Main > Drugs> Dolak


Раствор для внутривенного и внутримышечного введения ДолакDolak – drug with analgeziruyushchy, anti-aggregation, antiinflammatory and febrifugal action.

Form of release and structure

Dolak is issued in two dosage forms:

  • Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration: colourless, transparent (in ampoules on 1 ml, on 10 ampoules in a cardboard pack or a cardboard tray, on 1 tray in a cardboard pack);
  • Tablets, coated: almost white or white color, biconvex, round, with risky on one of the parties (on 10 pieces in strips or planimetric bezjyacheykovy packagings, on 2 packagings in a cardboard pack).

Active agent – трометамин a ketorolaka is a part of drug:

  • 1 ml of injection solution – 30 mg;
  • 1 tablet, coated – 10 mg.

Indications to use

Dolak appoint at a pain syndrome of strong and average intensity (for short stopping, preferential, during the postoperative period).


  • The preoperative period and time of carrying out surgical interventions (because of high probability of developing of bleedings);
  • Gastrointestinal bleedings or perforation in the anamnesis;
  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum (at an aggravation), and also instructions on an ulcer in the anamnesis;
  • Renal failure (moderate and heavy), and also probability of its development at dehydration or a hypovolemia;
  • States with high probability of an incomplete hemostasis or bleeding;
  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Combination therapy with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, and also пентоксифиллин;
  • Pregnancy, patrimonial period and period of a lactation;
  • Age up to 16 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components, and also to other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Route of administration and dosage

Injection solution
Dolak enter intravenously (struyno, for not less than 15 seconds) or intramusculary (slowly, deeply into a muscle).

The mode of dosing is set individually, on the basis of expressiveness of a pain syndrome:

  • Intramuscular introduction: patients up to 65 years – on 10-30 mg, are more senior than 65 years – 10-15 mg. The drug is administered by each 4-6 hours;
  • Intravenous administration: patients up to 65 years – 10-30 mg (an initial dose at continuous infusion – 30 mg, then with a speed of 5 mg an hour), are more senior than 65 years or at functional disturbances of kidneys – on 10-15 mg struyno. The drug is administered by each 6 hours.

Course duration – up to 5 days.

Tablets, coated
Dolak accept inside.

Single dose – 10 mg, frequency rate of reception – to 4 times a day (as much as possible).

Course duration – up to 7 days.

The daily dose of two dosage forms upon transition from parenteral administration of drug to oral administration totally in day of transfer for patients up to 65 years should not exceed 90 mg, for patients 65 years are more senior or at functional disturbances of kidneys – 60 mg (at the same time Dolak's dose in tablets should not be more than 30 mg).

Side effects

  • Cardiovascular system and blood (hemostasis, hemopoiesis): eosinophilia, decrease or increase in arterial pressure, anemia, heartbeat, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • Nervous system and sense bodys: disturbance of ability to concentrate attention, a headache, hallucinations, dizziness, a tremor, nervousness, an adynamy, a depression, paresthesias, spasms, a vision disorder and taste;
  • Urinogenital system: an acute renal failure, a hamaturia, a nephrotoxic syndrome, a glomerulonephritis, an ischuria, the speeded-up urination, a polyuria;
  • Respiratory system: bronchial asthma, cough, диспноэ, bronchospasm, fluid lungs;
  • Integuments: an itch, pallor of integuments, rash (including hemorrhagic), morbidity in an injection site;
  • Bodies of digestive tract: a melena, gastritis, a meteorism, dryness in a mouth, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, feeling of overflow of a stomach, dyspepsia, a lock or diarrhea, rectal bleeding, round ulcers;
  • Allergic reactions: anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reaction, hypostasis of a throat and language;
  • Others: functional disturbances of a liver.

Special instructions

Before administration of solution of Dolak it is necessary to eliminate a hypoproteinemia, a hypovolemia, and also to recover water and electrolytic balance.

Dolak it is not necessary to apply at treatment of chronic pains.

At combined use with opioid analgetics of their dose it is necessary to lower significantly.

Injection solution of Dolak:

  • It is incompatible: with promethazine, Hydroxyzinum (because of loss of a deposit);
  • Let's combine: with Plazmalit solution, 5% glucose solution, normal saline solution, Ringer's solution, and also with infusion solutions with the content of lidocaine of a hydrochloride, Aminophyllinum, dopamine of a hydrochloride, heparin of sodium salt and human insulin of short action.

During therapy it is recommended to avoid the driving and performance of work requiring special attention and bystry reactions.

Medicinal interaction

At simultaneous use of Dolak with some medicines there can be following effects:

  • Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetylsalicylic acid: mutual increase in probability of development of heavy side effects;
  • Pentoksifillin and the substances (heparin, warfarin, dextrans) influencing a hemostasis: strengthening of probability of developing of bleedings;
  • Probenetsid: reduction of plasma clearance and volume of distribution, increase in concentration in a blood plasma and time of semi-removal;
  • Furosemide: decrease in diuretic effect;
  • Inhibitors of an angiotensin-converting enzyme: increase in probability of development of functional disturbances of kidneys.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in protected from light, the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Period of validity – 2 years.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.