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Diet with cheese

Cheese – one of the main products Особенности диеты с сыромof healthy food promoting longevity. Whether it is possible cheese on a diet? Yes, by means of this useful and tasty delicacy for a short time it is possible to shape up quickly enough. There are two most popular kinds of a diet with cheese. The express diet usually lasts three days. The diet consisting of cheese and meat is expected one-two weeks. A cheese diet – the low-carbohydrate diet providing maintenance of balance of fats and proteins during each meal. A cheese diet rather effective (in ten days it is possible to lose from 5 to 7 kilograms). Such diet is especially useful at spring avitaminosis, cheese contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A and D. Useful components of cheese are necessary for elasticity of skin, beauty of hair and strengthening of enamel of teeth. The organism during such diet will be enriched with protein which is well and quickly acquired by an organism.

The principles of a diet with cheese

The human body receives carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food. When there are not enough carbohydrates in a diet, the organism for obtaining energy is forced to spend subcutaneous fat (a reserve source). At the choice of cheese for a diet it is necessary to consider its caloric content. Different grades of cheese have different caloric content: semisolid cheese contains 360-400 kcal, low-fat white cheese – 250 kcal, processed cheese – 270-280 kcal. The question interests many whether it is possible cheese on a diet is not in a usual look, and in baked or melted? It is possible. In fact, there is no difference. The main thing that during a diet with cheese the basis of a diet was made by cheeses with low percentage of fat (no more than 10-20%). It can be tofu cheese, ricotta, a mozzarella, a guadetta, chechit, the Adygei cheese.

During a diet with cheese it is very important to observe the drinking mode. It is necessary to drink a large amount of clear water (not less than two liters a day). The cheese diet is expected the short-term period, and it is allowed to repeat it only in two-three months.

The menu of a diet with cheese

The diet with cheese in classical option means five times or six times food. During the first breakfast it is necessary to drink a cup of black coffee or green tea without sugar. During the second breakfast it is possible to eat a small piece of cheese and one boiled egg. For lunch to boil 200 grams of low-fat meat. In two hours after a lunch it is possible to eat about hundred grams of fast cheese. For an afternoon snack to eat no more than 250 grams of cottage cheese without addition of cream, sugar and sour cream. For dinner to drink a cup of low-fat yogurt.

In the second day during a breakfast to eat 50 grams of cheese, one sweet pepper, to drink grass broth. During the second breakfast to eat boiled egg, to drink a cup of tea. For lunch to boil 200 grams of meat of a rabbit, to eat 50 grams of cheese, to drink a glass of mineral water. For an afternoon snack it is possible to eat 50 grams of cheese and two cucumbers. For dinner to eat 100 grams of cheese, to drink a glass of kefir.

For the third day of a diet with cheese for breakfast to eat no more than 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, two small tomatoes, to drink a cup of tea. During the second breakfast to eat 50 grams of cheese with 100 grams of an asparagus, to drink a glass of mineral water. For lunch it is possible to eat hundred grams of cheese, 100 grams of boiled chicken breast, to drink a cup of tea. For dinner to eat 50 grams of cheese, one green apple, to drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

It is necessary to adhere to this diet no more than five-seven days. With cheese it is necessary to leave a diet slowly. To gradually add to food vegetables and fruit, macaroni from firm grades of wheat, a small amount of bread.

Diet with wine and cheese

The diet with wine and Меню диеты с сыромcheese lasts only two-three days. Within two-three days for breakfast, a lunch and a dinner it is necessary to eat no more than 120 grams of cheese of firm unsalted grades, one toast from white bread and to drink one glass of dry wine. Between each meal it is necessary to drink liquid about a liter. In three days of such diet it is possible to dump with guarantee from three to five kilograms. It is longer impossible to use a diet with wine and cheese two-three days. Between each meal it is necessary to drink liquid about a liter.

At observance of a diet with wine and cheese salt practically does not come to an organism together with food. Intestines are cleared of toxins and slags, the metabolism becomes more active.

Diet on curd cakes and cottage cheese (a diet of 5 curd cakes)

Advantage of a diet on curd cakes is a variety and availability of the products entering a diet. For five days of a diet the bottle of white wine (it is possible to replace with kefir), five boiled eggs, five apples, five tomatoes, five cucumbers, one kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese is required. Surely it is necessary to include greens (fennel, green onions, cilantro, fennel, parsley) in a diet. Processed cheeses can be replaced with hundred grams of soft cheese.

During a diet of 5 curd cakes for breakfast it is possible to eat one processed cheese, to drink a cup of tea or coffee without sugar. In two hours after a breakfast to eat one large tomato with any greens, one egg. In an hour it is possible to eat one apple. For lunch to eat 200 grams of cottage cheese, one pepper, one cucumber with greens. Before going to bed to drink a glass of wine. Water can be drunk in unlimited number. At a diet of 5 curd cakes it is very important not to change quantity of products during the day, and between meals to keep an interval at two o'clock. It is impossible to use a diet on curd cakes more than five days. It is allowed to repeat such diet on more often once in two months.

Contraindications to a cheese diet

The diet with cheese is contraindicated at an allergy to lactose, at a hypertension, atherosclerosis, stenocardia, diseases of kidneys, metabolism disturbances, locks. Cheese contains a large amount of milk fats and insignificant amount of the carbohydrates necessary for physical and cerebration.

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