Main > Drugs> Galega


Галега – растение, применяемое в народной медицинеGalega – the perennial herbaceous plant belonging to family Bean.

Description of a galega medicinal

The plant, from 40 cm to 2,5 m high, has a rod root. Stalks are upright, numerous, branchy. Leaves are petiolar, odd-pinnate, with stipules, with 5-10 couples of lance-linear leaves, and on a top – sharp-pointed.

Flowers most often of light blue color, numerous, with long pedicels, are collected in dense alar brushes. Nimbus of light blue or pale violet color, papilionaceous. The cup is campaniform. The plant yields polyspermous fruits, up standing beans from 2 to 4 cm long of Semyon smooth, pochkovidny, chartreuse color.

The plant in Ukraine (The Crimea, the Dnieper district, the Carpathians), in the Caucasus, in Moldova and in the European part of Russia (The Black Sea, Lower Volga districts) grows.

Grows on coast and valleys of the rivers, along roads, among bushes, in steppes and mountain areas, on edges, in beechen, in subtropical mesohylies.

In the medical purposes seeds and a grass of a plant (flowers, leaves, stalks) are used.

Chemical composition of a galega medicinal

The plant contains alkaloids, saponins and other nitrogen-containing connections: 4 hydroxygalegine, galegine.

Roots of a galega contain triterpenoida.

In a grass of a plant alkaloids, carbohydrates, пеганин, вазицинон and other nitrogen-containing connections were found: tannins, кемпферол, pipecolic acid, ascorbic acid, Rutinum, flavonoids, meletin, carotene, bitter substances, galegine, tannin, fenolkarbonovy acids and their derivatives in a hydrolyzate (p-coumarinic, coffee, ferulic, sinapovy).

Seeds of a plant contain sucrose, steroids, stachyose, alkaloids, saponins and other nitrogen-containing connections, fat oil, and also acids: stearin, linolenic, linoleic, palmitic.

Use of a galega medicinal

Трава галеги лекарственнойEffect of galegine in scientific medicine is investigated. At introduction to a vein it causes increase in blood pressure. At topical administration it narrows pupils. Galegine narrows vessels, oppresses motility of intestines and strengthens secretion of breast milk.

Galegine is applied at treatment of diabetes as an additional tool to treatment by insulin that allows to reduce its dosages. Infusions from seeds of a galega use in the same purposes.

The galegine which is contained in a grass renders hypoglycemic effect, and пеганин is capable to tone up smooth muscles.

Drugs of a galega have diuretic and sudorific action. At women in labor increase milk secretion.

In traditional medicine broths and infusions from a galega medicinal apply at a diabetes mellitus and also as anthelmintic means.

Galega medicinal – a melliferous herb

The Galega is recognized as the best melliferous herb for a long time. This plant is capable to give as much nectar how many and a sainfoin. The plant blossoms together with a white acacia – in the middle of May. Blossoming continues for a month. From one hectare of a bee collect about 200 kg of nectar. It is much easier for bees to pollinate this plant as in it there is no tripling that allows bees not to pinch a proboscis in the course of collecting nectar.

After the end of blossoming the grass needs to be mown, then the plant will blossom in August and will blossom to the middle of September.

Contraindications of a galega medicinal

It is necessary to use galega drugs with care. Their long reception causes increase in blood pressure and can break functions of intestines.

To pregnant women doctors do not recommend to use galega drugs. Hypotonia and a hypertension are also a contraindication to the use.

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