Main > Food stuffs> Trout


The trout concerns to salmons. There are certain difficulties in classification of types of this sort because of proximity and variety of kinds of a trout. For example, the river trout is considered often identical lake. The matter is that considerable variability depending on those conditions in which it appeared is inherent to this fish.

Форель свежая

There lives the trout in the rivers and streams of preferential mountain area as it prefers the pure waters rich with oxygen. Such fish is considered the most valuable in food because of surprisingly gentle smack and ecological purity of its meat. Extreme sensitivity of a trout to purity of water is used for assessment of quality of water purification. Fish is started to live in the purified waters, in case of their low-quality cleaning the trout perishes.

The trout is also bred in special valley water reservoirs and fisheries for the purpose of receiving valuable meat and caviar. Some types well feel also in sea water. This fish eats preferential animal food – larvae of various insects, worms, whitebaits of other fishes. Adult individuals can be fed with small fishes and frogs.

Body of a trout сплюснуто from sides, a muzzle short, scales coloring strongly varies – from olive-green on spin to chartreuse on each side, with black and red or white spots in an environment of a bluish border. The abdomen is whitish-gray, sometimes with copper gloss. In general color of a trout can be more dark or light depending on color of water and a bottom of a reservoir in which she lives. Also food and season influence its coloring, for example, during spawning, and also in reservoirs with an oozy or peat bottom the trout becomes more dark. It is known that the trout is more full, the it is less than spots at it on sides. When moving fish from natural reservoirs in artificial her color also changes.

The size of an adult river trout which grew on freedom depends on the river sizes where she grew up. On average length of fishes reaches 25 – 35 cm, the weight of 300 - 500. In the conditions of artificial reservoirs it is possible to grow up larger copies, to 1,5 – 2 kg. They reach such weight for 2 years of life. The sea trout is larger river.

Useful properties of a trout

Trout meat – the richest source of digestible animal protein. Meat of fresh-water kinds of this fish has pinkish color, color of meat of a sea trout approaches red.

Set of irreplaceable amino acids which join in protein metabolism of substances, define advantage of a trout. Especially valuable the structure of a trout will appear for people with anemia, diseases of cardiovascular system, in case of exhausting, is long the proceeding diseases.

The vitamin and microelement structure also defines useful properties of a trout. This fish – an important source of vitamins A, D, groups B, and also such microelements as selenium, zinc, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

In meat of a trout there are a lot of unsaturated fatty acids capable to reduce amount of "harmful" cholesterol in blood, preventing development of atherosclerosis and its complications in the form of coronary heart disease, and also heart attacks and strokes.

Форель жареная

The advantage of a trout consists in improvement of work of digestive and nervous systems, a liver. The people who are regularly eating trout meat get sick with oncological pathology, a depression and arterial hypertension three times less often.

It is known of properties of a trout to improve mood, to return cheerfulness and forces after hard work, to increase resistance of an organism to infections.

Trout caloric content

On caloric content the trout concedes to other red fish, for example, in a salmon twice more calories. In 100 g of a trout about 88 kcal contain, these figures can vary depending on a way of preparation of fish. But meat of a trout can be carried to dietary and to bravely include it in a food allowance of people with tendency to corpulence.

Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.