Main > Diseases> Tooth granuloma

Tooth granuloma

Как лечить гранулему корня зубаThe granuloma of tooth is an inflammation of fabrics in the field of a tooth root which represents a small purulent node with a diameter of 5-8 mm. This center of an infection, despite the small sizes, is capable to cause the complications which are going beyond stomatology:

  • Tooth cyst;
  • Formation of the fistular course;
  • Gingiva inflammation;
  • Phlegmon;
  • Antritis;
  • Maxillary osteomyelitis;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Infectious myocarditis;
  • Disturbance of work of kidneys, heart and other vitals;
  • General blood poisoning.

Such effects can arise if treatment of a granuloma of tooth was not carried out in an initial stage of a disease, and tissues of a gum sprouted deep into a purulent sack.

Reasons and symptoms of a granuloma of tooth

Emergence and development of a granuloma of tooth can be near is caused the reasons:

  • Injuries – injuries of a jaw and soft tissues;
  • Dental diseases – periodontitis, perikoronarit, a pulpitis;
  • Negligence of doctors – incorrect treatment or removal of nerves, use of unsterile tools.

The following adverse factors can provoke acute clinical manifestations of a granuloma of a fang:

  • Decrease in immunity;
  • Overcooling;
  • Cold;
  • Sharp change of climatic conditions;
  • Excessive exercise stress;
  • Intellectual overstrain;
  • Psychoemotional shock.

The granuloma of tooth represents the localized inflammatory education with thin walls. Granulyatsionny fabric intensively expands because replaces the cells perishing at inflammatory process. Existence of a granuloma can remain unnoticed up to achievement of the considerable sizes.

Sometimes the disease comes to light only by means of the orthopan-tomogram or a X-ray analysis of tooth at the address to the stomatologist in other occasions as signs of a granuloma of a fang can be absent. It is dangerous that the chronic asymptomatic course of a disease can lead to a maxillary cyst. In this case the necrotic masses and the died bacteria accumulate in the dense capsule which is formed at a tooth granuloma otgranicheniya from surrounding fabrics.

In an initial stage of an inflammation insignificant manifestations in the form of a swelling and reddening of gums, darkening of tooth and pain are probable. Afterwards, with growth of a small knot, body temperature increases and the dentagra amplifies. From the infectious center pus begins to be emitted. Suppuration, as a rule, is followed by a dontogenous periostitis (gumboil).

Prevention and treatment of a granuloma of tooth

Depending on the sizes of the inflamed node, conditions of surrounding fabrics and existence of complications, a granuloma of tooth it is treated by various methods:

  • Гранулема зуба - причины и признакиConservative. The cavity of a granuloma is filled with sealing material which is entered via the root channel. The infection is eliminated with antibiotics;
  • Surgical. The root top resection, hemisection of tooth or its removal is carried out. If the abscess accompanying okolochelyustny developed, then it is opened and drained.

Preservation of tooth is impossible if the granuloma is followed by such complications as a vertical crack and multiple perforation of a root, impassability of the root channel, and also the expressed destructions of tooth at which it cannot be recovered.

Preventive actions consist, first of all, in respect for hygiene of an oral cavity and regular visit of a dental office. It is necessary to see a doctor at the first symptoms of a granuloma of tooth or other diseases of dentoalveolar system which can cause it.

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