Main > Diseases> Glycemia


Чем опасен пониженный уровень гликемииThe term "glycemia" was offered in the 19th century by the French physiologist Claude Bernard for designation of an indicator of content of sugar in blood.

Level of a glycemia can be a miscellaneous: normal, lowered or raised. Normal concentration of glucose is equal in blood to 3,5-5,5 mmol/l, and stability of this indicator as, otherwise, the brain and all organism in general cannot function in the correct mode is important.

If sugar is lowered, speak about a so-called hypoglycemia and when its level is higher than norm – about a hyperglycemia. Both states are dangerous: at an exit for a framework of critical marks of people can faint and even to fell into a coma.

Glycemia symptoms

At normal concentration of glucose in blood symptoms of a glycemia are not shown as the organism works well and copes with loadings. When the norm is broken, there are most various displays of pathology.

At exceeding of figures of admissible value (hyperglycemia) glycemia symptoms following:

  • Strong thirst;
  • Skin itch;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Irritability;
  • Bystry fatigue;
  • Loss of consciousness and coma (in especially hard cases).

The condition of a hyperglycemia is peculiar first of all a sick diabetes mellitus. At such patients because of absence or deficit of own insulin after meal sugar in blood (a postprandialny glycemia) raises.

Certain changes in functioning of all organism arise also at a hypoglycemia. It should be noted that sometimes such state is peculiar to absolutely healthy people, for example, at big exercise stresses or very rigid diet, and also or the overdose of glucose-lowering drugs arose a sick diabetes mellitus if the dose of insulin is picked incorrectly up.

In this case glycemia symptoms following:

  • Strong feeling of hunger;
  • Dizziness and general weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Lack of coordination of movements;
  • Coma or loss of consciousness (in extreme cases).

Determination of level of a glycemia

Apply two main ways to determination of level of a glycemia:

  • Measurement of sugar on blood test;
  • The tolerance test to glucose.

The first revealed indicator – disturbance of a glycemia on an empty stomach which not always testifies to a disease. It is quite widespread way which consists in definition of concentration of glucose in capillary blood (from a finger) after starvation within eight hours (as a rule, in the morning after a dream).

The broken glycemia on an empty stomach, or NGN – a state at which the content of sugar in plasma (or blood) on an empty stomach exceeds normal level, but below the threshold value which is a diagnostic character of diabetes. The indicator in 6,2 mmol/l is considered boundary.

It is necessary to know that for confirmation of forecasts and statement of the exact diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a research not less than two times, and it is desirable in different days to avoid situational mistakes. For reliability of results of the analysis it is important not to accept the drugs influencing a hormonal background.

For specification of a state, except identification of level of a glycemia on an empty stomach, it is important to conduct the second additional research: the tolerance test to glucose. An operations procedure at this test following:

  • Standard blood test on an empty stomach;
  • Reception by the patient of 75 g of glucose (usually in the form of aqueous solution);
  • Repeated blood sampling and the analysis in two hours after peroral loading.

The received figures to 7,8 mmol/l are considered as normal if they reach 10,3 mmol/l, it is desirable to undergo additional inspection. A sign of a diabetes mellitus is exceeding of border in 10,3 mmol/l.

Treatment of a glycemia

At disturbance of a glycemia treatment is appointed by the doctor, however correction of a way of life is the cornerstone of all therapeutic influences. Sometimes, especially in hard cases, medical supplies are used.

Гипергликемия - симптомы и методы леченияThe most important in treatment of a glycemia is an observance of a diet. Patients with a diabetes mellitus have to pay special attention to a glycemic index of food stuffs and use only those from them which are characterized by a low index. Both in case of a hyperglycemia, and at a condition of a hypoglycemia it is necessary to adhere to fractional food, that is to eat often, but gradually. At a diet there have to be complex carbohydrates which are long acquired and provide an organism with energy for a long time. "Bad" carbohydrates, especially sugar and products from white flour, it is recommended to exclude from the menu completely. Proteins in food have to be in enough, and here fats should be limited.

Not less important point in treatment of a glycemia is physical activity and the weight reduction accompanying it. Recent large-scale researches in the USA, China and Finland allowed to assume that even moderate weight loss and only 30-minute daily walk reduce risk of a disease of a diabetes mellitus by more than two times.

Often symptoms of a glycemia are not shown or contact other diseases, being found in a random way. In this situation even at subjectively good health of the patient it is impossible to refuse treatment.

It should be noted that sometimes the glycemia is caused by heredity therefore to persons with predisposition to diseases of endocrine character, it is regularly recommended to take a blood test on the analysis.

Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.