Main > Food stuffs> Durian


Durian is the tropical tree relating to Malvov' family. Its name is translated with Malaysian as "thorn". More than 6 centuries this plant is cultivated in the south of Thailand, in India, Indochina, Malaysia. Very seldom he can be met in Latin and South America. There are more than 30 kinds of durian, however fruits only 9 of them are edible. Taste and a smell of durian in many respects depends on a grade.

Плоды тропического дерева дуриан


Durian represents the shady evergreen tree reaching in height of 40 meters. Its leaves are located serially and have the pointed form. Their lower part is covered with scales, and upper smooth and brilliant. On the hanging-down branches and a trunk the flowers consisting of three petals and reminding a bell in the form are formed. They can be golden-brown, pink or white color. Durian flowers with approach of twilight blossom, and with the first beams of the morning sun fall down.

Fruits ripen in the spring. They have the spherical shape which is (quite often slightly extended) reach weight of 10,0 kg and to 30,0 cm in the diameter. Outside fruits are covered with a firm cover on which numerous pyramidal prickles are located. Pulp rather thick also has cream-yellow color. In its thickness large brilliant seeds are located. Green fruit of durian smells of a fresh grass. But the more it ripens, the its smell changes stronger, becoming sweetish and putrefactive and very caustic.

Because of the unpleasant smell durian in many countries of Asia is forbidden to be brought in public places (hotels, restaurants, shops, transport, etc.).

Legend of a durian origin

Many years ago there lived in Asia the king. It was in love with the girl who was not reciprocating to it. He asked for the help the local sorcerer. And that showed it a tree on which fruits with wonderful aroma and unusual marvelous taste grew. The sorcerer told that as soon as the girl tries this fruit, at once will fall in love with the king. And occurred. But the king was ungrateful and forgot to tell "thanks" to the sorcerer. Then that strongly became angry and damned the tree yielding fruits of "love".

After a while the king wanted to treat the darling with a strange fruit again. He came to a tree and saw on it fetid and prickly fruits. With rage he broke one such fruit and threw on the earth. The fruit broke up also the king, without having kept, tasted his pulp. What there was his surprise when he understood that only the durian smell, but not its magic taste changed.

As eat durian fruits

This macrotherm is quite often called "The king of fruit". Taste of durian is extraordinary good. He reminds taste of custard with vanilla and a papaya.

It is necessary to eat completely ripened fruits since immature are tasteless, and overripe strongly taste bitter. True gourmets consider durian one of the best delicacies. Is it it is necessary at once as soon as the fruit is opened. Only this way you will be able to estimate completely saturated taste of durian.

Durian is cracked and eat with a hand its pulp. But it is better to use a spoon, otherwise it will be very difficult to get rid of the unpleasant smell of durian which ate in skin. Locals wash down this fruit with slightly added some salt water which is poured in bowl-shaped halves of a shell. Thailand bakes pies with a durian pulp stuffing, and also pickle it in coconut milk. In Asia quite often add durian pulp to jams, ice cream and mousses. Taste of durian also is perfectly combined with coffee therefore it is quite often given for breakfast.

Crude fruits are used as vegetables. They are sliced small and extinguished or fried with addition of spices. Thais prepare from durian and pumpkin the special paste used as spice. Indonesia adds it to fresh fish soup. Seeds usually are not thrown out, and are well fried, crushed and used as spice.

Structure of durian

Pulp of this exotic fruit contains 1,47% of protein, 5,33% of fat, 23,29% of carbohydrates, 3,8% of food fibers and 0% of cholesterol. Caloric content of 100,0 g of pulp of durian makes 147 kcal.

Fruits of durian are vitamin-rich. Only 100,0 g of their pulp on a third cover the daily need of a human body for ascorbic acid. In addition they contain carotene, folic acid, Niacinum, Riboflavinum, niacin. They are also a source of minerals – calcium, phosphorus, iron.

The indole which is a part of durian not only gives it an unpleasant smell, but also useful bactericidal properties.

Durian contains also the organic sulfur promoting removal from an organism of toxins and slags. In addition it is a necessary component of many hormones and proteins, is necessary for health of skin, hair, a bone tissue.

One more useful property of durian it is possible to call the high content in it of fructose and sucrose that does this fruit to one of valuable energy sources.

Мякоть дуриана

Useful properties of durian

Durian is capable not only to satisfy feeling of hunger, but also has curative properties. Contain in its leaves mustard oil and гидрокситриптамин, having febrifugal effect. Their locals use for treatment of catarrhal and some infectious diseases. Besides bathtubs with infusion from leaves of durian help at treatment of jaundice since promote removal from an organism of the raised bilirubin.

Roots of a plant have antiviral effect.

Fruits of durian are used as good helminthic, and seeds have the knitting properties and are applied to treatment of diarrhea. The amino acids which are contained in fruits, sulfur and vitamins promote increase in the general immunity.

But, perhaps, the most important useful property of durian for men its ability to raise a potentiality is considered.

Contraindications and harm of durian

The people having a hypertension cannot eat durian at all. It cannot also be combined with any alcoholic beverages since it can lead to development of serious poisoning with the most serious effects, up to a lethal outcome.

It is not necessary to include durian in a diet of pregnant women and the feeding mothers. And, naturally, the use of fruits of this macrotherm is categorically contraindicated to the people suffering from an idiosyncrasy (individual intolerance) to it.

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