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from 203 rub.

Finlepsinum – drug of group of antiepileptic means, possesses also normotimichesky, antidiuretic, anti-maniacal Упаковка Финлепсинand analgeziruyushchy (at neuralgia) action. Active ingredient – carbamazepine is a part of drug. The mechanism of action of Finlepsinum consists in blockade of natrium channels therefore the membrane of neurons is stabilized, emergence of serial categories of neurons is inhibited, synoptic carrying out neurons decreases. Drug reduces release of a glutamate, is capable to raise a reduced convulsive threshold, reducing risk of development of an epileptic attack. Finlepsinum adjusts the changes of the personality connected with epilepsy as a result increasing skill to communicate of patients and improving their social adaptation. Drug is effective at a neurogenic pain, posttraumatic paresthesias, post-herpetic neuralgia. At alcoholic abstinence Finlepsinum causes increase in a threshold of convulsive readiness, reduces a tremor, a hyperexcitability, gait disturbance. The pain syndrome at an epileptiform neuralgia is quickly stopped at reception of Finlepsinum. The indication to purpose of drug is also not diabetes mellitus at which Finlepsin leads to decrease in a diuresis, reduction of thirst, compensation of a water balance. The anti-maniacal effect of Finlepsinum develops approximately in 10 days.

Positive reviews about Finlepsinum are based on high performance of this medicine. Finlepsinum belongs to choice drugs in treatment of epilepsy. The prolonged form of drug promotes maintenance of stable plasma concentration of carbamazepine, the frequency of complications of therapy as a result decreases, and also efficiency of treatment even increases at reception of small doses of Finlepsinum.

Indications to use of Finlepsinum

According to the instruction to Finlepsinum, indications to its use are:

  • epilepsy (including absentias epileptica, sluggish, myoclonic attacks);
  • idiopathic epileptiform neuralgia;
  • the typical and atypical epileptiform neuralgia caused by multiple sclerosis;
  • idiopathic neuralgia of a glossopharyngeal nerve;
  • acute maniacal states (in the form of monotherapy or the combined treatment);
  • faznoprotekayushchy affective frustration;
  • syndrome of alcoholic abstinence;
  • not diabetes mellitus of the central genesis;
  • polydipsia and polyuria of neurohormonal genesis.

Contraindications to use of Finlepsinum

In the instruction to Finlepsinum such contraindications to its use are described:

  • hypersensitivity to carbamazepine;
  • disturbance of a marrowy hemopoiesis;
  • the acute alternating porphyria;
  • concomitant use of MAO inhibitors;
  • AV blockade.

With care it is necessary to apply Finlepsinum at dekompensirovanny HSN, ADG hypersecretion syndrome, a hypopituitarism, insufficiency of bark of adrenal glands, a hypothyroidism, active alcoholism, advanced age, a liver failure, increase in intraocular pressure.

Side effect of Finlepsinum

The following side effects arising at use of Finlepsinum are registered:

  • from NANOSECOND: dizziness, headache, disturbance of thinking, consciousness, hallucination, paresthesia, hyperkinesias, unmotivated aggression;
  • from a GIT: vomiting, nausea, increase in hepatic transaminases;
  • from CCC: increase or decrease in the ABP, decrease in ChSS, AV conductivity disturbance;
  • from system of a hemopoiesis: decrease in quantity of neutrophils, leukocytes, thrombocytes;
  • from kidneys: oliguria, hamaturia, nephrite, hypostases, renal failure;
  • from a respiratory organs: pulmonitis;
  • from endocrine system: the increase in level of prolactin which is followed by a galactorrhoea, a gynecomastia, change of level of thyroid hormones;
  • others: allergic reactions, including Stephens-Johnson's syndrome.

A large amount of side effects serves as the reason of negative reviews of Finlepsinum from patients. It is possible to prevent their emergence or to reduce expressiveness at use of Finlepsinum according to the instruction in an adjusted dosage and under strict medical observation.

Route of administration, Finlepsinum dosage

Finlepsinum is intended Таблетки Финлепсинfor oral administration. The starting dosage for adults is equal to 0,2-0,3 g a day. Gradually the dosage raises to 1,2 g. The maximum daily dosage makes 1,6 g. The daily dose is appointed in three-four receptions, the prolonged forms – in one – two receptions.

Finlepsinum dosage for children – 20 mg/kg. To 6-year age of a tablet of Finlepsinum do not apply.

Use of Finlepsinum at pregnancy

According to strict indications Finlepsinum can be appointed in ІІ-ІІІ pregnancy trimesters.

Interaction of Finlepsinum with other drugs

Unacceptably simultaneous use of Finlepsinum with MAO inhibitors. Other antikonvulsant are capable to reduce anticonvulsant action of Finlepsinum. At a concomitant use of this drug with valproic acid development of disorders of consciousness, a coma is possible. Finlepsinum increases toxicity of drugs of lithium. At simultaneous use of macroleads, blockers of calcium channels, an isoniazid, Cimetidinum with Finlepsinum plasma concentration of the last increases. Finlepsinum reduces activity of anticoagulants and contraceptives.


At overdose of Finlepsinum consciousness disturbance emergence, oppression of respiratory and cardiovascular systems, hemopoiesis disturbance, damage of kidneys is possible. Therapy is nonspecific: gastric lavage, use of laxative drugs and enterosorbents. Due to the high ability of drug to contact plasma proteins peritoneal dialysis and an artificial diuresis at overdose of Finlepsinum are not effective. Hemosorption on coal sorbents will be moved. At small children carrying out zamenny hemotransfusion is possible.


Thanks to high performance of this drug, a possibility of appointment in various clinical situations reviews of Finlepsinum positive. Drug makes effective antiepileptic impact, analgetic action at neuralgia.

Finlepsinum analogs

There are following analogs of Finlepsinum: Antinevral, Zagretol, Apo-Karbamazepin, Zeptol, Karbalepsin ретард, Karbapin, Mazepin, Karbasan ретард, Stazepinum, Tegretolum, Storilat, Epial.

Special instructions

Before use of this drug it is necessary to study in detail the instruction to Finlepsinum.

At selection of an optimum dosage it is reasonable to define plasma concentration of carbamazepine. Sudden drug withdrawal is capable to provoke an epileptic seizure. Control hepatic трамсаминаз is also necessary at purpose of Finlepsinum. According to strict indications Finlepsinum can be used by patients with the increased intraocular pressure, however it is necessary to control this indicator.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Finlepsinum Retard тбл 200 mg No. 50 *, Teva Opereyshns Poland Sp. з lake of the lake.

203 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Finlepsinum Retard тбл 200 mg No. 50, AVD Pharma/Pliva Krakow A.O's Pharm.Zavod.

207 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Finlepsinum Retard of a tablet 200 of Mg of 50 pieces

208 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Finlepsinum тбл 200 mg No. 50 *, Teva Opereyshns Poland Sp. з lake of the lake.

238 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Finlepsinum of a tablet 200 of Mg of 50 pieces

242 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Finlepsinum Retard тбл 400 mg No. 50, Teva Opereyshns Poland Sp. з lake of the lake.

299 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Finlepsinum Retard of a tablet 400 of Mg of 50 pieces

305 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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