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Ferrum Lek

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 145 rub.

Ferrum Lek – means for treatment of an iron deficiency anemia.

Pharmacological properties

Ferrum Lek according to the instruction Таблетки Феррум Лекis created on a basis hydroxide - a polymaltose complex of trivalent iron. This active ingredient has big molecular weight and cannot be soaked up by diffusion or on a concentration gradient. On a structure hydroxide - the polymaltose complex of iron is similar to ferritin – a complex, natural to an organism, состоящимиз iron and a proteinaceous part.

These differences from bivalent analogs Ferrum Leka are his advantages – drug is actively transported through mucous, and absorption of its surplus is impossible – only that amount of iron in which there is a requirement will come to an organism. Drug does not possess the damaging action on membranes and mucous as it is deprived of okislitelnykhsposobnost of bivalent iron.

In an organism iron is used for creation of hemoglobin in marrow, a myoproteose and fabric enzymes. Hemoglobin transfers to fabrics oxygen, and from them carbon dioxide.

Drug Ferrum Lek quickly comes to blood at intake, being soaked up generally in a duodenum. In blood it contacts transport protein transferrin and is carried in fabric. In the conditions of an organism Ferrum Lek is stable and does not allocate iron ions. Its removal happens through intestines.

Release form

According to the instruction Ferrum Lek release in the form of chewable tablets, solution for injections and syrup inside.

Indications to use Ferrum Leka

Drug is appointed for treatment of the iron deficiency states connected with the raised consumption or insufficient intake of iron in an organism. Except explicit deficit of iron drug eliminates its latent defect when there are no clinical displays of anemia, but by means of laboratory tests it is possible to find decrease in content of iron.

Good comments about Ferrum Leke are received at his use at pregnant women for prevention of anemia.


According to the instruction Ferrum Lek it is impossible to accept at excess contents in an organism of iron (hemochromatosis), at hypersensitivity to drug components if it is known that anemia arose not because of deficit of iron (hemolitic, vitaminodefitsitny). If the way of utilization of iron (for example, it is consumed by some bacteria at infectious diseases or at intoxication lead) is broken drug also should not be used.

Application instruction Ferrum Leka

Drug in tablets is accepted in time or after food, washing down with water or juice. The tablet can be chewed or swallowed entirely.

For treatment of an iron deficiency anemia accept on 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. Treatment duration on average 3-4 months, can vary depending on hemoglobin level. Each 10-14 days recommend to control hemoglobin against the background of treatment. After achievement of its normal level continue reception Ferrum Leka within 6-8 weeks in a half dose. It is necessary for completion of fabric depot of iron.

To children appoint Сироп Феррум Лекmedicine in the form of syrup. According to reviews Ferrum Lek in syrup is pleasant to small children because of pleasant taste. It can be added to baby food or to mix with juice. Till 1 year a dose of syrup of 2,5-5 ml a day, from 1 to 12 years – from 5 to 10 ml, are more senior than 12 years on 10-30 ml a day.

If according to laboratory analyses latent deficit of iron, a course of saturation of an organism is revealed by it makes 1-2 months. Children from 1 to 12 years for its elimination accept syrup Ferrum Leka on 2,5-5 ml a day, 12 years and adults – on 1 tablet or 5-10 ml of syrup a day are more senior.

The drug in the form of solution is administered intramusculary once a day (intravenous administration is contraindicated). Usually parenteral administration of iron and other analogs Ferrum Leka is required in case of heavy anemia, need to quickly lift blood hemoglobin, for example, before operation or if absorption of iron in intestines is broken.

To reveal possible intolerance, before the first medical dose ½ doses do trial introduction. If after introduction of reaction did not follow, in 15-30 minutes enter the remained dose. The amount of drug on a course and towards introduction is calculated by special formulas.

Side effects Ferrum Leka

According to reviews Ferrum Lek is capable to make sick, abdominal pains, vomiting, diarrhea or locks, a headache, temperature increase, dizzinesses, a lowering of arterial pressure. At parenteral administration there can be anaphylactic reactions or local inflammatory changes – reddening, infiltrate.

During treatment by drug the chair is painted in black color.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Ferrum Lek syrup 50mg/5ml 100 of ml, Lek

145 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Ferrum Lek ml syrup 50mg/5ml 100

149 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ferrum Lek solution for injections 100mg/2ml 1 pieces

167 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ferrum Lek тбл жев. 100 mg No. 30 *, Lek

301 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Ferrum Lek of a tablet 100 of mg of 30 pieces

305 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ferrum Lek of a tablet 100 of mg of 50 pieces

457 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Ferrum Lek тбл жев. 100 mg No. 50, Lek

496 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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