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Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, CO2) forms by interaction of two elements – oxygen and carbon. Химическая формула диоксида углеродаCarbon dioxide is formed when burning hydrocarbon compounds or coal, as a result of fermentation of liquids, and also as a product of breath of animals and the person. In the atmosphere it contains in small amounts. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turn it into organic components. At disappearance of this gas from the atmosphere on Earth there will practically be no rains and will become much more cool.

Properties of carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is heavier than air. It freezes at a temperature of -78 °C. When freezing snow is formed of carbon dioxide. In the form of solution carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid. Thanks to some properties carbon dioxide is called sometimes Earth "blanket". It with ease passes ultraviolet rays. Infrared beams are radiated from the surface of carbon dioxide in space.

Carbon dioxide is produced in a liquid form at a low temperature, in a liquid form with a high pressure and in a gaseous form. The gaseous form of carbon dioxide is received from waste gases by production of alcohols, ammonia, and also as a result of combustion of fuel. Gaseous carbon dioxide on properties represents non-toxic and inexplosive gas, inodorous and colors. In a liquid form carbon dioxide – liquid without color and a smell. At content more than 5% carbon dioxide collects around a floor in poorly aired rooms. Decrease in a volume fraction of oxygen in air can result in oxygen insufficiency and suffocation. Embryologists established that cells of the person and animals of carbon dioxide need about 7%, and oxygen – only 2%. Carbon dioxide – a tranquilizer of a nervous system and fine anesthetic. Gas in a human body participates in synthesis of amino acids, has vasodilating effect. The lack of carbon dioxide of blood leads to a vasospasm and smooth muscles of all bodies, to increase in secretion in the nasal courses, bronchial tubes and to development of polyps and adenoides, to consolidation of membranes because of cholesterol adjournment.

Receiving carbon dioxide

There are several ways of receiving carbon dioxide. In the industry carbon dioxide is received from dolomite, limestone – products of decomposition of natural carbonates, and also from oven gases. Gas mix is washed out potassium carbonate solution. Mix absorbs carbon dioxide and turns into a hydrocarbonate. Solution of a hydrocarbonate is heated also it, decaying, releases carbonic acid. At an industrial method of receiving carbon dioxide is pumped in cylinders.

In laboratories receiving carbon dioxide is based on interaction of hydrocarbonates and carbonates with acids.

Carbon dioxide scopes

In daily practice carbon dioxide is used rather often. In the food industry carbon dioxide is used as a baking powder, and also as preservative. It is designated on packaging of a product under the E290 code. Properties of carbon dioxide also use by production of sparkling water.

Biochemists Диоксид углерода в баллонахfound out that for increase in productivity of various cultures it is very effective to fertilize air carbon dioxide. However this way of fertilizer can be applied only in greenhouses. In agriculture gas is applied to creation of an artificial rain. At neutralization of the alkaline environment carbon dioxide replaces strong mineral acids. In vegetable storehouses carbon dioxide is applied to creation of the gas environment.

In the perfumery industry carbon dioxide is applied at production of spirits. In medicine carbon dioxide is used for antiseptic influence when carrying out open operations.

When cooling carbon dioxide turns into "artificial ice". The liquefied carbon dioxide is packaged in cylinders and sent to consumers. Carbon dioxide in the form of "artificial ice" is used for preservation of foodstuff. Such ice when heating evaporates without the rest.

Carbon dioxide is used as the active environment when welding by a wire. When welding carbon dioxide decays on oxygen and carbon monoxide. Oxygen enters interaction with liquid metal and oxidizes it.

In aviamodelling carbon dioxide is used as an energy source for engines. Carbon dioxide in barrels is used in pneumatic weapon.

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