Starvation in house conditions call voluntary refusal of the use of any food. The voluntary termination of meal on a certain period leads to surprising changes. At starvation reserve forces of an organism join, work on destruction of harmful deposits begins. Deposits of salts, toxic products of exchange, slags are brought out of an organism. During starvation in a liver the glycogen stock decreases, metabolism is slowed down, dizziness and weakness develops. Then the human body passes to endogenous (internal) food at the expense of the saved-up lipoblasts. Those who got rid of extra kilos by means of starvation in house conditions, noted its surprising results. This feeling of youth and ease, improvement of a condition of nails and hair, disposal of snore.
Allocate several kinds of starvation. At complete (water) starvation it is possible to use only water in unlimited number. This type of starvation is suitable both for treatment of various diseases, and for weight loss. For strengthening of medical effect it is recommended to use the distilled water. It is necessary to leave water starvation very carefully, under supervision of specialists. Absolute (dry) starvation consists in absolute refusal of the use of liquids and food. Dry starvation has to last no more than three days. It is undesirable to apply a complete starvation in house conditions. It is the best of all to practice this type of starvation in sanatoria and recreational complexes.
On duration food abstention can be one-day (daily), three-day, five-day, week (seven-day) and long. At daily starvation it is allowed to use only water.
Three-day starvation in house conditions can be used for reset and cleaning of an organism. 3-day starvation is referred to the most optimum terms of starvation.
The technique of carrying out three-day starvation does not differ from one-day food abstentions. Before carrying out 3-day starvation in house conditions it is desirable to consult with the specialist. 3-day starvation is possible even during pregnancy and a lactation. At three-day starvation the organism passes to internal food only partially. You should not begin three-day starvation, without having carried out several times one-day.
Week food abstention is directed to clarification of an organism and treatment from various diseases. Long starvation can last about one month. This type of starvation should be carried out only in sanatoria and specialized complexes. At any kind of food abstention it is useful to keep the diary of starvation. It is necessary to write down the feelings and objective data testimonial of change of a state in the diary of starvation.
It is possible to refer the recreational effect resulting from activation of protective forces of an organism to undoubted pluses of medical starvation. Process of starvation makes positive impact on endocrine system, an organism metabolism. At food abstention salt deposits of a backbone and joints evaporate. Starvation not only clears an organism, but also activates all processes at the cellular and molecular and fabric level.
It is possible to refer need of use of regular practice of clarification to minuses of food abstention. One-time starvations in house conditions will not result in the necessary result. Before food abstention preliminary preparation is necessary. It is very important to study a method of starvation and to gradually increase its duration.
Before starvation it is very important to clear intestines that toxins were not soaked up and did not poison an organism. Apply laxatives and enemas to cleaning of intestines. The popular writer of starvation Paul Bragg noted that it is possible to start food abstention and without preliminary preparation. However the modern person needs preliminary clarification. Bad quality of foodstuff and level of ecology lead to strong pollution of intestines. The poisons which are saved up in a digestive tract can get to circulatory system. In two-three days prior to starvation it is the best of all to pass to milk and vegetable food, having excluded from a diet bean and meat. Rough food will help to clear intestines walls. All this will provide easy transition to starvation, good health and effective weight loss.
It is very important to leave starvation correctly. A classical exit from starvation reception of liquid and digestible food is considered. Food should be entered in the small portions. At first it is necessary to enter the wiped vegetables, salads, and then porridges and meat dishes into a diet. The fruit and vegetable juice diluted with water best of all is suitable for the first meal. Bragg at the exit recommended to eat the tomatoes warmed in warm water and peeled of a peel.
The wrong starvation in house conditions can lead to organism poisoning, disturbance of a lipometabolism, and also to loss of muscle bulk.
At starvation for 5 days on the eve of the first day it is necessary to accept laxative. For this purpose 60 g of sulfate magnesia dissolve in 100 ml of hot water. The received solution is accepted inside in a warm look. Next day it is necessary to make a cleansing enema, and then to take a ten-minute shower or a bath. After that slightly added some salt water it is necessary to wash out a nasopharynx, to clean teeth and language a soft brush. Then to rinse an oral cavity and a throat solution of baking soda or potassium permanganate. After hydrotherapeutic procedures it is necessary to carry out self-massage or the general pressing massage to easy erubescence. After massage – obligatory gymnastics and walk in the fresh air. Day at food abstention has to be filled physical and brainwork, positive communication. At starvation it is necessary to write down changes of indicators of pulse, temperature, arterial pressure, a respiration rate in the diary. The effect gained from starvation for 5 days in house conditions has to be set by healthy nutrition during recovery.
According to a lunar calendar starvation up to seven days should be carried out only to the second or fourth phases of a lunar cycle. In a lunar calendar of starvation it is specified that during this period there is a natural clarification of a human body. It is better to begin food abstention more than a week so that the majority of days of hunger were the share of the second and fourth phases of a lunar cycle.
According to a calendar starvation should be planned more than 14 days so that an exit from hunger matched the beginning of a lunar cycle. Starvation in the first and third phases of a lunar cycle is considered ineffective. The organism badly gives slags to this period. One-day food abstention it is the best of all to carry out in the 11th day after a new moon and in the 11th day after a full moon.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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