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Glyutamat of sodium

Nutritional supplement глютамат sodium (E621) - meets in the nature in some amino acids of glyutaminovy acid. The modern food industry uses it for strengthening of taste of gastronomic products.

Glyutamat of sodium represents the water-soluble white crystal powder having a chemical formula C5H8NNaO4. Japanese who added to food powder from dried seaweed rich with glyutaminovy acid knew of its ability to increase taste of dishes already at the beginning of the XX century.

In the same place, in Japan, глютамат sodium it was received in pure form by method of fermentation of carbohydrates in 1907 and it is patented by large corporation. From now on it is made in the industrial way and actively used at production of food stuffs.

Up to the 60th years of the XX century глютамат sodium received from a wheaten gluten. Today as raw materials for reaction of bacterial fermentation use treacle, a sugarcane or sugar beet, starch. Annually in the modern world 1,5 million tons of E621 nutritional supplement are on sale and used.

In proteinaceous cells of many living beings (including the person) can be found глютамат sodium (therefore some technologists call it "meat salt"). In the natural form it meets in bean, such products as soy sauce, soy and barmy extracts, roquefort cheese, and also in meat, fish, dairy products, corn, mushrooms.

Action of a glyutamat of sodium as the amplifier of taste is based on increase in sensitivity of receptors, neurotransmitters, conductivity of nervous channels and force of an impulse. Such effect lasts about 20 minutes after the use.

In medicine glutaminic acid and its derivatives are used as nootrop and psychostimulants. In the modern food industry глютамат sodium it is used almost everywhere, especially at production of semi-finished products and fast food – chips, croutons, canned food, the frozen semi-finished products, sauces, seasonings, cubes and there is a lot of another.

Taste of a glyutamat of sodium

To describe own taste of a glyutamat of sodium rather difficult. It is impossible to call it neither sweet, nor salty, nor acid and bitter. Japanese call it "minds", that is "tasty" and consider the fifth taste. Some compare taste of a glyutamat of sodium to taste of a beef-infusion broth, someone calls juicy. It is possible to tell that it is certain "full taste", orexigenic.

Harm of a glyutamat of sodium

The set of the researches which proved that in small amounts глютамат sodium it is absolutely harmless to a human body was conducted. If to use additive constantly and in high doses, the so-called syndrome of the Chinese restaurant – the strengthened sweating, reddening of integuments, a headache, the general weakness, the strengthened heartbeat and pain behind a breast develops.

Data of experiences according to which at the experimental rats who for a long time were regularly using глютамат sodium in large numbers deterioration in sight was noted are known, the eye retina became thinner, and E621 collected in a vitreous. At the same time small doses of substance of deteriorations in sight did not cause.

At persons aged from 40 up to 60 years the irregular use of a glyutamat of sodium can increase risk of emergence of excess body weight though the sufficient evidential base in this respect does not exist. There is an opinion (too yet not confirmed) that abuse of this substance can provoke development of asthma and even Alzheimer's disease.

Thus, scientific proofs of harm of a glyutamat of sodium at its use in reasonable doses are not revealed, however you should not be fond of nutritional supplements needlessly.

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