Owing to internal bleeding in fabrics of bodies or muscles in some cases the cavities filled with blood are formed. In medicine this phenomenon is called hematomas, and it actually has a little general with usual superficial bruises. This fact is connected with the fact that the complications arising after hematomas (depending on the place of their localization) can be very serious and rather unpredictable. Regularly arising extensive hematomas which are formed even as a result of insignificant blows and bruises can testify, for example, to such serious illness as atherosclerosis of vessels or hemophilia. Therefore it is extremely important not to leave constantly developing hematomas indifferently and to manage to ask in time for the qualified medical care for establishment of the exact reason and treatment.
It is rather simple to distinguish a hematoma from usual bruise:
- in the field of education of a hematoma sharp morbidity is felt;
- a tumor in the place of localization of an injury;
- local temperature increase (surface of skin hot to the touch);
- restriction of mobility and normal functioning of muscles.
Most often refer traumatic impact on soft tissues to the reasons of hematomas – bruises, blows, jamming, squeezing, etc. The main mechanism of formation of hematomas is covered in ruptures of blood vessels. The hematoma size, weight of its state and terms of treatment are in direct dependence on the number of the damaged vessels, their sizes and the place of localization.
In the same communication specialists subdivide hematomas on hypodermic and formed on internals. In the latter case the damage rate, potential danger to a condition of the patient and purpose of competent treatment of a hematoma are defined only in the conditions of a medical hospital. Need of the obligatory appeal to medical institution is caused by the fact that accumulation of blood in the bodies which are responsible for work of life-supporting systems of an organism, for example, at a brain hematoma in short terms can lead to a full invalidism of the patient or even by a lethal outcome.
Their following versions belong to the most dangerous hematomas:
- a hematoma at pregnancy. The retrochorial hematoma becomes more and more widespread pathology during incubation of the child. Rather life-threatening a fruit also swear at a deviation results from amotio of fetal egg from placenta chorion. In the place of amotio food of fetal egg stops and the hematoma, sometimes very extensive sizes is formed. Spontaneous abortion, the stood pregnancy, a fruit hypoxia, a delay of pre-natal development and other pathologies can become an effect of a retrochorial hematoma at pregnancy.
- brain hematoma. Most often arises as result of traumatic influence – blow or falling. Frontal and temporal hematomas of a brain are most widespread. For confirmation of the diagnosis to the patient carrying out tomographic brain inspection is appointed.
- epidural hematoma. This type of a hematoma represents accumulation of clots in an epidural space (under a cranial surface).
- subdural hematoma. It is formed in space between arachnoidal and firm covers of a brain. It is considered the most dangerous type of hematomas because almost always leads to deviations in brain activity. Arises, as a rule, at patients in age category is more senior than sixty years.
To obviously diagnosed symptoms characteristic of hematomas, belong:
- morbidity;
- existence of a limited swelling in the field of an injury;
- discoloration of integuments from red-lilac to greenish-yellow;
- at internal hematomas characteristic symptoms are signs of squeezing of internals.
Need and the choice of tactics of treatment of hematomas is defined by specialists and first of all depends on their version. But if you are absolutely sure that the got hematoma has superficial character, and you will be able to cope with its treatment independently, then it is possible to recommend to use the following hematomas medicines.
At the hematoma which arose in a front part of the head it is necessary to impose as soon as possible a cold compress (best of all - ice) on the field of damage. Impact of cold will be resulted by sharp narrowing of blood vessels, and the hematoma will stop increasing in sizes.
At the injury got on an extremity, the best hematoma medicine is imposing of a pressure, compressing bandage. In this case it is necessary to be especially attentive to the state, to watch the body temperature and the general feelings since the probability that process of a rassasyvaniye of a blood clot will proceed insufficiently actively is high, there can be suppuration in the field of a hematoma and then rendering urgent medical care will be required.
At the slightest suspicion on developing of a hematoma of a brain, and also subdural, epidural or retrochorial hematomas the possibility of self-treatment is completely excluded. The patient needs to be hospitalized urgently in a hospital for holding necessary diagnostic procedures on existence of a hematoma of a brain and rendering the qualified help by it.
At traumatic damages of the small sizes it is possible to use the following recipes of folk remedies from hematomas:
- a vodka compress (to impregnate a gauze tampon with vodka and to impose on a hematoma, to wrap up with polyethylene, it is the best of all to apply for the night);
- salt bandages (to dissolve two tablespoons of salt in 100 ml of water, to impregnate with the received solution pure fabric from natural fibers, to strengthen a salt lotion on site of a hematoma by means of an elastic roller);
- a compress from vodka mix with vinegar (to mix 100 ml of vodka and 100 ml of divorced vinegar from 500 ml of cold boiled water, to impregnate with the received solution a fabric bandage and to impose on area of an injury);
- mix of juice of a radish and mustard powder (to mix ingredients before receiving gruel, to apply on a hematoma and to take some time, to feeling of tolerant burning then to wash away water of room temperature, for the most effective result – this compress is recommended to impose daily).
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