Main > Diseases> Hydradenitis


Short characteristic of a disease

The hydradenitis is a disease which is connected with an inflammation of sweat glands. As their greatest concentration is noted in axillary hollows, and the hydradenitis most often arises in armpits. Provocative factors are slovenliness, non-compliance with hygiene of a body and the increased perspiration. They lead to an inflammation of a sebaceous gland which quickly increases in sizes and becomes similar to a cow udder. Can cause a hydradenitis also some other reasons, in particular, reorganization of endocrine system or the lowered immunity. If the diagnosis a hydradenitis is made to the patient, treatment includes the whole complex of methods – from fortifying procedures to surgical intervention and use of national recipes.

Hydradenitis – disease symptoms

Гидраденит под мышкой

At an inflammation of sweat glands in axillary area there is a dense node (sometimes several nodes) which is located under skin in the beginning, and then begins to act over its surface. The amount of education fluctuates from 0,5 to 3 cm. From furuncles and other purulent inflammations it is easy to distinguish a hydradenitis on a shade characteristic crimson cyanotic.

Let's notice that inflammatory process can move from one sweat gland to another, and also occupy at once several output canals. Most often the hydradenitis under the arm meets, however cases of emergence of educations in pubic and paraumbilical area or around a pilar part of the head and on a neck are frequent.

Among the main symptoms allowing to diagnose a disease it should be noted:

  • emergence of a dense node which towers over the surface of skin;
  • constant itch in the field of an inflammation, and sometimes and sharp pains;
  • the increased body temperature;
  • in the absence of treatment hems, the fistular courses and comedones (black eels) are formed.

Hydradenitis – treatment in the standard medicamentous ways

The inflamed site is processed disinfecting solutions and antiseptic drugs. The greatest efficiency is shown: bactericidal soap, 5% iodic tincture, 2% boric alcohol, Neomycinum (ointment) and lotions of 2% clindamycin solution. At the made diagnosis a hydradenitis, treatment has to be followed by regular hygienic procedures and care of a body. At late stages surgical treatment is recommended to patients. It consists in opening and excision of affected areas of fabrics and removal of the fistular courses. Operational methods are applied when conservative treatment does not result in the expected results.

To patients antimicrobic therapy is surely appointed: doxycycline (on 100 mg. 2 times a day), tetracycline (on 250 mg. 3-4 times a day), erythromycin (on 0,25 g 3-4 times a day). The course of treatment lasts about 14 days.

If at the person the recurrent hydradenitis is observed, treatment means carrying out a specific immunotherapy at which gamma-globulin and staphylococcal vaccines are applied.

In most cases the forecast of treatment favorable, but it is necessary to consider that inflammations very seldom disappear in itself. Even if it also occurred, a disease all the same will prove later therefore at reasonable suspicion on a hydradenitis you need to see urgently a doctor to avoid unpleasant effects in the form of hems and fistulas.

Are among preventive actions: respect for hygiene, the prevention of excess body weight, an exception of the cosmetic and perfumery means rendering irritant action on skin.

Hydradenitis – national treatment of a disease

At emergence of inflammations it is necessary to provide to the patient rest and to change its standard food allowance to food, vitamin-rich and microelements. From among the folk remedies checked by time we can select the following recipes:

  • leaves of an aloe treelike are carefully washed out by warm water, cut lengthways and put to an affected area. Leaves in itself aloes are not capable to cure a disease, but they have bactericidal effect and are perfectly combined with other means;
  • fresh leaves of a plantain carefully warm up in hands until begin to start up juice. After that they are imposed on a hydradenitis under the arm for 15-20 minutes by 3-4 times a day. Good efficiency also fresh juice of a plantain has;
  • leaves of fresh celery are washed out in warm water, warm up and put to an affected area several times a day;
  • at the diagnosis the hydradenitis, folk remedies can be combined with use of solution of sea salt. He prepares so: in a glass of warm boiled water 2 h a spoon of dry sea salt are dissolved. The received mix is filtered through several layers of a gauze and applied to the washing inflamed sites of 4-5 times a day;
  • one teaspoon of flowers of a camomile, sage, eucalyptus or calendula is filled in with a glass of boiled water. Then solution is filtered and infuses within a day. It is necessary to wash out the inflamed site several times a day.

If the diagnosis a hydradenitis is made to the person, national treatment can replace surgical and other traditional methods with success, but before applying broths and infusions – consult to the attending physician or address the experienced homeopathist.

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