Application instruction:
Ftivazidum – medicine against tuberculosis.
Drug is produced in the form of tablets. One tablet contains the operating component – Ftivazidum of 100 mg.
In blisters on 10 tablets or in banks from dark glass on 100 tablets.
According to the instruction Ftivazidum is the antitubercular drug derivative of hydrazide of isonicotinic acid.
It is active concerning Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Use of drug slows down metabolic and oxidizing processes, leads to damage of a membrane of mycobacteria, synthesis of nucleic acids oppresses, has effect on mycobacteria at all levels.
According to the instruction Ftivazidum is intended for treatment of all forms of tuberculosis at children and adults.
Drug is accepted inside.
As a rule, the dosage for adults makes on 5 tablets two-three times a day. Children accept drug at the rate of 30-40 mg on weight kg the day divided into three receptions.
At a tubercular lupus the dosage makes 3 tablets from three to four times a day. Duration of treatment is 1-1,5 months. If necessary, it is possible to pass a repeated course of treatment after a two-month break.
The maximum dosage of drug for adults: one-time – 10 tablets, daily – 20 tablets. For children: daily – 15 tablets.
In the instruction to Ftivazidum the following contraindications are specified:
According to reviews Ftivazidum can cause the following by-effects:
According to reviews Ftivazidum can cause increase of epileptic seizures in patients with epilepsy.
During pregnancy drug needs to be taken with caution, considering advantage for mother and potential risk for a fruit.
For the period of reception of Ftivazidum it is recommended to interrupt breastfeeding.
Ftivazidum strengthens side effects of alcohol, paracetamol, carbamazepine, benzodiazepines, gepatoksichesky drugs. Also strengthens action of antiagregant and anticoagulants, and reduces – glucocorticoids and mineralokortikoid.
Absorption of drug is slowed down by antacids.
For the period of administration of drug it is recommended to conduct ophthalmologic examination regularly.
Along with Ftivazidum it is reasonable to appoint B6 and B1 vitamins for prevention of development of neuritis.
During use of drug it is necessary to avoid driving and other mechanisms demanding the increased concentration of attention.
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