Main > Food stuffs> Guava


On our counters this fruit shows exotic, however on the homeland it is very popular, first of all, because of the high content of ascorbic acid.

Гуава на дереве


Guava – a tree from family Myrtaceous. Actually, some botanists carry this plant to the category of bushes. Nevertheless, for a bush quite high – sometimes it reaches a plant in height of 20 meters, and the size of fruits can usually be compared to a tennis ball. Fruits have a thin skin, a greenish or yellowish shade, with a characteristic strong smell. On average, one fruit weighs from 90 to 130 g. Pulp of a guava has soft gentle taste and various shades. Fruits meet yellow, white, pink or bright red pulp in which there is a set of small firm round seeds.

Smell at guava fruits always pleasant though it is sometimes too strongly expressed. But in it distinctive property of a guava – if also consists, for example, in the room it is strongly smoked, it is rather simple to bring the fresh cut fruit and it will quickly kill a tobacco smell.

The homeland of a guava the American continent – South and Central America where tree fruits since ancient times were eaten by locals is considered. The first written mentioning of a plant occurs in 1553 at the Spanish historian Pedro de Siessa de León in his book "Peruvian Chronicle".

From the American continent the plant extended worldwide. The guava grows only in regions with warm climate – in tropics and subtropics. In the people it is also called tropical apple and grown up in Asia, Africa, North America, Egypt, Israel, India, Colombia now, etc.

On the homeland the guava is widely applied in cookery. From it cook various drinks, salads, puree, jams and tasty ice cream. In our latitudes the guava can preferential be tried only fresh. But even at such limited choice its taste will hardly leave somebody indifferent.

Structure and caloric content of a guava

In 100 g of a guava contains: 81 g of water, 12,5 g of carbohydrates, 5,4 g of cellulose, 2,5 g of proteins, 1,4 g of ashes, 0,9 g of fats; vitamins: And, B1, B2, RR, B5, B6, B9, With (to 240 g!), E; macrocells: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; microelements: zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron.

Guava caloric content low also makes about 68 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Thus, despite low caloric content, the guava is extremely nutritious and useful. And vitamin C in it contains five times more, than in a citrus. And, the color at pulp is lighter, the it is more in it than vitamin C.

Useful properties of a guava

Thanks to the high content of ascorbic acid it is useful to use a guava for strengthening of bones and lymphatic system, and also for a raising of the general tone of an organism. Lymphatic system in general plays an important role in normal life activity. If in its work there are any failures, then it can lead even to a lethal outcome. And here it is much more difficult to support her normal sometimes, than circulatory system!

One more advantage of a guava consists in the beta carotene which is contained preferential in red fruits. And it is possible to find in some fruits even Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The European nutritionists consider that the guava has to be present at a diet of pregnant women and the feeding women, and also small children surely.

It is important to know also about the bactericidal, antimicrobic, antiseptic and knitting properties of a guava which with success are used in traditional medicine of many countries of the world.

For example, in the countries of Latin America consider that the advantage of a guava is obvious at gastrointestinal problems, diseases of a throat and lungs. And on islands of the Atlantic Ocean it is applied at epilepsy and spasms. In some countries consider that the guava bears advantage and for heart diseases and in general it perfectly strengthens immunity and is an irreplaceable product of healthy food.

Плоды гуавы

Thanks to the high content of cellulose, the guava is excellent means from locks.

In the medical purposes use not only fruits, but also leaves, bark and flowers of a plant. Leaves are made and drunk as tea at dysentery, gastric disturbances, dizzinesses and disturbances of a menstrual cycle.

At throat diseases of broth from leaves of a guava rinse a throat, apply it also at the increased temperature and cough. Outwardly broth is applied at various skin diseases, abscesses and wounds. And when tooth hurts, chew fresh leaves of a plant.

The peel of a guava contains much more antioxidants, than in its fruits so crude it is possible to refer antiallergenic, antineoplastic, antiinflammatory, soothing and spasmolytic influence to properties of a guava.

However it is worth knowing that the peel in certain cases can cause increase in level of glucose in blood therefore with care diabetics should treat it. And stones of a guava can become the reason of irritation of a throat at the excessive use of fruit.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.