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Fluorography of lungs

Прохождение флюорографииFluorography of lungs – a research of bodies of a thorax by means of the X-ray getting through pulmonary fabric and transferring to a film by means of fluorescent microscopic particles the drawing of lungs.

Conduct a similar research to the persons which reached 18 years. Frequency of its carrying out – is not more often than 1 time a year. This rule concerns only carrying out fluorography of healthy lungs when the additional examination is not required.

It is considered that fluorography of lungs – not rather informative inspection, but the data obtained with its help allow to reveal changes in a structure of pulmonary fabric and to become a reason for further more detailed inspection.

Bodies of a thorax differently absorb the radiation therefore the picture looks heterogeneous. Heart, bronchial tubes and bronchioles look light spots if lungs healthy, the fluorography displays pulmonary fabric homogeneous and uniform. And here if in lungs an inflammation, on fluorography, depending on the nature of changes of the inflamed fabric, are visible or blackouts – density of pulmonary fabric is increased, or the lightened sites will be noticed – lightness of fabric is rather high.

Fluorography of lungs of the smoker

It is established that changes in lungs and respiratory tracts imperceptibly happen even after the first smoked cigarette. Therefore to smokers – the people who are in a zone of the increased risk as regards pulmonary diseases it is strongly recommended to study fluorography of lungs annually.

Флюорография легкихNot always the fluorography of lungs of the smoker will be able to show development of pathological process at its early stage – in most cases it begins not with lungs, and with a bronchial tree, but, nevertheless, the similar research allows to reveal tumors and consolidations in pulmonary fabric, the liquid which appeared in cavities of lungs, a thickening of walls of bronchial tubes.

It is difficult to revaluate importance of passing of such inspection by the smoker: the pneumonia which is timely found by means of fluorography, gives the chance to appoint as soon as possible necessary treatment and to avoid serious effects.

Interpretation of a flyuorogramma after passing of fluorography of lungs

Results of fluorography prepare usually several days, the flyuorogramma after that received is considered by the radiologist and in that case if the fluorography of healthy lungs was carried out, do not send for further inspection of the patient. Otherwise, if the radiologist found changes of pulmonary fabric, the person can be sent for specification of the diagnosis to a X-ray analysis or to an antitubercular clinic.

The conclusion of the radiologist in which such formulations can appear is attached to the picture received after fluorography of lungs:

  • roots are expanded, condensed. Roots of lungs are created by lymph nodes and vessels, a pulmonary vein and an artery, a primary bronchus, bronchial arteries. Consolidation in this area at the general satisfactory condition of health indicates bronchitis, pneumonia and other inflammatory, perhaps chronic processes.
  • Roots tyazhist. Most often such conclusion after the carried-out fluorography of lungs indicates bronchitis or other acute/chronic process. Such change of pulmonary fabric is often found on fluorography of lungs of the smoker.
  • Strengthening of the vascular (pulmonary) drawing. The pulmonary drawing is formed by shadows of veins and arteries of lungs and if blood supply because of an inflammation is strengthened, and both bronchitis, and an initial stage of cancer, and pneumonia can do it, on fluorography it is noticeable that the vascular drawing is too selected. Besides, strengthening of the drawing revealed on fluorography of lungs can indicate also problems of cardiovascular system.
  • Fibrous fabric. The found connecting fabric in lungs says that before people had a disease of lungs. It could be the injury, an infection or operation. In spite of the fact that the similar conclusion indicates loss of a part of pulmonary fabric, such result is often yielded by fluorography of healthy lungs.
  • Focal shadows. So call blackouts of area of lungs on a flyuorogramma up to 1 cm in size. If the centers are found in the lower and average parts of lungs, it can be pneumonia. On a strong inflammation such formulation specifies in the conclusion of fluorography of lungs: "uneven edges", "merge of shadows", "strengthening of the vascular drawing". If more equal and dense, so inflammatory process declines the centers. If the centers are found in upper parts of lungs, it can indicate tuberculosis.
  • Kaltsinata. So call the shadows, roundish in a form, reminding a bone tissue on density. The similar phenomena do not constitute danger, and only say that the patient had a contact with the patient with pneumonia, the tuberculosis infected with parasites, etc., but the organism did not allow to develop infections, and isolated bacteria activators under deposits of salts of calcium.
  • Plevroapikalny stratifications, commissures. The structures found on fluorography of lungs from connecting fabric – commissures, in most cases also do not demand treatment, and only point to an inflammation in a pleura in the past. Sometimes commissures cause painful feelings, in this case it is necessary to ask for medical care. Plevroapikalny stratifications call thickenings of tops of lungs, and they also point that the person transferred the inflammation which affected a pleura (most often it is tuberculosis).
  • The sine is soldered or free. Pleural sine are the cavities formed by pleural folds. If lungs healthy, the fluorography shows that sine are free. But liquid accumulation (in this case treatment is required) or the soldered commissures are sometimes observed.
  • Changes of a diaphragm. Such conclusion after fluorography of lungs is drawn if anomaly of a diaphragm which could develop because of bad heredity, obesity, deformation by commissures, after postponed pleurisy is found in the person, diseases of a liver, gullet, intestines or stomach. In this case usually appoint additional inspection.
  • The shadow of a mediastinum is displaced or expanded. A mediastinum call space between lungs and bodies in it being is an aorta, a gullet, heart, a trachea, absorbent vessels, nodes, a thymus. Expansion of a shadow of a mediastinum is observed because of increase in heart, a hypertension, heart failure, myocarditis. Shift of a mediastinum can indicate uneven accumulation of air or liquid in a pleura, big new growths in lungs. The similar conclusion of fluorography of lungs indicates that it is necessary to pass an additional examination and treatment immediately.
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