
Useful properties of a pear

The pear contains cellulose, pectins, vitamins A, E, C, groups B, organic acids, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, calcium, fluorine, molybdenum.


Pear caloric content – only 42 kcal in 100gr fruit.

Thanks to saturated structure such useful properties of a pear are known: prevention of gastritis, pathologies of a liver, mochelopolovy system, cholecystitis, treatment of headaches, depressions, sleeplessnesses. The pear is excellent diuretic, is useful to heart and vessels – fruit stabilizes a heart rhythm, removes cholesterol, strengthens vessels, stimulates a blood stream.

Low caloric content of a pear and insignificant content of carbohydrates gives the chance to use it sick diabetes, to the people suffering from various disturbances in work of a pancreas and obesity.

It is also established that the pear stimulates immunity, helps to remove toxins, heavy metals, and the knitting substances which are contained in it strengthen a stomach and intestines.

Use of a pear

It is considered that wild grades of a pear are most useful.

For removal of temperature at fever and elimination of cough it is useful to drink fruit decoction, and juice from a forest pear serves as good diuretic.

At prostatitis pear broth also helps, and its long use in most cases leads to full treatment. For prevention of prostatitis men after 50 l are recommended to drink pear compote or tea regularly. At the same time also the dried-up forest pear prepared for the winter helps.

At diseases of lungs the pear is recommended to eat fresh, and the baked or boiled fruits help at bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis – eliminate cough.

Broth can also be used at inflammations of urinary channels, an urolithiasis.

The knitting useful properties of a pear can be increased, adding oats decoction to pear compote.

At diabetes it is recommended to drink daily fresh pear juice – on 50-70gr for half an hour before meal.

Low caloric content of a pear, low content of chlorine, sodium, gives the chance to include fruits in the electrolyte-deficient diets appointed at nephrite, heart troubles, vessels.

For elimination of a lock it is recommended to eat a pear boiled, and at food poisoning as an additional tool it is necessary to eat on a half of a fresh pear each hour.

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For clarification of an organism, prevention of cardiovascular diseases fasting "pear" days give good result. Considering the low caloric content of a pear, fruit thus in addition helps to fight against excess weight. It is necessary to eat two times a week only fresh pears: 1,5 or 2 kilograms a day. If fruits very firm, them it is possible to weld a little.

To the people having anemia is shown to eat every day two big pears instead of a dessert. At the same time for bigger effect it is necessary to mash fruit pulp, to mix with 2 teaspoons of honey.

At eczema applications from pear pulp help: it is imposed on affected areas of skin for some time.

At cystitis it is useful to eat every day before recovery two or three baked pears powdered with sugar.

Masks from pear pulp actively apply in cosmetology: they narrow pores, improve elasticity, heal cracks and grazes, tone up and rejuvenate.


Using a pear, it is not recommended to clear it of a peel - it contains cellulose and nutritious phytonutrients.

It is impossible to eat this fruit on an empty stomach, right after food (especially after meat and other heavy food), to wash down with water. Also do not advise to use pears to people with intestinal frustration, GIT diseases.

Elderly people after 70 l for the prevention of problems with a stomach are recommended to bake slightly pears or to use only fleshy and soft fruits.

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