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Diet on green tea

Green tea – useful, curative drink which regular use according to certain rules allows to get rid of excess weight rather effectively.Особенности диеты на зеленом чае

The diet on green tea low-calorie, at its observance an organism spends energy more, than receives from a diet. In one month of observance of a diet on green tea the organism is well cleared of toxins and slags, loss of weight makes 8-10 kg.

Green tea – a product, with the high content of natural vitamins, microelements, biologically active agents, antioxidants. Content in tea of the special enzymes blocking splitting of carbohydrates significantly reduces their assimilation. Existence of such complex of substances at a regular tea drinking allows to lose weight by means of green tea. It is possible to use a diet on green tea not only for weight loss, but also for delay of processes of aging.

Green tea

The countries of the East – Rhodinum of green tea where it by right is considered an elixir of longevity and health. Modern scientific research showed existence in green tea of high content of vitamins (A, C, D, E, B, PP, K) and microelements (calcium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus).

It is possible to lose weight by means of green tea, having qualitatively lost the weight and having improved the state of health as:

  • Vitamin C (high concentration is, more, than in citruses), the strongest antioxidant, promotes increase in immunity in fight against infections and viruses;
  • Vitamin P (contents is 10 times higher, than in black tea) promotes strengthening of elasticity of walls of vessels, improving work of circulatory system;
  • Vitamin K promotes formation of prothrombins in a liver for normalization of coagulability of blood;
  • Catechins in a huge number what more any other plants do not contain, regulate sugar level in blood;
  • Iodine positively influences work of endocrine system, normalizes functioning of a thyroid gland;
  • Fluorine disinfects an oral cavity, interfering with development of periodontosis and caries.

The main condition of a diet on green tea, according to reviews – quality of the chosen tea leaf, its correct zavarivaniye and storage.

The menu of a diet on green tea

The most useful to a diet on green tea green tea of the premiums is considered Chinese krupnolistovy. It is necessary to store it in the dry and cool place, in a glass container with densely closed cover.

Observance of two rules, water for a zavarivaniye means the correct zavarivaniye:

  • Has to be the purest and soft, it is desirable to filter water or to use special purchased drinking water;
  • Should not be boiling, temperature of 70-80 °C is optimum for a zavarivaniye.

Previously to rinse china with hot water for its warming up. The first water which fills in tea leaves needs to be merged at once. Repeatedly brewing tea can be had when tea leaves finish completely. High-grade tea is recommended to make from 5 to 7 times, with each subsequent zavarivaniye taste of tea reveals in a new way. On 250 ml of water (one glass) 2 teaspoons of a dry tea leaf undertake.

Directly menu of a diet on green tea, according to reviews, rather simple – to use not less than one liter of green tea a day, cold or hot on 0,5-1 glasses for half an hour before meal or 1-2 hours later later. In the course of food it is not necessary to have not only tea, but also other liquids.

At observance of a diet on green tea any products are allowed, but it is recommended to reduce significantly or, whenever possible, to exclude preserved foods, smoked products, sweets, greasy and spicy food.

For strengthening of efficiency of a diet on green tea it is necessary to drink more simple water without gases, is not for the night, to eat 5-6 times a day small portions.

How many calories in green tea

One hundred-gram cup of simple green tea contains 3-5 calories. Of 8-10 cups in day of usual green tea the organism receives 30-50 calories. At ability of green tea it is essential to improve a metabolism, much more calories are lost, than arrive, as give effect of weight loss.

It is important to know how many calories in green tea will be at its use with various additives:

  • Sugar – one teaspoon adds 30 kcal. The glass of tea with 2 teaspoons of sugar contains already 65 kcal;
  • Milk – one tablespoon of average fat content of milk adds 10 kcal. The cup of tea with milk (from three tablespoons) contains more than 35 kcal;
  • Cream – increases tea caloric content to 75 kcal and more;
  • Condensed milk – the caloric content of 336 kcal on 100 g adds to tea from 80 kcal.

For a diet on green tea it is recommended to use simple green tea without various additives as it not only will save you from excess calories, but also will allow to enjoy true taste and aroma of freshly brewed green tea.Диета на зеленом чае с молоком основана на мочегонном эффекте напитка

Diet "green tea with milk"

The diet "green tea with milk" consists in alternation of days with usual food and fasting days in which it is necessary to use only green tea with milk. Both milk, and green tea have useful properties which in a combination mutually increase efficiency. Unloading should not be arranged to a thicket 1-2 weekly.

At the use of green tea weight loss happens to milk due to diuretic effect of the drink promoting clarification of kidneys and removal of excess liquid from an organism. The second, not less important, effect of a diet of green tea with milk – acceleration of a metabolism and, as a result, reduction of fatty deposits.

It is possible to make green tea with milk for weight loss in two ways:

  • To heat 1 liter of boiled low-fat or skim milk to 70-80 °C, to add 2-3 teaspoons of green leaf tea, to insist 10 minutes. For improvement of taste it is possible to add a little bit honey;
  • Previously to make green tea and to add to it milk in the ratio 2 parts of tea – 1-1,5 parts of milk.

It is possible to have green tea with milk for weight loss as we heat, and cooled, not less than 1,5 l a day. In such fasting days it is recommended to drink as much as possible simple water without gas, it will promote completion of the liquid which is brought out of an organism.

It is rather simple to refuse usual food in fasting days as green tea with milk for a long time saves from feeling of hunger. At will the lime is added to drink, it is a little honey, fragrant herbs (mint, a thyme).

If every morning instead of a breakfast or evening instead of a dinner to have green tea with milk, weight loss will be slower, but its results will be fixed for a long time.

Diet on green tea: contraindications

At all obvious usefulness of drink, the diet on green tea is contraindicated in a case:

  • Nervous exhaustion;
  • Tachycardias;
  • Pregnancies and lactations, in the period of monthly;
  • Hypertensions and hypotonias;
  • Any chronic diseases.

At weight loss by means of green tea it is necessary to refuse flatly any alcoholic beverages as it can strongly affect a condition of kidneys.

The high dose of caffeine in green tea excitingly influences a nervous system therefore it is not recommended to have green tea before going to bed.

Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.