Main > Diagnostic methods> Gastroscopy


Процедура гастроскопии желудкаGastroscopy is a kind of an endoscopic research at which examine mucous upper parts of digestive tract (a gullet, a stomach, a duodenum). Other alternative versions of the name are FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoskopiya), EGDS (ezofagogastroduodenoskopiya), the fibrogastroscopy. It is about the same inspection, despite a variety of names. It is possible to make gastroscopy on doctor's orders, it is not necessary most to appoint to himself such research.

Now gastroscopy of a stomach is carried out by means of a flexible fibrogastroskop in whom the fiber-optical system is placed. Thanks to mobility of distal (trailer) department of the device, it is possible to examine all sites mucous a gullet, a stomach and a duodenum. Gastroscopy without pain is reality. This procedure can carry both diagnostic, and medical character. Endoscopic digestive tract operations become more and more popular, and sometimes they allow to avoid open surgical interventions (for example, the helcomenia of a stomach can be stopped at gastroscopy by means of various methods – coagulations, clipings).

It is possible to make stomach gastroscopy in out-patient conditions, inspection is eurysynusic and becomes practically everywhere (policlinics, the private centers). Most often gastroscopy is appointed concerning complaints of the patient to nausea, pain in upper parts of a stomach, appetite change. This inspection surpasses all radiological methods in diagnosis accuracy, allows to carry out a biopsy and medical manipulations. Performance of gastroscopy to children of all age is possible.

Indications to gastroscopy

Indications to this inspection rather wide, at any suspicion of a disease of bodies of a digestive tract purpose of gastroscopy is justified.

  • Pains in upper parts of a stomach, nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • Symptoms of bleeding from upper parts of a digestive tract (vomiting with blood, a loss of consciousness, a characteristic chair - a melena);
  • Signs of bad passing of food when swallowing;
  • Suspicion on oncological process (anemia, weight loss, lack of appetite);
  • Diseases of other bodies of a GIT at which it is necessary to know a state mucous a stomach (for example, acute pancreatitis).


Contraindications to performance of gastroscopy depend on in what order the research is carried out. At the emergency gastroscopy (for example, at plentiful bleeding) contraindications are practically absent, and it can be carried out even at the patient with an acute myocardial infarction.

For planned gastroscopy contraindications are:

  • Heavy cardiovascular insufficiency, acute myocardial infarction;
  • Acute disorder of cerebral circulation;
  • The expressed respiratory insufficiency;
  • The recovery period after an acute myocardial infarction or a stroke;
  • Aortic aneurysm, aneurism of heart, aneurysm of carotid sine;
  • Disturbances of a cordial rhythm;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Heavy mental disturbances.

In the presence of contraindications consultation of the corresponding specialist is required to estimate probability of emergence of negative effects from a research and to estimate its expediency.

Preparation for stomach gastroscopy

Carrying out a research requires a condition that it was carried out on an empty stomach. The last meal has to be not less than in 6-8 hours prior to gastroscopy. Most often the procedure is carried out in the morning therefore it is enough of that in the morning the patient did not eat and did not drink. In the presence of removable dentures they need to be removed before carrying out a research. At a research it is important to estimate correctly mucous bodies of a GIT therefore preparation for gastroscopy of a stomach is very important for the patient. In 2-3 hours prior to a research smoking is forbidden. In a case performance of gastroscopy under anesthetic the period of starvation can be prolonged till 10-12 o'clock.


Gastroscopy without pain – a wish of all patients. In spite of the fact that pain during the research is practically absent, most of patients wait for them from manipulation. Usually gastroscopy of a stomach is carried out after irrigation of a throat by solution of local anesthetic (lidocaine), it becomes to lower an emetic reflex at the patient. Sometimes at the request of the patient (or according to indications) carrying out a research in the conditions of the general anesthesia is possible (intravenous), however gastroscopy under anesthetic can be executed on an outpatient basis not at all patients.

Technology of carrying out gastroscopy

For carrying out manipulation the patient keeps within on a table in situation on the left side, with a little bent legs, the back has to be straightened. Gastroscopy under anesthetic can be carried out also in situation on spin. After introduction of the gastroscope to an oral cavity of the patient ask to make the deglutitory movement which facilitates advance of the device in a gullet. To suppress an emetic reflex the patient has to observe quet deep breathing. Via the gastroscope air moves to straighten folds mucous a stomach and fully to examine all mucous membrane. Fear to choke during stomach gastroscopy absolutely unreasonably as interferes nothing with breath of the patient.

Фиброгастроскоп – инструмент для проведения гастроскопииThe doctor will attentively examine the internal surface of a gullet, stomach and duodenum, and in case of need will take a biopsy (a fabric piece). Medical manipulations are carried out by introduction to the channel of the endoscope of additional tools. Thus, it is possible to remove polyps (and also submucosal new growths) a gullet, a stomach or a duodenum, to stop bleeding from ulcers (acute and chronic), to impose ligatures on varicose expanded veins of a gullet, to take foreign bodys from a gastric cavity.

Gastroscopy to children

Performance of gastroscopy to children has a number of features. A mucous membrane at them thin, vulnerable, rich with vessels, the muscular layer of walls of bodies is developed poorly. Therefore special endoscopes of smaller diameter (only 6-9 mm) are used to children. At a younger age group (up to 6 years) gastroscopy under anesthetic is carried out. At children, 6 years are more senior, the general anesthesia is not required. The indication to an anesthesia is serious condition of the child or considerable duration of a research on time. Preparation for stomach gastroscopy at children has no distinctions, in comparison with adults.

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