Fluorography of lungs – a research of bodies of a thorax by means of the X-ray getting through pulmonary fabric and transferring to a film by means of fluorescent microscopic particles the drawing of lungs.
Conduct a similar research to the persons which reached 18 years. Frequency of its carrying out – is not more often than 1 time a year. This rule concerns only carrying out fluorography of healthy lungs when the additional examination is not required.
It is considered that fluorography of lungs – not rather informative inspection, but the data obtained with its help allow to reveal changes in a structure of pulmonary fabric and to become a reason for further more detailed inspection.
Bodies of a thorax differently absorb the radiation therefore the picture looks heterogeneous. Heart, bronchial tubes and bronchioles look light spots if lungs healthy, the fluorography displays pulmonary fabric homogeneous and uniform. And here if in lungs an inflammation, on fluorography, depending on the nature of changes of the inflamed fabric, are visible or blackouts – density of pulmonary fabric is increased, or the lightened sites will be noticed – lightness of fabric is rather high.
It is established that changes in lungs and respiratory tracts imperceptibly happen even after the first smoked cigarette. Therefore to smokers – the people who are in a zone of the increased risk as regards pulmonary diseases it is strongly recommended to study fluorography of lungs annually.
Not always the fluorography of lungs of the smoker will be able to show development of pathological process at its early stage – in most cases it begins not with lungs, and with a bronchial tree, but, nevertheless, the similar research allows to reveal tumors and consolidations in pulmonary fabric, the liquid which appeared in cavities of lungs, a thickening of walls of bronchial tubes.
It is difficult to revaluate importance of passing of such inspection by the smoker: the pneumonia which is timely found by means of fluorography, gives the chance to appoint as soon as possible necessary treatment and to avoid serious effects.
Results of fluorography prepare usually several days, the flyuorogramma after that received is considered by the radiologist and in that case if the fluorography of healthy lungs was carried out, do not send for further inspection of the patient. Otherwise, if the radiologist found changes of pulmonary fabric, the person can be sent for specification of the diagnosis to a X-ray analysis or to an antitubercular clinic.
The conclusion of the radiologist in which such formulations can appear is attached to the picture received after fluorography of lungs:
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