Main > Diseases> Hamaturia


Short characteristic of a disease


It is accepted to understand presence of blood (erythrocytes) at urine of the person as a hamaturia. Depending on intensity of process, are allocated a microscopic and macroscopic hamaturia. In the first case erythrocytes are found only under a microscope. Usually it occurs during the research of planned analyses. At a gross hematuria the disease comes to light on accurately visible discoloration of urine and demands immediate consultation from the specialist.

Now blood in urine periodically arises at 15-21% of adult men and women. At many patients long it is not possible to establish an actual reason of a disease without what treatment does not make any sense as the hamaturia in itself is only a consequence of the inflammatory or other adverse processes proceeding in kidneys, a bladder, an ureter, a prostate and an urethra.

In some cases the hamaturia which reasons features of an organism of the specific patient are does not cause any problems, and the person can live with it for the rest of the life. Such insignificant form of a disease comes to light at 9-10% of the people who addressed with complaints to blood in urine. Nevertheless, 90% of the remained patients seriously suffer from a hamaturia and need adequate complex treatment.

Hamaturia – causes of illness

  • diseases of kidneys and infection of uric ways;
  • malignant new growths;
  • high-quality gipreplaziya of a prostate;
  • mechanical injuries of a bladder;
  • the raised background radiation;
  • prostatitis;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • considerable exercise stresses;
  • the acute inflammatory processes affecting urinogenital system.

Symptoms of a hamaturia and diagnostic methods of a disease

Most often the hamaturia proves disturbances of an urination (sudden desires, morbidity of process, the increased frequency) and urine discoloration. These signs demonstrate existence of inflammatory processes in a bladder, an urethra or a prostate. Let's notice that even if the exact diagnosis - a hamaturia is made to the patient, treatment is carried out only after full inspection of the person as the main task of the doctor in this case – to find the reason of emergence of blood in urine.

The bacteriological research of urine helps to reveal infectious processes. The hamaturia which signs are shown in the form of irritable symptomatology of an urination, demonstrates existence of a carcinoma of a bladder. For statement of more exact diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a cytologic research of the liquid received as a result of washing of a bladder by isotonic solution of sodium of chloride. The same technique is used also in situations when blood in urine allows to assume existence of cancer of bladder.

Reduction of thickness of a stream of urine, uncertainty of desires and incomplete bladder emptying is symptoms of defeat of the lower site of the uric highway. If the hamaturia is followed by pains in side departments of a stomach, then the most probable bleeding points are an ureter or kidneys. The blood in urine arising against the background of fever allows to diagnose existence of a tumor or infection of kidneys.

Hamaturia – treatment of a disease

Лечение гематурии

At a disease macro-form the patient needs to see the attending physician and to undergo full inspection for definition of a cause of illness. If the hamaturia proves suddenly and is followed by a considerable loss of blood, then the patient needs to administer the kroveostanavlivayushchy drugs and means increasing coagulability of blood. Along with it examination of an organism regarding infections and inflammatory processes is conducted.

We already mentioned above that regardless of how the hamaturia proves, treatment has to be carried out only after comprehensive inspection and delivery of necessary analyses. Otherwise, medical procedures will give only short-term effect, insignificant without elimination of an etiology. However, strongly to be frightened if at you found blood in urine, - is not necessary as this fact in itself does not testify to gravity of a disease at all.

Treatment of a hamaturia folk remedies

  • fill in bark or a root barberries with 1 glass of boiled water and boil thoroughly mix within 20 minutes. It is necessary to drink broth 2-3 times a day on 3 tablespoons;
  • fill in 20 g of roots of blackberry 0,5 glasses of red wine and take on slow fire within 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to use broth 3 times a day on 2 tablespoons;
  • also powder of leaves of a bearberry will help to cope with a hamaturia. Mix it in equal proportions with icing sugar and accept each 4 hours according to 1 h to a spoon.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.