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Gangleronum – the synthetic drug used at treatment of functional disorders of intestines.

Pharmacological action of Gangleronum

Ганглерон – синтетический препарат, применяемый при лечении функциональных расстройств кишечникаThe drug Gangleronum is capable to slow down transfer of nervous excitement with preganglionic on postganglionic fibers, thanks to ability to block N-holinoretseptory vegetative ганглиев, and also causes relaxation of unstriated muscles, exerts the oppressing impact on chromaffin tissue of adrenal glands and carotid balls, expands blood vessels, renders antiulcerous, ganglioblokiruyushchy, mestnoanesteziruyushchy, spasmolytic and koronarodilatiruyushchy action.

Release form

According to the instruction Gangleronum also 0,04 g of capsules on 50 pieces in packagings produce in the form of 2 ml 1,5% of ampoules on 10 pieces in packagings. One capsule of Gangleronum contains 40 mg of the active ingredient of the same name and sugar milk. One ml of solution Gangleronum contains 30 mg of the active ingredient of the same name and water for injections.

Gangleronum analogs

Gangleronum analogs on active ingredient are not released. On the mechanism of action and belonging to one pharmacological group carry medicines to Gangleronum analogs:

  • Gigrony;
  • Dimecolinum;
  • Kamfony;
  • Pyrilenum;
  • Spazmomen.

Indications to use of Gangleronum

According to the instruction Gangleronum is appointed at treatment of dyskinesia of biliary tract, acute cholecystitis, an acute hepatitis, simpatoganglionit, chronic hepatitis, a gangliosolyarit, chronic cholecystitis, a cholangitis and postcholecystectomy syndrome, and also for the prevention of attacks of stenocardia.

Gangleronum route of administration

According to the instruction Gangleronum is applied intramusculary on 1 ml three times or four times in the first day of treatment then the dose increases to 2-3 ml three times or four times a day. After 10 days of treatment solution for injections is replaced with capsules which accept before meal inside, washing down with water. At treatment of a fibrous and cystous mastopathy appoint reception of one capsule during meal within 2-3 weeks.


Ганглерон назначают при лечении дискинезии желчевыводящих путейAccording to the instruction Gangleronum is contraindicated to use at individual intolerance of components of drug, and also at arterial hypotension, a liver failure, a chronic renal failure and degenerative changes in the central nervous system.

Side effects of Gangleronum

Use of Gangleronum according to reviews causes allergic reactions, tachycardia, weakness, dryness in a mouth and dizziness. Also Gangleronum according to reviews falling victim to the tongue causes irritation, and at intravenous administration – decrease in memory, locks, an intestines atony, an orthostatic collapse and an ischuria.

Storage conditions

According to the instruction it is necessary to store Gangleronum in the unavailable to children and protected from light hit dry place at the room temperature to 25 °C. The medicine period of storage at observance of recommendations makes 2 years.

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Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.