette, vegetable stews, salads with a large number of greens, olives, nuts and berries.

At observance of a diet salads need to be filled with olive oil or lemon juice, and rye bread can be eaten days only in the morning.

For 1 year observance of all recommendations about a diet and a diet gradually is required to lose weight. The diet has to be made according to a condition of the patient and his diseases. In the presence of disturbances in functioning of the alimentary system the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables should be reduced, but it is daily necessary to use vegetable broth and cottage cheese.

The additional making diets for a year

Dietary food for a year has to be combined with additional resources of weight loss and strengthening of an organism. Several times a week it is necessary to take baths for weight loss with herbs, to do swimming, to make foot walks in the fresh air and to run in the mornings. To get rid of excess hypodermic deposits and flabbiness of skin it is possible to use anti-cellulite cream, massagers and wrappings.

The diet and physical exercises are the main components of the correct weight loss without stresses for an organism and exhaustion. Daily exercises have to be aerobic type, and also it is necessary to stretch and strengthen muscles of a press, hips and buttocks. Weekly exercise stresses have to be increased, and one in once a month it is necessary to appoint day of intensive trainings, a campaign or a bicycle race.

Additional components of weight loss are massage and physiotherapeutic procedures.

At observance of a diet for a year it is necessary to control constantly the weight, to write down results of weight loss, a message the magazine about exercise stresses and sports activities.

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