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Functional cyst

Oothecoma – the high-quality hollow formation of an ovary forming both in the ovary, and on its surface, filled with secretory liquid.Функциональная киста яичника

Functional cyst. Types. Development reasons

There are three types of cysts of ovaries:

  • Functional cysts of ovaries (follicular, lyuteinovy) – the hollow educations forming from natural structures of an ovary, appearing owing to disturbance of process of an ovulation and the continuing growth of a follicle (a structural component of the ovary containing the ovum surrounded with a layer of epithelial cells and several layers of connecting fabric);
  • Endometrioid cysts – the new growths developing owing to endometriosis (pathological growth of cells of an endometria);
  • Cystous tumors – the true new growths forming from new fabrics with change of the genetic device of cells with external signs, similar to cysts.

The functional cyst is the most widespread type of pathology of ovaries at women of childbearing age. The functional oothecoma, as a rule, develops from the structure which is formed in an ovary in the course of an ovulation. At normal process of maturing and an exit of an ovum of an ovary in his cavity the mucous bag which resolves after the ovum began the movement to a uterus is formed. At any disturbance of process of an ovulation, a hormonal imbalance, inflammatory process the functional oothecoma in which secretory liquid accumulates forms. The functional cyst happens two types:

  • Follicular functional cyst – the cystous education forming from the stretched follicle cover in the ovary. At ultrasonography monitoring the follicular cyst represents the single-chamber education with thin translucent walls developing towards an abdominal cavity;
  • Functional cyst of a yellow body (lyuteinovy functional cyst) – the cystous education forming from a yellow body (the temporary gland producing hormone progesterone) under the influence of luteinizing hormone of a hypophysis. Such cysts are formed after an ovulation. At ultrasonography monitoring the lyuteinovy cyst represents a unilateral tumor with thick walls, heat-sink liquid (sometimes with blood impurity).

The functional cyst develops at women of childbearing age more often and is extremely seldom diagnosed in a climacteric, and also at women is after 50 years. A functional cyst – the high-quality formation of temporality which is not regenerating in a malignant form. The functional cyst, as a rule, develops on the one hand in a dominant follicle.

Origins of a functional cyst still remain unknown. The factors causing formation of a functional cyst are:

  • Disturbance of a hormonal background;
  • Reception of contraceptives;
  • Addictions, stresses;
  • Way of life;
  • Other diseases.

However it should be noted that not all patients with disturbances of a hormonal background have a functional cyst.

Functional cyst: symptoms

In most cases the functional cyst is characterized by an asymptomatic current. The functional cyst at planned inspection of the patient is diagnosed or at inspection concerning other diseases of urinogenital system of the woman. At diagnosis of a functional cyst symptoms can be expressed as follows:

  • Feeling of pain and raspiraniye in inguinal area (as a rule, unilateral localization);
  • Painful feelings at sexual intercourses, exercise stresses;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Pains, irradiirushchy in a rectum;
  • Pains, irradiirushchy in a waist;
  • Disturbances of a menstrual cycle;
  • Scanty bloody allocations of incidental character in the middle of a menstrual cycle;
  • External manifestations in the form of a swelling in inguinal area (extremely rare manifestation which is observed at achievement by a cyst of the big sizes).Диагностика функциональной кисты

Expressiveness of symptoms of an oothecoma depends on the new growth sizes. Often at a functional cyst symptoms are not associated with cystous education and conduct examination for an exception of inflammatory processes, hormonal disturbances and other pathologies. At a functional cyst symptoms have the general character for a number of disturbances and diseases of urinogenital system.

Rupture of a functional cyst: risks

As a rule, the functional cyst does not bear health hazard of the patient. In certain cases the cyst leads to disturbance of reproductive function. The main risk at development of cystous formation of an ovary is the rupture of a functional cyst. This state is dangerous as can lead to the death of the patient. The main symptoms of a rupture of an oothecoma are:

  • Acute pain in inguinal area from the struck party;
  • Vulval bleeding;
  • Internal bleeding;
  • Pain, irradiirushchy in a rectum;
  • Weakness, loss of consciousness.

At such complication the patient needs the acute surgical management. For diagnosis of a rupture of a functional cyst the following methods are used:

  • Ultrasonography or computer tomography;
  • The puncture of a back wall of a vagina (in urgent cases) – emergence of blood allows to define a rupture of a functional oothecoma.

The rupture of a functional oothecoma is characterized by big blood loss (internal bleeding is more frequent symptom, than vulval). Death from blood loss is in certain cases possible.

Functional cyst: treatment

As a rule, when diagnosing a functional cyst treatment is not required. Patients with the diagnosed functional cyst need dynamic ultrasonography monitoring throughout several menstrual cycles as the cyst can regress and resolve completely.

Dynamics of development of a functional cyst defines further tactics of treatment. The functional cysts remaining throughout two menstrual cycles and more and also the recurrent cysts developing in the same ovary repeatedly are subject to treatment. At a functional cyst treatment can be conservative and radical.

In the preventive purposes homeopathic therapy, vitamins, change of a way of life (normalization of the mode of rest and work), emotional, physical rest, intimacy avoidance is recommended.

Conservative treatment is directed to normalization of a hormonal background of the patient, prevention of development of an inflammation and emergence of complications (a rupture of a functional cyst). At the expressed painful feelings the symptomatic treatment is applied.

Radical tactics of treatment (surgical excision of a cyst) is applied at risk of development of complications, and also at a rupture of a cyst. Now practices both a laparoscopic technique of carrying out operation, and traditional carrying out operation by band access. At an operative measure healthy tissue of an ovary at women of childbearing age as much as possible remains.

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