Main > Drugs> Florin forte

Florin forte

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 209 rub.

The florin forte is эубиотик, consisting of a complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, its main action – regulation and normalization of intestinal microflora.Флорин форте в виде порошка

Pharmacological action

The quantitative structure of intestinal microflora given эубиотик the biological nature, regulating, consists of two species of bacteria which are a part of normal microflora of a human body – bifido-and lactobacilli. Comments on Florin forte confirm the soft revitalizing and recovering effect of drug.

Bacteria which are a part of drug show antagonistic active action in relation to microorganisms, harmful to the person (opportunistic and pathogenic). Florin forte creates obstacles for sticking of harmful bacteria to mucous intestines and, as a result, breaks their normal life activity. Recovers and supports intestinal microflora at the necessary level, providing normalization of functions. Positively influences an intestines microbiocenosis, and also increases nonspecific body resistance to such microorganisms as hemolitic colibacillus, a rotavirus. Florin forte participates in exchange processes, activating zymolysis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Lactose positively influences growth of normal microflora of a human body.

Release form Florin forte

Florin Forte - the combined drug, is issued in the form of powder light-or dark gray color, with the available impregnations of black color. Possesses a slight specific sour-milk smell. Florin's instruction forte orders special storage conditions and transportations of medicine.

Is issued in bags from the polymeric material consisting of several layers on 10, 20 or 30 packages in cardboard packaging.

One package forte contains Florin:

  • bifidobacteria, in quantity from 50 million colony-forming units;
  • lactobacilli, in quantity from 50 million colony-forming units;
  • lactose – 0,85 g.

Indications to use

According to the instruction Florin forte it is necessary to accept if:

  • the quantity of opportunistic microorganisms exceeded norm;
  • Флорин форте в упаковке
  • hemolitic colibacillus was revealed;
  • chronic diseases of digestive tract are observed;
  • there is an acute infection of intestines with the unspecified reason;
  • the acute infections caused by rotaviruses or opportunistic microorganisms are revealed;
  • deficit of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and also normal colibacillus is observed;
  • for recovery of normal composition of intestinal microflora during recovery.


It is possible to refer only individual intolerance of Florin to contraindications forte, reviews of drug also do not reveal other contraindications. It should be noted that drug needs to be accepted with extra care if you have a lactose intolerance.

Application instruction Florin forte

Drug needs to be accepted inside during food. According to responses Florin it is forte possible to accept also to or after meal.

It is necessary to mix medicine with liquid, it is desirable fermented milk product. If the patient – the newborn or the baby, drug needs to part in artificial mix or in maternal milk.

Florin's instruction forte assumes that in some cases it is possible to accept drug, having mixed it with boiled water in number of 40-50 ml. At the same time rather turbid mix with particles of black color is formed. The received liquid needs to be drunk before drug completely is dissolved.


  • children before half a year – 1 bag 2 times a day;
  • children of half a year up to three years – 1 bag 3 times a day;
  • children are more senior than three years – 1 bag 4 times a day;
  • adults – 2 bags 3 times a day.

Acute intestinal infections usually demand a week course of treatment Florin forte according to the instruction for achievement of result. For disposal of dysbacteriosis the course of treatment makes, on average, two weeks.

For strengthening of positive action, according to reviews, Florin forte it is possible to combine with group B vitamins. At reception with antibiotics efficiency of medicine strongly decreases.

Side effects Florin forte

Responses to Florin forte do not reveal any side effects only if the drug dosage, and also terms and conditions of its storage is accurately observed.

The florin forte needs to be kept in the place which is unavailable to children. In the place of storage and transportation temperature should not exceed 10 °C. It is impossible to store and transport means at all at a temperature which exceeds 20 °C, more than 10 days. The lower bound of temperature of storage is absent, and the period of validity of drug makes 12 months. The florin is forte released in drugstores without recipe.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Florin forte piece powder 10

209 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Florin forte time. for intake a pack ice. No. 10, Partner (г.Москва)

254 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Florin Forte piece powder 20

359 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Florin forte time. for intake a pack ice. No. 20, Partner (г.Москва)

504 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Florin forte piece powder 30

563 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Florin forte time. for intake a pack ice. No. 30, Partner (г.Москва)

681 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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