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Useful properties of buckwheat

The basic and the known useful property of buckwheat is the high content in it of iron that helps at the low level of hemoglobin, anemia. Besides buckwheat contains zinc, molybdenum, potassium, iodine, cobalt, vitamins B, E, PP, phosphorus, calcium.

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Kcal buckwheat 305 caloric content in 100gr a ready-made product, but thanks to the easily acquired proteins, carbohydrates grain can be used as dietary food - it for a long time gives feeling of satiety.

Useful properties of buckwheat are considered by representatives of official medicine and often include grain in a medical diet of patients with a hypertension, atherosclerosis, patients with puffiness of various origin, abnormal liver functions.

It is a lot of good reviews of the buckwheat used for the purpose of recovery of digestion, work of nervous, muscular systems, improvement of allocation of a secret of a stomach, elimination of symptoms of chronic fatigue, stabilization of a cordial rhythm, appetite improvement.

Thanks to the contained B2 vitamin also such useful properties of buckwheat as sight improvement, prevention of conjunctivitis, reduction of a photophobia are known.

Buckwheat also contains Rutinum which at the regular use of grain helps to condense and strengthen walls of vessels. Therefore it is desirable to include buckwheat in a diet that who has varicosity and hemorrhoids.

Use of buckwheat

At atherosclerosis buckwheat kissel is useful. For its preparation one tablespoon of grain is parted by 100 ml of water and cook two minutes on slow fire. To drink kissel 1 month on 200 ml 2 times a day are shown. It is possible to repeat treatment through 2-4ned.

To treatment of a furunculosis buckwheat is applied outwardly: five minutes it is necessary to calcinate buckwheat, after to crush in powder, to fill in with water that flat cake turned out. It is imposed on eels on 15-20min.

For simplification of a state at osteochondrosis and treatments of sleeplessness it is useful to sleep on the pillows filled by a buckwheat peel.

Actively practice a diet on buckwheat. It is for this purpose better to use the raw, not fried and whole grain – green buckwheat. Sense of such diet – it is possible to use unsalted porridge without restriction for one, two weeks. In the course of observance of a diet on buckwheat it is allowed to eat in day in addition on one apple, to drink one glass of low-fat kefir, it is possible to drink water.

For a diet on buckwheat it is better to steam grain in a thermos, so it is ready to the use through two or three hours. If to steam grain in a pan, it is necessary to draw it all night long. The inflated friable buckwheat is eaten without spices, by salts, sugar, milk.

Thanks to rather low caloric content of buckwheat, ability of grain to clear an organism, and good digestibility of a product this diet allows to remove 3-8kg in two weeks. A repeated course of weight loss can be conducted in a month, at the same time it is noted that weight reduction takes place not so intensively, but the received result remains long time.

Caloric content of buckwheat and a set of the nutrients which are contained in it allows to use it and for carrying out fasting days: 1-2 times a week should be eaten only the porridge made described above in the way.

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Good reviews of the buckwheat with kefir helping to clear a liver and intestines. For clarification for 10 days it is recommended to eat the buckwheat which is filled in with kefir in the mornings (night infuses). Buckwheat is eaten instead of a breakfast, in an hour it is possible to drink 200 ml of warm water and only in two hours to eat something. It is good to conduct such cleaning courses two or three times a year.

Except a diet green buckwheat is useful to prevention of a varicosity, strengthening of immunity, improvement of blood circulation of removal of cholesterol, heavy metals, slags, improvement of digestion, reduction of amount of sugar in blood. For this purpose it is necessary to use germinated green buckwheat: the washed-out grain is filled in with drinking water and left for two hours. After water merge and leave wet buckwheat in the dark place for three days, stirring slowly several times a day. After 36 h on grechany grains there will be sprouts, it means that porridge is ready to the use. Grain needs to be washed out from slime, it is possible to add salt and vegetable oil.


Judging by responses, buckwheat in large numbers can do much harm in the presence of gastritis, GIT ulcers. Also it is necessary to consider that buckwheat can provoke education in intestines of gases and slime.

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